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Spiller will take a while

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They initiated the process by signing their 1st round pick first. If you look at the slotting process, they probably were able to overpay at that 24th pick compared to what was given to the 24th pick last season. The cowboys have enough revenue to overpay the couple of Million dollars to get their contract done. The Bills don't have the same type of Cash Flow and are more careful with their cash.

this is laughable



Since the Bills total contracts for all of their QBs is less than what a good starter makes in one year, they are more than capable of spending a few extra dollars to sign their draft picks before camp starts so the product on the field does not suffer.


not to mention the Bills have no debt service on the team or the stadium, arguing that cash flow is the reason that they can't sign Spiller is pure crap.






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Boy, do I want the owners to win this CBA fight by a mile.


There should be a predetermined contract amount for each pick in the draft and the players can either take it or go put their college degree to use in another industry.

+1 this process could be streamlined & completly predetermined. give the players want they want,which is to be unrestricted after their 3rd season. all rookie deals are 3 years. & only draft position determines pay.like magic all players are in camp on time.

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Just My opinion..And I'm not saying I know cause I don't...But it seems to me the Schefter tweet and much more especially that baby-fat faced La Canfora's Report yesterday have a major "business as usual in Buffalo" tone to them...I wonder if the Reports they are giving are due to concrete facts or simply hunches that The Bills will somehow screw up because Maybin took forever last year...


Just a thought... :worthy:

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Expect him to hold out for a while. He sees himself as the number one running back who slipped to nine. The Bills FO sees him as the pick who should be paid somewhere between 8 and 10. Neither of them are in a hurry. The bills are fine at running back going into the season, and Spiller isn't going to be hurt all that much by sitting out preseason altogether if necessary. Not a lot of urgency on either party.

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Just My opinion..And I'm not saying I know cause I don't...But it seems to me the Schefter tweet and much more especially that baby-fat faced La Canfora's Report yesterday have a major "business as usual in Buffalo" tone to them...I wonder if the Reports they are giving are due to concrete facts or simply hunches that The Bills will somehow screw up because Maybin took forever last year...


Just a thought... :worthy:

well schefters tweet said "hunch" so their info is far from concrete, as previously stated the basic parameters should be in the 20 mil guaranteed 30-33 mil max range for 5 yrs, however, given spillers versatility i bet the hangups are in the incentive clauses.

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They initiated the process by signing their 1st round pick first. If you look at the slotting process, they probably were able to overpay at that 24th pick compared to what was given to the 24th pick last season. The cowboys have enough revenue to overpay the couple of Million dollars to get their contract done. The Bills don't have the same type of Cash Flow and are more careful with their cash.

Bryant signed early so he could refuse to carry Roy Williams' pads and then sprain his ankle and miss the rest of training camp, making him useless for the first part of the season.


Instant karma's gonna get you...

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My take: not that big a deal if he's out for awhile, not with Freddy and Marshawn around. One thing though, the Bills rushed to get his name off the board as soon as they were on the clock... if they are that enthusiastic about his potential, I don't think they should be dicking around (if in fact they are the hold-up)... just get it done.

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What are you disagreeing with? You say if Spiller said "take their offer", his agent would refuse and force Spiller to hold out?


I tend to think that the player has the power over the agent, but the player can contribute to a complicated contract negotiation by being stubborn, indiferent or uneducated with the whole process.


Stubborn like Crabtree that wanted more money that he deserved, the agent did what his client wanted.

I also think that some players would tell the agent, "you're the expert, treat me right and give me what I deserve" and the agents tries to push for a little more hoping for more money his way.


If this ends up this next week, we will never know, if it becomes a Crabtree situation we will know what really happens.


I really believed this kid wouldn't miss a day of camp, guess I was wrong.

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They initiated the process by signing their 1st round pick first. If you look at the slotting process, they probably were able to overpay at that 24th pick compared to what was given to the 24th pick last season. The cowboys have enough revenue to overpay the couple of Million dollars to get their contract done. The Bills don't have the same type of Cash Flow and are more careful with their cash.


Maybe you should check the facts before posting next time.


Dez Bryant, 24th pick in 2010, received 5 years, $11.8 million ($8.5M guaranteed)


Peria Jerry, 24th pick in 2009, received 5 years, $13.25 million ($7.55M guaranteed)


Hey, I'll even go back one further:


Chris Johnson, 24th pick in 2008, received 5 years, $12 million (7 guaranteed)


Google is one hell of a search engine.


With inflation, I don't see anything out of the ordinary.


Wait what were you saying again?

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Boy, do I want the owners to win this CBA fight by a mile.


There should be a predetermined contract amount for each pick in the draft and the players can either take it or go put their college degree to use in another industry.



Exactly. If it were the real world being a union then each position would have a cap regardless of time in the league. But that will never happen

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What a bunch of SH#T!!!!!!! The 9th pick has signed, and the 11th pick has signed. How about somewhere in between them. Maybe just a smidge less than #8 in guaranteed money. WTF!!!!! This will tick me off if he holds out. I thought he was a high character guy? BULLSH#T!!!! Get in dang it!!!

Technically he's already late for camp. And it appears that you are already ticked off.


#8 gets 5 years, 40 milll 23 guranteed


#11 gets 26.5 and about 16 mill guranteed.


13.5 mill in salary and 7 mill difference in guranteed money.


so offer 5 years, 33 mill with 19.5 mill guranteed and that should be fair I think.

These numbers are a very wide range. The slotting is quite loose with a lot of play in between.


Here are the signings and contracts so far for 2010 1st round signings:




The real stumbling block is that the San Diego Chargers first rounder, RUNNING BACK Ryan Mathews hasn't signed yet. He was selected with the 12th pick overall.


CJ Spiller's agents want to make sure that CJ doesn't sign for less or even close to what Mathews eventually signs for.


That is the educated guess as to why CJ Spiller hasn't signed yet.

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#8 gets 5 years, 40 milll 23 guranteed


#11 gets 26.5 and about 16 mill guranteed.


13.5 mill in salary and 7 mill difference in guranteed money.


so offer 5 years, 33 mill with 19.5 mill guranteed and that should be fair I think.


There's a lot of room to play there and that's where the negotiating comes in. They're not going to split the difference because that would "screw" CJ. If anything you'd split the 13.5 mil into thirds. So it would be closer to:


Spiller - 35.5 Mil, 20.5 guaranteed

#10 - 31 Mil, 18 guaranteed


But negotiating to add another million or two is nothing to sneeze at and that's where this might get dragged out.


And as far as who (agent or player) is to blame for holding out, the player relies on the agent to tell him what he thinks he can get. The player makes the final call on whether the deal is close enough.

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Technically he's already late for camp. And it appears that you are already ticked off.



These numbers are a very wide range. The slotting is quite loose with a lot of play in between.


Here are the signings and contracts so far for 2010 1st round signings:




The real stumbling block is that the San Diego Chargers first rounder, RUNNING BACK Ryan Mathews hasn't signed yet. He was selected with the 12th pick overall.


CJ Spiller's agents want to make sure that CJ doesn't sign for less or even close to what Mathews eventually signs for.


That is the educated guess as to why CJ Spiller hasn't signed yet.


I understand what you are saying, but I imagine that Matthews is waiting for Spiller to sign before he does. That is generally how it works. So, Spiller's signing will not be impacted at all by Matthews IMO. Spiller will set the market for RB's. Not Matthews.

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Maybe you should check the facts before posting next time.


Dez Bryant, 24th pick in 2010, received 5 years, $11.8 million ($8.5M guaranteed)


Peria Jerry, 24th pick in 2009, received 5 years, $13.25 million ($7.55M guaranteed)


Hey, I'll even go back one further:


Chris Johnson, 24th pick in 2008, received 5 years, $12 million (7 guaranteed)


Google is one hell of a search engine.


With inflation, I don't see anything out of the ordinary.


Wait what were you saying again?

The guaranteed money is the key since that's what a player is sure to see from a contract. Bryant got more guaranteed money than the 21st pick in last year's draft.

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What are you disagreeing with? You say if Spiller said "take their offer", his agent would refuse and force Spiller to hold out?


No, that isn't what he is saying. He is saying the agent is making the decisions and spillar is going along with what the agent is saying. Usually, the player goes along with what the agent says, because the agent would know better than the player what is a good deal and what isn't. What do you think the agents do to make their money? What you are saying would be like hiring a lawyer and telling the lawyer what to do, which is a complete waste.


You are paying for profesional advice and you aren't even getting it because you want to just "take the offer!" If that is all spillar wanted to do, he could just fire his agent and "take the offer" himself. When a financial advisor, a lawyer, and agent, etc, gives you advice, you take it 90% of the time. Sure, they work for you and you can override it, but they usually know more than you about their field, so it is best to take their advice, which is what people do in the real world.

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These numbers are a very wide range. The slotting is quite loose with a lot of play in between.


Here are the signings and contracts so far for 2010 1st round signings:




The real stumbling block is that the San Diego Chargers first rounder, RUNNING BACK Ryan Mathews hasn't signed yet. He was selected with the 12th pick overall.


CJ Spiller's agents want to make sure that CJ doesn't sign for less or even close to what Mathews eventually signs for.


That is the educated guess as to why CJ Spiller hasn't signed yet.


I understand what you are saying, but I imagine that Matthews is waiting for Spiller to sign before he does. That is generally how it works. So, Spiller's signing will not be impacted at all by Matthews IMO. Spiller will set the market for RB's. Not Matthews.

What you say is true. But I heard a radio report that Mathews' agent Frank Bauer is looking for an above market deal (btw, good luck with that idea…negotiating with AJ Smith).


Anyways, Spiller's agents may be taking the cautious approach by waiting a bit on Mathews and the Chargers.


Also, the Jaguars and Tyson Alualu who was selected one pick after the Bills took CJ Spiller, are very close to a deal and that deal would further set the parameters for CJs deal as the 8th and 10th players would then be signed.


I think Spiller's deal will happen fairly soon, as opposed to what LaCanfora and Schefter are reporting.


Just a common sense, hunch.

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#8 gets 5 years, 40 milll 23 guranteed


#11 gets 26.5 and about 16 mill guranteed.


13.5 mill in salary and 7 mill difference in guranteed money.


so offer 5 years, 33 mill with 19.5 mill guranteed and that should be fair I think.


Regardless, still amazing money for a 22 year old who has never played a professional down in his career. Granted running backs careers are short, but so are some fireman, soldiers, etc.


I don't begrudge him a dime he's in a business, it's just amazing where society is willing to spend its discretionary earnings at.

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