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Can Arizona Just Ignore The Judges Ruling?

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Why not? Whats Obama and his dumb asses going to do? Invade?

I heard a lawyer yesterday who pointed out something no one else seems to be paying attention to right now: one of the things the judge struck down was not that officers must not ask for proof of citizenship, but that they be MADE to ask for proof of citizenship. In other words, they can do what 1070 wants them to do, they just can't be made to do it the way 1070 stated. I'm no lawyer and I'm no cop, but I do know that just because a law requires an officer to do something doesn't mean he's going to do it, so I suspect the officers who supported 1070 will ask for proof of citizenship and those who didn't won't.


To paraphrase Keanu Reeves from Parenthood, "You need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car...hell, you need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming assshole be an illegal alien in Arizona."


Frankly, it's all a little embarrassing on behalf of the federal government. An unpopular stand on a heavily debated topic, but I suspect it's doing what they want, which is to keep people from remembering how badly they've stalled the economy and that unemployment will be hanging around 9% for a while.

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Why not? Whats Obama and his dumb asses going to do? Invade?


Federal contempt of court and civil rights charges. I think (but am not sure) that if an AZ official (governor, attorney general) orders the law enforced as written, they could be arrested on federal charges.


As LA said, nothing prevents officers from doing whatever they want in the field, of course. Worst they'd get complaints about is racial profiling.

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I heard a lawyer yesterday who pointed out something no one else seems to be paying attention to right now: one of the things the judge struck down was not that officers must not ask for proof of citizenship, but that they be MADE to ask for proof of citizenship. In other words, they can do what 1070 wants them to do, they just can't be made to do it the way 1070 stated. I'm no lawyer and I'm no cop, but I do know that just because a law requires an officer to do something doesn't mean he's going to do it, so I suspect the officers who supported 1070 will ask for proof of citizenship and those who didn't won't.


To paraphrase Keanu Reeves from Parenthood, "You need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car...hell, you need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming assshole be an illegal alien in Arizona."


Frankly, it's all a little embarrassing on behalf of the federal government. An unpopular stand on a heavily debated topic, but I suspect it's doing what they want, which is to keep people from remembering how badly they've stalled the economy and that unemployment will be hanging around 9% for a while.


But Exxon-Mobil's 2Q's earnings more than doubled.

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But Exxon-Mobil's 2Q's earnings more than doubled.


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This is the kind of can-do spirit that makes this administration so special: back door amnesty.


With Congress gridlocked on an immigration bill, the Obama administration is considering using a back door to stop deporting many illegal immigrants - what a draft government memo said could be "a non-legislative version of amnesty."


The memo, addressed to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas and written by four agency staffers, lists tools it says the administration has to "reduce the threat of removal" for many illegal immigrants who have run afoul of immigration authorities.

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Why not? Whats Obama and his dumb asses going to do? Invade?

I am not sure that that is the right way of doing things.......I keep seeing that the Federal Government should handle defense- if they fail to do that, does the right fall to the states? The Federal Government made this mess and needs to clean it up!

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I am not sure that that is the right way of doing things.......I keep seeing that the Federal Government should handle defense- if they fail to do that, does the right fall to the states? The Federal Government made this mess and needs to clean it up!


Well, the Federal Government is not doing anything about it. I guess the question that needs to be answered is if individual states have the duty or at least the right to protect their citizens?

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Well, the Federal Government is not doing anything about it. I guess the question that needs to be answered is if individual states have the duty or at least the right to protect their citizens?

I will say this, not that I want to defend this administration, but the facts dictate that he has done more to stop illegal immigration than our last president.

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I will say this, not that I want to defend this administration, but the facts dictate that he has done more to stop illegal immigration than our last president.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Bush was wrong on this issue too. We need to secure our borders and place heavy fines on employers who hire illegal aliens. I am in the crowd that thinks that the states have an obligation to keep their citizens safe.

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