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It's those god-damn Mongorian

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I thought it was "Still Not Bush".


That's got to scare the **** out of the Democrats. "Wait...we have to run on merit? The Republicans are the underdog party of Hope and Change now?"

Nah, that's easy. Most Democrats won't hold themselves accountable for anything -- see Barney Frank/Fannie Mae. This way, merit doesn't exist! Everything is relative, and all rational, quantitative standards and performance indicators are rejected as "different points of view".


(some dipschit telling me "you see everything in black and white" in 5...4...3...2)


If they actually tried to run on merit? As in, for real? Instead of trying reach back and invoke Bush...2 years later? Instead of attacking everybody and everything that moves in a lame effort to take the focus off of themselves?


Um...yeah, they'd still lose, and probably worse :thumbsup: Nothing is going to work for them, pushing it only makes it worse.


I don't want to hear about Bush. This is not a Presidential Campaign. This is about the Most Ethical Congress in History, that we had to elect "immediately" in 2006(anybody remember that?), or terrible things would happen....heh.... :)


.....and their record since 2006.

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