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I Helped out removing some fencing and now I got Poison Ivy Bad. My arms mainly. I woke up this morning and I had huge bags under my eyes, sort of the way Billy Clinton had after a hard night and some puffyness. Tonight the right side of my face feels fine. The left side is puffy.The itch has not started but I read about Rhus Tox and Natra and wonder if they work? Anyone?

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I Helped out removing some fencing and now I got Poison Ivy Bad. My arms mainly. I woke up this morning and I had huge bags under my eyes, sort of the way Billy Clinton had after a hard night and some puffyness. Tonight the right side of my face feels fine. The left side is puffy.The itch has not started but I read about Rhus Tox and Natra and wonder if they work? Anyone?


Believe it or not the body produces an oil that is very effective against poison Ivy. The oil is secreted from the pores surrounding the genitals. Go out and work up a good sweat. Then rub your hand on your crotch and rub the sweat on the poison ivy. Then with the same hand rub the crotch some more and then the poison ivy. Do it like 10 or 12 times. :flirt:


Got it really bad last year while pulling some nasty weeds/vines out of my front yard (just bought the house last year). I had it really bad on my face, eyes swelled shut, etc. Went to the doctor, and he prescribed a treatment of Prednisone that I took for 9 days (6 pills first and second day, 5 pills third and fourth, 4 pills fifth and sixth, 3 pills day seven, 2 pills day eight, one pill day nine, and then all done).


Worked great, swelling/itching went away within 12 hours of taking the first dose.


Downside was I had terrible night sweats for about 2 weeks after. Would wake up soaking wet with cold sweat.


If I had to do it over again, I definately would!


Go to a doctor if you have it on your face, genitals, or any large blisters anywhere.


Whatever you do, don't listen to Rfeynman!

Believe it or not the body produces an oil that is very effective against poison Ivy. The oil is secreted from the pores surrounding the genitals. Go out and work up a good sweat. Then rub your hand on your crotch and rub the sweat on the poison ivy. Then with the same hand rub the crotch some more and then the poison ivy. Do it like 10 or 12 times. :flirt:

Per hour or per day?


Whatever you do... DO NOT TAKE A HOT SHOWER right after exposure. Take a COLD one. You don't want to open up your pores.


You can go to the doctor and they will give you something that works well. My son gets it real bad too... The crap from the RX usually clears it up real fast.


I used to get poison ivey all the time when I surveyed along the MS river... Cutting baseline with a machete or whatever control points we were putting in... Usually one doesn't get it at first ever eposure, then it gets worse with subsequent exposures. The good thing is you usually have a little time to clean up (with the COLD shower) after being exposed... ALSO CLEAN everything (tools) that was exposed to... Sometimes the oil can stay on that for a long time after and one can get reexposed.


Next time use an IVY BLOCK. A good way to tell were the oak/ivy is usually in wet shady areas around trees... As the usual three leaf is the tell tale sign... The plants are especially bad when they turn all waxy and reddish. STAY AWAY is your best medicine!


Also: An Aveno bath or oatmeal bath helps too!

Believe it or not the body produces an oil that is very effective against poison Ivy. The oil is secreted from the pores surrounding the genitals. Go out and work up a good sweat. Then rub your hand on your crotch and rub the sweat on the poison ivy. Then with the same hand rub the crotch some more and then the poison ivy. Do it like 10 or 12 times. :flirt:



If he goes out and works up a real sweat... His pores will open where the ivy/oak is! Just like I said DO NOT TAKE A HOT SHOWER.


I wouldn't do this Hammer... You will make the situation worse... You DO NOT WANT TO OPEN UP ANY PORES and by working up a sweat, the pores around your exposure will open up!


COLD SHOWER! You have a few hours to get the oil off after exposure.


I get PI fairly often. For relief I have found a few products that work fairly well:


This is good, but stains the skin quite a bit. I like it because it seems to dry up the infection:




Your basic Benadryl spray is good to carry around and use as needed. Here's the brand name, but the generic Walgreens or CVS brands are fine:




Usually when I really like a product it goes off the market fairly quickly. There was one gel that had "Rhino" in the name, but I haven't been able to find it on a quick Google search. Maybe it is off the market.

I get PI fairly often. For relief I have found a few products that work fairly well:


This is good, but stains the skin quite a bit. I like it because it seems to dry up the infection:




Your basic Benadryl spray is good to carry around and use as needed. Here's the brand name, but the generic Walgreens or CVS brands are fine:




Usually when I really like a product it goes off the market fairly quickly. There was one gel that had "Rhino" in the name, but I haven't been able to find it on a quick Google search. Maybe it is off the market.


Cool thanks! Do you use the block before you go near it?


Have you ever went to the doctor? When my son got it, we took him there and man this stuff the doctor prescibed cleared it up in a heart beat!


Anyway... On another note... If your messsing around in the outdoors or what not... Don't get bitten by a spider or other things... We just watched a nasty safety presentation today on what a brown recluse will do to you! :flirt::)

Got it really bad last year while pulling some nasty weeds/vines out of my front yard (just bought the house last year). I had it really bad on my face, eyes swelled shut, etc. Went to the doctor, and he prescribed a treatment of Prednisone that I took for 9 days (6 pills first and second day, 5 pills third and fourth, 4 pills fifth and sixth, 3 pills day seven, 2 pills day eight, one pill day nine, and then all done).


Worked great, swelling/itching went away within 12 hours of taking the first dose.


Downside was I had terrible night sweats for about 2 weeks after. Would wake up soaking wet with cold sweat.


If I had to do it over again, I definately would!


Go to a doctor if you have it on your face, genitals, or any large blisters anywhere.


Whatever you do, don't listen to Rfeynman!


How dare you question my unreliable advice! :)


Per hour or per day?


Up to you. I have a feeling that after doing it a few times you'll find the need to scratch down there more and more. Just make sure that every time you do you rub it on the ivy again. :lol:



If he goes out and works up a real sweat... His pores will open where the ivy/oak is! Just like I said DO NOT TAKE A HOT SHOWER.


I wouldn't do this Hammer... You will make the situation worse... You DO NOT WANT TO OPEN UP ANY PORES and by working up a sweat, the pores around your exposure will open up!


COLD SHOWER! You have a few hours to get the oil off after exposure.



It was a joke dude. If he did that he'd have poison ivy all over his crotch. At least Hammered got it. :flirt:

Cool thanks! Do you use the block before you go near it?


Have you ever went to the doctor? When my son got it, we took him there and man this stuff the doctor prescibed cleared it up in a heart beat!


Anyway... On another note... If your messsing around in the outdoors or what not... Don't get bitten by a spider or other things... We just watched a nasty safety presentation today on what a brown recluse will do to you! :flirt::)



I probably should get a yearly shot (my brother used to if I remember correctly). but I never use block because whenever I get it I have NO idea were I got it.


I have always skipped the doctor as while it bugged me, it didn't seem dangerous. Going to the doctor is a good idea though.


I get spider bites quite often (and get eaten alive my mosquitoes). When I think I am going to be exposed I try to use products with a LOT of DEET (that Skin So Soft doesn't work for me at all). I keep a bottle of 100% DEET spray when I go camping and stuff (not very often these days). In Canada recently I waited a little to long to use it and my legs were totally ravaged with bites.

I Helped out removing some fencing and now I got Poison Ivy Bad. My arms mainly. I woke up this morning and I had huge bags under my eyes, sort of the way Billy Clinton had after a hard night and some puffyness. Tonight the right side of my face feels fine. The left side is puffy.The itch has not started but I read about Rhus Tox and Natra and wonder if they work? Anyone?



For God's sake man, get your wife a blindfold. Looking at you on the best of days must be tough, but all puffed out! :)


I have no advice (Chef Jim would appreciate that).




If you have been exposed, within 2 hours, get some Technu. Use it to wash the oil off your skin. The oil causes the allergic reaction.

It can take days to get the reaction. Also, if you are immune, you can suddenly be sensitive. I geocache with my girlfriend and she wades into PO looking for them while I stay away (I got PI when I was 7) She said she was immune. She did wipe her hands with an alcohol wipe when we got back to the car. About 2 days later, the rash was on the back of her hand, on her cheek and on her side where she was adjusting her pants. luckily she used the wipes before she went to the bathroom. They lasted about 10 days.



Mythbusters looked into PO/PI. They smeared PO on Grant's arm in 3 places and tried to wash off the oil with water, vodka and a "topical cream" (likely Technu). The water and vodka did nothing but the cream worked.

It was a joke dude. If he did that he'd have poison ivy all over his crotch. At least Hammered got it. :flirt:


I kinda figured, but it was too late after I posted. I know people think this funny and all, but I seen some real nasty cases... Sorry... My bad for being all stuffy! :)

If you have been exposed, within 2 hours, get some Technu. Use it to wash the oil off your skin. The oil causes the allergic reaction.

It can take days to get the reaction. Also, if you are immune, you can suddenly be sensitive. I geocache with my girlfriend and she wades into PO looking for them while I stay away (I got PI when I was 7) She said she was immune. She did wipe her hands with an alcohol wipe when we got back to the car. About 2 days later, the rash was on the back of her hand, on her cheek and on her side where she was adjusting her pants. luckily she used the wipes before she went to the bathroom. They lasted about 10 days.



Mythbusters looked into PO/PI. They smeared PO on Grant's arm in 3 places and tried to wash off the oil with water, vodka and a "topical cream" (likely Technu). The water and vodka did nothing but the cream worked.


Really... Thanks... I suppose there are lot of myths sorrounding what can be done.

I kinda figured, but it was too late after I posted. I know people think this funny and all, but I seen some real nasty cases... Sorry... My bad for being all stuffy! :flirt:

I hear ya. I get it and its steroids at the outset. Every time I've tried to take care of it with over the counter crap nothing happens. Oh..it is on miserable thing to get.

If you have been exposed, within 2 hours, get some Technu. Use it to wash the oil off your skin. The oil causes the allergic reaction.



We (my kids and wife, I never get PI) use this all the time and it works really well.

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