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Does anyone know what happened to either of these two? I thoroughly enjoyed reading Dave Staba's Bills articles on that nickel and dime Niagara Falls Reporter site, then briefly on that artvoice page.


As for the Coach, I know he wasn't all that popular with a lot of fans, but I found him to be quite entertaining when he'd come on WGR every so often.

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Dave Staba's name came up about a year ago here.


Last I heard, his Dad had passed away and he had moved home to help out with the family business in…Attica/Corfu (?)


At that time I think he'd been writing a bit for Buffalo Artvoice and I know that he's contributed a few articles within the last two years to the New York Times.


Dave is a very gifted writer and a great guy.


Chuck Dickerson I didn't care for. I don't know if it was him or his schtick. But he developed a persona of a person who is ornery, argumentative, bitter, and intolerant of peoples' views. It seemed to me that he hated doing radio, was openly contemptuous of his listeners, and was only doing it for the money. Among other things, he was the head of the Flutie Hate Club and as far as I can tell, that might have been his greatest achievement.


For an ex-NFL coach, he didn't seem to know shyt…or he wasn't able to shed any insight into the inner workings of the NFL. A big disappointment at best.


I used to see him occasionally at Mykonos (now Mythos) on Elmwood.


Doesn't he live in Florida now…remember when he was doing his radio show and it became known that he was doing the show from out of state? I think there might have been a bit of backlash about that.

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Yeah, I miss Staba's reports, especially of the wings. Good stuff. Nice to see he's still writing -- that was a nice piece in the Times. Thanks for the heads-up, SJBF.

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dave staba runs his family scrap yard business he is actually a really good guy its in darien ny right by my saloon

his father passed and he took it over i do "billeve" his grandfather started the business

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I worked with Dave briefly as a reporter. Great guy, straight shooter and didn't mesh well with the mentality at the Gazette, which is a testament to Dave's belief in what it means to operate a newspaper and cover news, not just sell ads and kiss the collective arse of politicians and businesses who buy ads.


Good on ya Dave, wherever you are!

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"Staba's wing report?" Bull! Everyone knows I was the senior wing analyst in those stories. Anyways relaxing poolside

now in the stix with Staba's and mine kids at his refuse center. We might start the articles up again...plenty of new and decent wing joints have opened up in the last year.

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"Staba's wing report?" Bull! Everyone knows I was the senior wing analyst in those stories. Anyways relaxing poolside

now in the stix with Staba's and mine kids at his refuse center. We might start the articles up again...plenty of new and decent wing joints have opened up in the last year.

Great news. Thanks to you, and hi to Dave from all his fans.

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If you actually found Dickerson entertaining, just tune into WGR in the afternoon...Schopp didn't come across as a total ignorant jackass until he learned from Dickerson


I periodically listen to WGR on the web. I agree with your assessment on Schopp. His pomposity is intolerable. What riles me more than anything is when he condescendingly dismisses callers and their views. There are more diplomatic and classier ways to deal with the sometimes inane sports talk callers. He exhibits an exasperating superior attitude as to why he has to bother with such foolishness.


Buffalo is basically a two sport town, hockey and professional football. He has little interest in football and candidly acknowledges his lack of knowledge and interest in that sport. Why would someone with such a lack of interest in sports be on a sports radio show in prime time? With respect to Bulldog, his sidekick, he defers too much to Schopp. There is no doubt on the radio show that Schopp is the alpha dog and Bulldog is the lapdog.


In my opinion Mike Schopp has few likeability personality traits. How he maintains his radio spot is beyond me?

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