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The Auto Bailout

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Isn't this fun???


Look... Before the bailout, when GM SHOULD have filed for bankrupcy, someone with a mere 2.2 billion, could have bought the company outright. Owned it in it's entirety...


Then, along comes PBO, uses YOUR money, to the tune of over 6000% the value of the company, not counting scewing the current bondholders out of any hope to redeem anything, to try to prop up one of his chief campaign donors, the unions....


Hmmm want to talk about cronyism anyone???

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Isn't this fun???


Look... Before the bailout, when GM SHOULD have filed for bankrupcy, someone with a mere 2.2 billion, could have bought the company outright. Owned it in it's entirety...


Then, along comes PBO, uses YOUR money, to the tune of over 6000% the value of the company, not counting scewing the current bondholders out of any hope to redeem anything, to try to prop up one of his chief campaign donors, the unions....


Hmmm want to talk about cronyism anyone???


But Obama was just investing in an American company.

It's not like Romney's vulture capitialism

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  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hey...you guys remember how the auto bailout was going to save Detroit?


Bin Laden is dead and...so is Detroit.


Could be worse. Could be raining.


Detroit—The city of Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history Thursday afternoon, culminating a decades-long slide that transformed the nation’s iconic industrial town into a model of urban decline crippled by population loss, a dwindling tax base and financial problems.


The 16-page petition was filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Detroit.


Gov. Rick Snyder’s office was making plans this afternoon to hold a 10 a.m. Friday morning news conference at the Maccabees Building, 5057 Woodward in Midtown, according to his office. It’s the same location where the governor declared a financial emergency for Detroit on March 1.


Snyder authorized Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to file bankruptcy under a law the Legislature passed in December that replaced the previous emergency manager law voted repealed last November.


The bankruptcy filing came minutes before Ingham County Circuit Judge Rosemarie Aquilina was set to hold an emergency hearing Thursday afternoon on a request for a temporary restraining order blocking Snyder from authorizing a bankruptcy filing.

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I think ....lybob blames this on the Evil Bankers who loaned Detroit money with the criminally unfair expectation that the city pay them back.


I mean...I'm guessing.


I'm sure I saw it on billy basement YouTube video

Edited by GG
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Actually I think of Detroit as a cautionary tale of being a one industry town- 20 years from now I expect places in ND to experience something similar as the pace of well drilling and pipeline laying decreases- it's great to be in the expansion side of thing and sucks to be on the contraction side of things.

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Actually I think of Detroit as a cautionary tale of being a one industry town- 20 years from now I expect places in ND to experience something similar as the pace of well drilling and pipeline laying decreases- it's great to be in the expansion side of thing and sucks to be on the contraction side of things.


As much as you will never admit it, Detroit is a cautionary tale of unions ruling the city, ridiculous pensions and payrolls, all run by liberals the unions keep putting in office. California, with all its various industries, is not much father from Detroit's reality. The primary difference is California has more rich liberals willing to pay for the view.

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As much as you will never admit it, Detroit is a cautionary tale of unions ruling the city, ridiculous pensions and payrolls, all run by liberals the unions keep putting in office. California, with all its various industries, is not much father from Detroit's reality. The primary difference is California has more rich liberals willing to pay for the view.


The other main thing that California has that Detroit (and Buffalo) doesn't is a constant inflow of motivated young people to regenerate the region.

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As much as you will never admit it, Detroit is a cautionary tale of unions ruling the city, ridiculous pensions and payrolls, all run by liberals the unions keep putting in office. California, with all its various industries, is not much father from Detroit's reality. The primary difference is California has more rich liberals willing to pay for the view.


The local radio had someone on this morning explaining how Detroit's going to come through this bankruptcy fine and be strong on the other side of it...just like Chrysler.




They're going to sell the city to Fiat?

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The local radio had someone on this morning explaining how Detroit's going to come through this bankruptcy fine and be strong on the other side of it...just like Chrysler.




They're going to sell the city to Fiat?


A few grease balls never hurt anyone.

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As much as you will never admit it, Detroit is a cautionary tale of unions ruling the city, ridiculous pensions and payrolls, all run by liberals the unions keep putting in office. California, with all its various industries, is not much father from Detroit's reality. The primary difference is California has more rich liberals willing to pay for the view.


Yup. I love how even in the article the first mention of unions refers to the "sanctity of public pension funds". Sanctity???

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I'm looking forward to "filling up every two weeks instead of every week." Of course, it'll be two vintage cars I'll be filling each up every other week. "Save more money at the pump!" Thanks B.O. you're a hell of a guy - for a black-white person.

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As an Italian American I find this comment racist. You may now turn your guns over to Eric Holder. Thank you.


Who ate all the gabagool?


I don't own a gun. I am only allowed to defend myself with a cheap umbrella here in mon - real

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