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Do you love the Empire?

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LA, if you're going to pollute my thread, at least try to be funny. Or creative. Or something. Anything, but annoying.

Because that's your gig. You're annoying.


I'm asking nicely. Please stop. Go somewhere else.

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LA, if you're going to pollute my thread, at least try to be funny. Or creative. Or something. Anything, but annoying.

Because that's your gig. You're annoying.


I'm asking nicely. Please stop. Go somewhere else.


If he promises that, will you promise to keep all future posts and threads (latter not really possible, but you get my drift as it encompasses the board) in this single thread? He and I may disagree on occasion, but I feel confident I can promise that for him.

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Booster, if you're going to pollute my thread, at least try to be funny. Or creative. Or something. Anything, but annoying.

Because that's your gig. You're annoying.


I'm asking nicely. Please stop. Go somewhere else.



Think of how much better life would be if you weren't such a dickhead. Take that vision, and shut the hell up with it.


That was ladyslit, booster. It is a classier compound insult.

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Booster, if you're going to pollute my thread, at least try to be funny. Or creative. Or something. Anything, but annoying.

Because that's your gig. You're annoying.


I'm asking nicely. Please stop. Go somewhere else.



Think of how much better life would be if you weren't such a dickhead. Take that vision, and shut the hell up with it.


Wait, you confuse me. I thought I was a clitslit.


I will take that as a no.

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Sure... I like the Yankees! They are God's baseball team!




I think if you look at God's history of picking champions, he usually doesn't go with the biggest, strongest, richest, etc... Usually he goes with the weakest or most unlikely choice. That way when they win, you are supposed to know it was because of Him.


This would likely make the Yankees the opposite of God's team, which would seem to indicate they are under a sponsorship that is opposite of God. Hmm...who could that be?




Uh-Oh, two mentions of God in a thread. GF will be here shortly to let us know how much he hates religion.

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I think it's an interesting and legitimate question. People try to intertwine patriotism with taxes and devotion to the entity of government itself.


Feminine hygiene products from Larry King to Joe Biden have recently equated paying whatever the Federal government demands under threat of imprisonment to being patriotic. I don't love government, US or otherwise.

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I think it's an interesting and legitimate question. People try to intertwine patriotism with taxes and devotion to the entity of government itself.


Feminine hygiene products from Larry King to Joe Biden have recently equated paying whatever the Federal government demands under threat of imprisonment to being patriotic. I don't love government, US or otherwise.

WE are the USA, not the government. Unlike every other dopey country but a few, "we the people" means what it says.


This concept that the government is, or ever should be, anything other than an extension of the people is BS. Somehow, some people have gotten this reversed: the people are an extension of the government, and therefore serving the government, and not the people, is the job.


When we drop bombs on other people, it's very easy to say "well, I didn't do it", or "not in my name" which is a 100% cop out. People that say that enjoy the security those bombs create equally as much as every other citizen. Whether they like it or not, they have to claim their share of responsibility along with every other citizen. There is no "opting out".


This is acceptance of reality and common sense. 2 qualities "the empire" needs badly right now....and really that's where this "empire" stuff comes into play.


It's far easier to treat the government, or a corporation, like some nameless, faceless entity, instead of what they really are: a large group of human beings. The Romans learned this and responded accordingly by stamping SPQR on everything, including their soldiers. The P stands for people. We see US (Insert Job Title/Department here) and we don't see the word People anyplace.


So really, the question is not: Do you love the Empire? Instead: Do you like how you have been performing as a citizen? Do you like what/how the other citizens have been doing?


The "empire" is us. And if we don't like what it is doing, then it is our responsibility, not option, to change it, or choose to leave that to others. In all cases, we must accept our share of responsibility for it's mistakes, and credit for its success. Everything else is a cop out, or nonsense.

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The "empire" is us. And if we don't like what it is doing, then it is our responsibility, not option, to change it, or choose to leave that to others. In all cases, we must accept our share of responsibility for it's mistakes, and credit for its success. Everything else is a cop out, or nonsense.


True, but the more the beast is allowed to control every aspect of life, the more difficult it gets to enact any actual reform. I guess this is why revolutions tend to be violent events -- at some point it can't be fixed at the ballot box.

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WE are the USA, not the government. Unlike every other dopey country but a few, "we the people" means what it says.


This concept that the government is, or ever should be, anything other than an extension of the people is BS. Somehow, some people have gotten this reversed: the people are an extension of the government, and therefore serving the government, and not the people, is the job.


Thank you for your insight. I started to rebut this extraordinary argument in a number of different ways, but I found it so at variance with any concept I knew that it became difficult.


I find your argument that our government is a natural extension of the people, whereas in other "dopey" countries this does not apply, to be remarkable. Our government structure is very similar to a hundred others. I am amazed that you think our government represents the people so well that it is a perfect expression of them, whereas in other countries this is not true.


I feel that no government is a perfect expression of the will of its people, and that any form of government inhernetly changes the behavior of the people, and that governments are not fluid and easily changed. We agree that government is just people doing things, and the form of government found is naturally derived from the people of a nation. I find this way of thinking unhelpful, however, because my question was really about how the individuals on this website are at variance with their government, or as you defined it, their people.


Thank you for the lively discussion. At long last, I see that you have rephrased my question in your lengthy terms and provided an interesting way to think about it, but not answered it. Would you like to?

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I think if you look at God's history of picking champions, he usually doesn't go with the biggest, strongest, richest, etc... Usually he goes with the weakest or most unlikely choice. That way when they win, you are supposed to know it was because of Him.


This would likely make the Yankees the opposite of God's team, which would seem to indicate they are under a sponsorship that is opposite of God. Hmm...who could that be?




Uh-Oh, two mentions of God in a thread. GF will be here shortly to let us know how much he hates religion.

Not exactly aristotle, the cubs, red sox and angels all have more scratch than the yanks, NY has done a masterful job of spending what they have on what it takes to win, but make no mistake they are not the richest franchise.


Nice try though, that 28th world series title is gonna be sweet. :blink::lol:

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