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State depart. trying to get tough on classified doc leaker's

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Please tell me I am reading this wrong


We can do nothing but implore the person who has those classified top secret documents not to post any more," Gibbs said. "I think it's important that no more damage be done to our national security."




Crowley said the U.S. government had tried to make contact with WikiLeaks but had not been successful in establishing a line of communication.


"We have passed messages to them," he said. "I am not aware of any direct dialogue with WikiLeaks."

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I think you are. They're not trying to "get tough" on the leaker (one of which has already been arrested, I think), but on the recipient of the leaked documents - Wikileaks.


They're also not trying to get tough - they're basically saying "Pretty please with sugar on it, don't make any more public?" Which, while being basically all they can legally do, is still rather silly.

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I think you are. They're not trying to "get tough" on the leaker (one of which has already been arrested, I think), but on the recipient of the leaked documents - Wikileaks.


They're also not trying to get tough - they're basically saying "Pretty please with sugar on it, don't make any more public?" Which, while being basically all they can legally do, is still rather silly.

You missed the sarcasm of"trying" to get tough.

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Why would they even want to get tough with them? After all, it's (some of the informational substance of the leaks) given them cover to have pursued their change in course. Actually, they don't want to be too harsh because in so doing they would further alienate a large percentage of their base that despised both wars. Check that - ANY wars - unless of course we could get some of Hitler's DNA and clone him. Fast forward to 2014 and IF BO wins reelection he'll be pinning a Medal of Freedom on Julian Assanges.

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