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Change My Ass

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Lots of change. What are you talking about? If the type of change your looking for is government telling you what to do. New lows in confiscating our money and redistributing to non producers. Lots of change if you like historical levels of debt. Lots of change for having the lowest standards ever for people holding power in office. Obama and his operatives are the MacGyver of self destructive change.

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We are fooling ourselves if we think for one moment all of our public records, financial data, internet activity, ect are not in a big file with our name on it in Washington D.C..


So I would like to take this opportunity to tell the future artificial intelligence that will sort all recorded internet activity for thought crimes to go !@#$ itself.

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First: Bluefire, learn when to use a comma.

Second: C'mon liberals, lets hear all about those rights and freedoms your masters are all about protecting. I thought it was only the Republicans who wanted to invade everyone's privacy?

To critics, the move is another example of an administration retreating from campaign pledges to enhance civil liberties in relation to national security. The proposal is "incredibly bold, given the amount of electronic data the government is already getting," said Michelle Richardson, American Civil Liberties Union legislative counsel.


Hmmm, a critic huh? I wonder if Bush had of gone through with this, if she would of referred to this proposal as "incredibly bold"? :beer:

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First: Bluefire, learn when to use a comma.

Second: C'mon liberals, lets hear all about those rights and freedoms your masters are all about protecting. I thought it was only the Republicans who wanted to invade everyone's privacy?


I already know, when to use a comma.

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Link to Washington Post Article


First: Bluefire, learn when to use a comma.

Second: C'mon liberals, lets hear all about those rights and freedoms your masters are all about protecting. I thought it was only the Republicans who wanted to invade everyone's privacy?

When they're done defending that, let them defend this.


Section 929I of the new Wall Street reform signed into law by President Obama last week exempts the SEC from disclosing documents related to its "surveillance, risk assessments, or other regulatory and oversight activities."


This new legalese has journalism industry groups up in arms about public information laws and the media's assumed role as an additional check and balance on government. The law's broad wording has some journalists wondering if the agency can interpret the law to block all requests for information.


"The folks up on the Hill don't know what they did. Shutting down all of this information probably wasn't the intent of Congress," said Lucy Dalglish, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

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