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Indisputable Proof That Bears Are The Best

Just Jack

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i wont disagree cause bears and dogs are in the same family, and it doesnt get much better than a dog... unless you are a huge, super awesome dog, and then you are a bear.


Plus, bears and big awesome dogs tend to remove stupid people from the gene pool. B-)

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Bears are awesome. This is a fact, people. Fact. Perhaps you heard about the bear who broke into a house and STOLE A STUFFED BEAR. Not enough proof?


Steven Colbert may disagree


We had a big dog named Bear (115lb). He died 9 years ago and his ashes are still in the cabinet.

My parents kept our family dog's ashes on their dresser for several years. When my mother passed away we buried the ashes with her

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newfies are great dogs!


The next Dog i own will be just that. I love them. They are so large that they dont give 2 %@!ts about anything.


A couple we camp with has one, It just comes to our site lays down rolls over and plays dead and looks at you like hey my stomach needs some scratching, get on that. Nicest dog ever. . . Except for the drooling part. . .

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i wont disagree cause bears and dogs are in the same family, and it doesnt get much better than a dog... unless you are a huge, super awesome dog, and then you are a bear.

This is why I have a German Shepherd named Grizzly, best of both worlds. German Shepherds are the best. :doh:

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Marlon Perkins: This week we're going to take a close look into the habitat and hunting patterns of the Polar Bear. Jim will spend several days up close, observing these magnificent creatures. He'll bring you views of the Polar Bear that you've never seen before!



Camera pans left to right until an object comes into view off in the distance...the camera closes in on what appears to be a Harp Seal struggling to get to open water. As the camera closes in we notice that the 'seal' is really Jim dressed up in a seal costume...closing quickly on Jim is OH MY!!!

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