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Can Arizona Just Ignore The Judges Ruling?

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Two wrongs don't make a right. Bush was wrong on this issue too. We need to secure our borders and place heavy fines on employers who hire illegal aliens. I am in the crowd that thinks that the states have an obligation to keep their citizens safe.

I don't think states should make laws on defense- unless you just wanted to dissolve the country

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Two wrongs don't make a right. Bush was wrong on this issue too. We need to secure our borders and place heavy fines on employers who hire illegal aliens. I am in the crowd that thinks that the states have an obligation to keep their citizens safe.


Agree and add Clinton, elder Bush and Reagan to the list.


It's utterly ridiculous that the current administration would choose a law suit over solving the border problem (securing it). This is one of the worst examples of politics over purpose that I can recall in a long time. Aren't Presidents and congresspeople sworn to uphold the law?

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Agree and add Clinton, elder Bush and Reagan to the list.


It's utterly ridiculous that the current administration would choose a law suit over solving the border problem (securing it). This is one of the worst examples of politics over purpose that I can recall in a long time. Aren't Presidents and congresspeople sworn to uphold the law?

I'm afraid securing potential voters in the form of illegals is a higher priority then public safety and funds.

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I'm afraid securing potential voters in the form of illegals is a higher priority then public safety and funds.


So sad and so true. A platform of common sense and doing the right thing should be a winner in November, but getting that person to live up to that pomise would be another matter.

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So sad and so true. A platform of common sense and doing the right thing should be a winner in November, but getting that person to live up to that pomise would be another matter.

That platform doesn't exist with the Unified Stooges of America. People are gutless here and will continue to vote democrat or republican

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Why not? Whats Obama and his dumb asses going to do? Invade?

There was an HBO? movie in the 90s that basically played out that scenario. Some ridiculous, acorn-like lady sues to force a state(Colorado? Montana? Somewhere 100s of miles away from the border) to accept illegal alien kids in their schools and wins, and when the bus gets to the border to bring them in, the governor deploys the national guard.


Other sates send their national guards in support, and hilarity ensues. :doh:


I am praying that we don't get anywhere near this. But, just like in the movie, many in the army will not follow illegal orders. Contravening Federal law and American sovereignty by ordering the suppression/arrest/imprisonment of American citizens in favor of illegal immigrant non-citizens? That is the definition of an illegal order. Sure, Eisenhower sent the 101st to Arkansas, but that was to protect citizens from other citizens.


Obama is no Eisenhower, and worse, the Army has clearly crossed into only "respecting the office", not the man, territory.

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