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OT - Urban Meyer to Florida


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You know Bart, if there wasn't that whole superiority complex thing at Notre Dame, where they believe they are bigger than college football, I may have felt bad about it.  But that, coupled with the way Willingham was offered up like a sacrificial lamb, and I have none.  They deserve this. 


Now, does it mean they're all done for?  Absolutely not.  They've bounced back before and I'm sure they'll do so again.  The tough part starts with realizing that Notre Dame is NOT bigger than college football.  Once that happens, they'll be right back in business.




So, should we also assume that Penn State thinks it is bigger than college football since their program is in shambles? I'm sure if NBC offered that school an exclusive TV deal, they'd say "no thanks". :devil:


The only people who harp on a 'superiority complex' about Notre Dame are those that choose to root against them for whatever reason. No one associated with Notre Dame thinks they are bigger than college football.

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While I totally agree with the living off of tradtion point, what does playing in a conference have to do with it?




It dosent. It has to do with HIGHER academic standards. ND needs to bring theres down if they plan on returning to 10, 11 win seasons.



That is 21st Century Football, lower academic $tandard$, more winning.



And before anyone lays into me, I like Florida 2nd only to my Nittany Lions, and I do not like ND

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Yeah I guess thats the play now. Though I am not that hot on bringing in that POS after he quit on the players on his 2 last teams.


F all this. I am glad I am gettin out now.


don't want to pee in your cheerios, but Davis reportedly suffered a panic attack before Sunday's game. USAToday reports he plans to sit a year and get his stojan together.



Course money does talk.

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It dosent.  It has to do with HIGHER academic standards.  ND needs to bring theres down if they plan on returning to 10, 11 win seasons. 

That is 21st Century Football, lower academic $tandard$, more winning.

And before anyone lays into me, I like Florida 2nd only to my Nittany Lions, and I do not like ND


THEIR standards are correct. They actually teach people in that education. The problem is if you can win 7 games in a year, then good coaching should get you a couple more.


They actually help people write and spell correctly in the better schools. Of course I would not put Florida there.

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When's the last time ND has seriously competed for a national title?



1993 was the last time they were front runners in the Nat'l Champ Race. They were probably the best team in college football that year (they had one loss and defeated the crowned 'Champion' FSU.)

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So, should we also assume that Penn State thinks it is bigger than college football since their program is in shambles?  I'm sure if NBC offered that school an exclusive TV deal, they'd say "no thanks".  :devil:


The only people who harp on a 'superiority complex' about Notre Dame are those that choose to root against them for whatever reason.  No one associated with Notre Dame thinks they are bigger than college football.



Penn State, a superiority complex? Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Yeah, it must be those 3 unbeaten/untied seasons they've had that were rewarded with a national championship............NOT!!! Actually, the feeling among Penn State fans is that for whatever reason, the NCAA has something against them. Again, I point to those 3 seasons. There isn't another university that I can think of that had 3 unbeaten/untied seasons and didn't at least get a share of the national title, if not the whole thing outright.


Penn State's program is in shambles for the same reason Notre Dame can't get over the hump: recruiting. PSU knows this, ND doesn't seem to. It isn't too late for either team, but both must face harsh realities before they can move on. PSU is still struggling with the JoePa issue: is it time for him to go? Will he retire, or be 'forced out' (not gonna happen)? That is a big problem in terms of recruiting, even with the extension he signed. They did have a good recruiting year last year, and the early word is that they've snared a couple blue chippers already, but there's a truckload of work to do.


Notre Dame MUST begin to aggressively recruit to compete for a national title. They cannot wait for propsects to come to them anymore. It's been this lack of solid recruiting that has helped to land them where they are, with a team that works hard, but doesn't have a wealth of talent. It's like the movie "Blue Chips". Nick Nolte's team worked their tails off for them, but could only do so much with the talent they had. They were good, but not good enough. The Irish have some of that going for them now. Of course, they do have a tough schedule and all too. That can not be ingnred. Still, if they actively recruit prospects and sell them on the positives of Notre Dame, they will get more talent in. They just can't afford to wait much longer. With the major conferences being on TV so much and with packages like the ESPN Game Plan (which I've had since 2001; it's great for those who love college football as I do!!), having the exclusive TV contract is not such a huge drawing factor any more. I did end my post by saying I feel they'll get back there. They just need to realize that there's work to do and 'work' does not mean wait for players to come to you.

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THEIR standards are correct.  They actually teach people in that education.  The problem is if you can win 7 games in a year, then good coaching should get you a couple more. 


They actually help people write and spell correctly in the better schools.  Of course I would not put Florida there.




I agree with you...and thats why sometimes I laugh when people call ND a joke now....excuse them for looking seriously at academic standards.


Unfortunately in today's world, you have a choice: Offer basketweaving 101 and win games, or dont win games. ITs that $imple.

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Does this mean that ND wont have it's own personal tv contract anymore and we wont have to have them shoved down our throats every saturday regardless of who they play?




I dont know about you, but there is so much college football on now, I barely even remember the Irish are even on NBC

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When's the last time ND has seriously competed for a national title?



1993. BC field goal knocked them out of contention.


Here's my take, not that anyone cares: Urban Meyer's father is right in that it will be easier for him to win at FL than it will be at ND. Take a look at the schedules. While ND keeps one patsie (Navy) on the schedule, the rest are usually comprised of "Football Factories" (BCS conference schools). UF opens with Wyoming and La Tech in the Swamp before they get to the SEC schedule. The only non-conference biggie the Gators have next year is FSU.


Notre Dame begins next year at Pittsburgh, then at Michigan. So more than likely the new HC at ND will start out 0-2, while Urban "Don't call me Oscar" Meyer will begin 2-0. Meyer Sr. is correct, it will be easier to win at UF. They even get Miss St. at home next year. You remember Miss St. right? They lost to Maine.


Then there is that whole academic eligibility thing...


All of that having been said, the whole "join a conference" chorus just doesn't make sense at this time. As long as NBC is willing to pay for the rights to broadcast the games, why should ND share it with anyone? If someday it makes sense financially to join a conference, I'm sure the Big 10 (11) will be waiting with open arms. The two things present at each Catholic mass are the Lord and the collection basket. The Church didn't get to be what it is by being fiscally unsound.

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Penn State, a superiority complex?  Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!  Yeah, it must be those 3 unbeaten/untied seasons they've had that were rewarded with a national championship............NOT!!!  Actually, the feeling among Penn State fans is that for whatever reason, the NCAA has something against them.  Again, I point to those 3 seasons.  There isn't another university that I can think of that had 3 unbeaten/untied seasons and didn't at least get a share of the national title, if not the whole thing outright. 


Penn State's program is in shambles for the same reason Notre Dame can't get over the hump:  recruiting.  PSU knows this, ND doesn't seem to.  It isn't too late for either team, but both must face harsh realities before they can move on.  PSU is still struggling with the JoePa issue:  is it time for him to go?  Will he retire, or be 'forced out' (not gonna happen)?  That is a big problem in terms of recruiting, even with the extension he signed.  They did have a good recruiting year last year, and the early word is that they've snared a couple blue chippers already, but there's a truckload of work to do. 


Notre Dame MUST begin to aggressively recruit to compete for a national title.  They cannot wait for propsects to come to them anymore.  It's been this lack of solid recruiting that has helped to land them where they are, with a team that works hard, but doesn't have a wealth of talent.  It's like the movie "Blue Chips".  Nick Nolte's team worked their tails off for them, but could only do so much with the talent they had.  They were good, but not good enough.  The Irish have some of that going for them now.  Of course, they do have a tough schedule and all too.  That can not be ingnred.  Still, if they actively recruit prospects and sell them on the positives of Notre Dame, they will get more talent in.  They just can't afford to wait much longer.  With the major conferences being on TV so much and with packages like the ESPN Game Plan (which I've had since 2001; it's great for those who love college football as I do!!), having the exclusive TV contract is not such a huge drawing factor any more.  I did end my post by saying I feel they'll get back there.  They just need to realize that there's work to do and 'work' does not mean wait for players to come to you.




Of course they need to recruit aggressively, everyone does. But what makes you think ND doesn't realize that they are not recruiting well enough? I can't think of any evidence that they DO understand that is more compelling than firing the head football coach, who is the guy responsible for that job! Clearly, part of the decision to let Ty go was thinking they could land a guy like Meyer, who apparently is doing a wonderful recruiting job at Utah (not exactly a place that sells itself to non-residents of the state). If anything, I'd say ND is desperately aware of its shortcomings in this area.


As for the TV deals, I'd love to analyze the rating numbers. ND remains a big draw to its alumni base and casual fans across the country, so I doubt their NBC deal is going away any time soon. If it does, that may push them towards a conference. But in the meantime, I certainly won't blame them for having a better deal than other schools.

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Does this mean that ND wont have it's own personal tv contract anymore and we wont have to have them shoved down our throats every saturday regardless of who they play?




Wow, your TV only gets reception on one channel? That's a shame. :devil:

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Of course they need to recruit aggressively, everyone does.  But what makes you think ND doesn't realize that they are not recruiting well enough?  I can't think of any evidence that they DO understand that is more compelling than firing the head football coach, who is the guy responsible for that job!  Clearly, part of the decision to let Ty go was thinking they could land a guy like Meyer, who apparently is doing a wonderful recruiting job at Utah (not exactly a place that sells itself to non-residents of the state).  If anything, I'd say ND is desperately aware of its shortcomings in this area.



It is true though that the history/tradition card is played way too often when recruiting here. The recruits have this rammed down their throats. ND needs to stop living off of its' tradtion, and that goes beyond the football field.


Maybe I'm just in a foul mood now

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Of course they need to recruit aggressively, everyone does.  But what makes you think ND doesn't realize that they are not recruiting well enough?  I can't think of any evidence that they DO understand that is more compelling than firing the head football coach, who is the guy responsible for that job!  Clearly, part of the decision to let Ty go was thinking they could land a guy like Meyer, who apparently is doing a wonderful recruiting job at Utah (not exactly a place that sells itself to non-residents of the state).  If anything, I'd say ND is desperately aware of its shortcomings in this area.


As for the TV deals, I'd love to analyze the rating numbers.  ND remains a big draw to its alumni base and casual fans across the country, so I doubt their NBC deal is going away any time soon.  If it does, that may push them towards a conference.  But in the meantime, I certainly won't blame them for having a better deal than other schools.




I don't know if they have a better deal than other schools. As I mentioned before, college football has a ton of TV coverage through network TV, cable, and pay per view/sattellite services. You'd be hard pressed to miss a game from teams in the ACC, SEC, Big 11 (they don't have 10 teams!!!), or the Big 12. They're on almost every week as it is and they certainly have more than enough exposure to those who would be interested, whether they be pro scouts, alumni, or just plain hardcore college football fans like myself (the stack of tapes in my family room downstairs with college games on them being proof positive). I think players who go to Notre Dame get what they want in terms of exposure as do those in other major colleges. Back when you only had the networks showing college football, I think Notre Dame did have a significant advantage. Not any more. But, like I said, I don't see any losers in that from either side.

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