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49.6% of all people are lying to themselves


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I'd second guess taking steroids primarily because of health effects. I'm not exactly sure what effects there are and how serious they can be, but if it was going to jeapordize my health, I'd pass. No health effects, then hell ya I'd take them.

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A poll on ESPN.com asked:


"Would you take steroids if it helped you earn millions of dollars as a pro athlete?


50.3% say yes

49.6% say no 


(apparenly .1% are BF_In_Indiana, and found the question unfair to Ron Artest, but I digress).



I would. I already spend 20 bucks a month for 'em so my temporal arteries don't explode and splatter others with blood. :w00t:

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Ok, people have died early from taking steroids. But people die early from cancer, heart disease, the list goes on and on, and on... I would add one more possible thing to kill me at a younger age if it meant having enough money so everyone in my family was comfortable, and that goddamn monkey on everyones back (MONEY) wasn't always there.


I think the immediate side effects are your balls shrink and acne. Give me some retin-A and lesss adjusting i have to do during the day? Sign me up!

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Has anyone ever noticed the number of pro atheletes who's sons (and not daughters) seem to have strange medical conditions? Think it through before responding. I've often wondered about it resulting from what they put into their bodies for conditioning.

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Has anyone ever noticed the number of pro atheletes who's sons (and not daughters) seem to have strange medical conditions? Think it through before responding. I've often wondered about it resulting from what they put into their bodies for conditioning.



It could also have to do with the simple fact that they are more in the limelight.

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A poll on ESPN.com asked:


"Would you take steroids if it helped you earn millions of dollars as a pro athlete?


50.3% say yes

49.6% say no 


(apparenly .1% are BF_In_Indiana, and found the question unfair to Ron Artest, but I digress).



It's kind of an unfair question in the respect that a number of these athletes are taking these 'roids with the belief that it probably won't hurt them or that the risk is not that great. We aren't talking about Lyle Alzado's roids here, these are the new, improved 'roids. The term "steroids" has the connotation that if you take these, your balls will shrink and you will die of brain cancer before you hit middle age. Not the case necessarily. People take 'roids to AVOID dying, to PROLONG life, all the time. Tons of people take them for allergies.

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Has anyone ever noticed the number of pro atheletes who's sons (and not daughters) seem to have strange medical conditions? Think it through before responding. I've often wondered about it resulting from what they put into their bodies for conditioning.


They should have kids first, then go on the juice. That's what I would do.

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