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New Yorkers in a "throw the bums out" mindset

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Meanwhile, as Silver and the Democrats refuse to cut anything meaningful out of the budget and instead look at yet another massive tax hike for a tiny % of the population, CT is actively courting NYS based hedge fund firms to move over to our side of the border.

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Meanwhile, as Silver and the Democrats refuse to cut anything meaningful out of the budget and instead look at yet another massive tax hike for a tiny % of the population, CT is actively courting NYS based hedge fund firms to move over to our site of the boarder.


"Site of the boarder"? VABills ghost-writing your posts?

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Vote against every incumbent and where the challenger is a former elected official write in "Fix Government" instead of voting for him/her. Ignore party affiliations, vote the current office holders out.


What's the worst that can happen...ineffective government?

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I thought this thread was about NYC getting tough on the homeless and cleaning up the city. Something I really wish SF would do.

What? You don't see me having to dodge heroin addicts relieving themselves on the street as an endearing picture for San Francisco? Come on, isn't seeing the results of overblown liberal douchebaggery charming?


Hehe. I know they built public toilets on the street....so now the heroin addicts have a place to crap, and shoot up, in private! Now the city has to pay for their upkeep, and of course, hire more government workers to maintain them. Progress! Every progressive can point to this progress and say "See!".

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The SF City council has a vendetta against plastic bags. They want to totally ban them in Sf, although I don't see them blowing around when I'm there. What I see a lot of is bums sleeping on the grass on the nice lawn in front of city hall. on rainy days they sleep and smell up the Library which is adjacent. To kill two birds with one stone, have the bums clean up the plastic bags.

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Vote against every incumbent and where the challenger is a former elected official write in "Fix Government" instead of voting for him/her. Ignore party affiliations, vote the current office holders out.


What's the worst that can happen...ineffective government?



Ineffective would be a huge improvement over what we have now.

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