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Thank you, I woke up this morning totally perplexed and nervous about this whole thing. I was starting to get worried, even afraid to get on my computer, and even more scrared to open up this page. I didnt know it was going to affect me so much and keep me so on the edge. I had a cup of coffee to try and calm my nerves, but it just made me pace more. I quickly realized that I had to just check, there was no way around it. I had to address the fear that was paralyzing my morning...


So I turned on my computer while on the edge of my seat...nervously clicked on the favorites tabbed marking this page, and BOOM there it was! I was terrified that no one would start yet another daily thread today on Spiller not being signed, but you came through big time with your thread and all was calm...so thank you for turning my world right side up again by starting the same thread thats been posted about 100 times since he was drafted...One can only hope my fears are relieved again tomorrow morning and someone else will start the 101st thread on this or I dont know what I will do...

ps. all you guys that replied with negativity and i hate this guy... are butt hurt sensitive dikheads!!!!


for a post to make someone hate another person....you guys have no freaking life.


Your sarcasm meter is broke.

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