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Aaron Schobel to be Released


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Why is everyone getting so worked up about this? Schobel isn't a top tier player at this point and he only had a few good years imo. Not a difference maker anymore, yet he's acted like he's a future HOFer or something. Time to sign spiller and move on.

He's a lot better than you give him credit for. Other teams know it. You'll see.

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I'm sorry to see it play out this way, but this is the way it is in the NFL, and I don't have a big problem with it. Too bad he didn't want to be with us during the rebuilding and the new defense. Too bad Houston didn't want to give us anything. But he is not interested in playing for us, we don't have a trading partner, and we aren't going to deal with a mini-Favre situations of having a guy in camp who is only there to get out of there and force our hand.


As for the you have a contract you should show up and play, I love the unicorn-filled world where that is true, but we know the NFL is all about contracts that are not to be respected...either renegotiated because they aren't enough, or released while years are left because the team needs to save cap space. So I don't have much more of a problem with this than if he were a free agent and signed a two million dollar one year deal with the Texans. Would be nicer to have seen him retire a Bill, but not worth shedding a tear. He has been a good soldier and a good player through a lot of stuff and very little winning. I don't begrudge him whatever he wants to do in 2011, whether be with the Texans or go try to win somewhere else.

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So-called "fans" of the Bills are really masochists who spend their time concocting reasons to complain about the team. We know. We suck. So why are you still here?



thanks for asking. really been given that thought some serious consideration given the amount of hatred, fact-less foolishness being spewed on this board.



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He's a lot better than you give him credit for. Other teams know it. You'll see.



i think your oversimplifying it though. a lot of great DEs have been terrible OLBs. Living in new orleans i would love gregg williams to add him to the defense down here, but thats because he fits the system, the scheme, could come in two weeks late and know the terminology, a lot of the plays. him walking into buffalo on august 15 with hopes of starting is a recipe for disaster.


yes this all played out weird with the favre like im retiring, no im not, yes i should -- but at somepoint it really wasnt going to be best for him to come back even if he wanted to.

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I'm sorry to see it play out this way, but this is the way it is in the NFL, and I don't have a big problem with it. Too bad he didn't want to be with us during the rebuilding and the new defense. Too bad Houston didn't want to give us anything. But he is not interested in playing for us, we don't have a trading partner, and we aren't going to deal with a mini-Favre situations of having a guy in camp who is only there to get out of there and force our hand.


As for the you have a contract you should show up and play, I love the unicorn-filled world where that is true, but we know the NFL is all about contracts that are not to be respected...either renegotiated because they aren't enough, or released while years are left because the team needs to save cap space. So I don't have much more of a problem with this than if he were a free agent and signed a two million dollar one year deal with the Texans. Would be nicer to have seen him retire a Bill, but not worth shedding a tear. He has been a good soldier and a good player through a lot of stuff and very little winning. I don't begrudge him whatever he wants to do in 2011, whether be with the Texans or go try to win somewhere else.


i agree with this assessment 100%. i know its not ideal, but of the real ways this could play out.... it really kind of is. it wouldve been nice to put the brakes on this and sort it out 6 months ago, but here we are in august, and there arent any other BETTER choices. sometimes you have to make the best of a bad situation.

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thanks for asking. really been given that thought some serious consideration given the amount of hatred, fact-less foolishness being spewed on this board.



Ignore the tormented Bills fans, we love to wallow in self pity whenever things like this happen. Does he have value? Quite possibly, but not to Buffalo with a new defensive scheme. As it stands, no team would ante up anything for a player who is most likely on the back nine of his career when he has a contract that would be cost prohibitive for the new team. Getting nothing in return except a rebate sucks, but his heart wasn't in it and no other dance partners came knocking. Why speculate what could have happened, just move on and get ready for the season.

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Hey do you guys remember when Schobel got that awesome, timely, meaningful sack that helped us win that game?


Me neither.



remember those times the other team was driving late in the game and we played our corners 15 yards off the line and they drove down the field with quick passes totally neutralizing our pass rush and we didnt adjust?


more then a few times in recent years.

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thanks for asking. really been given that thought some serious consideration given the amount of hatred, fact-less foolishness being spewed on this board.




I'd hate to see you give up, though I would understand you doing so given the volume of splenetic fantasy that gets posted here. Realize that there are a lot of us who do not post so often who appreciate the information you pass along but aren't noisy.



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Good one. I must not follow the NFL because i don't care what a declining, average DE does for another team.



to call him average at DE seems like revisionist history. maybe he is average in a group of probowl defensive ends. If lined up with freeny, and allen he wont be the one you notice first - I would never qualify him as the best in the league, but any given year hes right up there and that consistency at the top 5-10 is sometimes better then one or two monster years ala peppers. not being reggie white or bruce smith should not tarnish what an impressive career he has had.


he is far above average in this league -- just probably not at OLB at this point.

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thanks for asking. really been given that thought some serious consideration given the amount of hatred, fact-less foolishness being spewed on this board.




I admit it's frustrating that there's a vocal chunk of posters that are so blinded with frustration that they lash out over any of the teams decisions that doesn't match their own expert opinion on how an NFL franchise should be run.


But many of us are here for the information, (rational) discourse, and good perspectives by people who also care about my beloved Buffalo Bills.


I won't psychoanalyze the foaming-at-the-mouthers here, but I understand that some of it is frustration over a long stretch of not-so-good teams. What I don't understand is the complete over the top loss of sense that they seem to show.


Shrug. All I can say is to avoid those people for your own sake and enjoy the good parts about the board and the good posts about our Bills and the players and coaches who comprise the team.

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I guess it really doesn't matter if we got value for him. If we got a 5th or 6th rounder it would be used on a project player who would probably end up on the practice squad anyway based on this front office's first draft.

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I'd hate to see you give up, though I would understand you doing so given the volume of splenetic fantasy that gets posted here. Realize that there are a lot of us who do not post so often who appreciate the information you pass along but aren't noisy.







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yeah, this is really not much fun any more. just people piling on with their imaginative whims and grudges.




No kidding. It is like a batch of conspiracy theorists, but even more whiny.

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Buf...how do we know that they didn't talk to other teams?


I admit that this feels like a Ralph Wilson decision......but I really cannot find fault in it. Aaron Schrobel as much as people are saying they like him is a damn malcontent and not a team player. As much as Marshawn Lynch has been "Lynched" on this board (and I have dont my share) he is HERE showing that he wants to be a bill.


If this team would win some damn football games then we would have more "team" players showing up....that is the real problem not Schrobel. In my opinion Aaron Schrobel does not fit the defensive scheme of this team, is not the kind of player we want around making his own rules, and frankly I am glad he is gone.


Its time to weed out these malcontent type guys and go with guys that actually want to be part of something....Aaron Schrobel never was that.


Buddy said it himself.


I am not losing sleep over the fact that Schobel isn't on the team anymore, it just seems like our front office (goes for the Sabres too!) kind of shoots itself in the foot a little too often for my tastes.

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