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From "Hope and Change" to "It could be worse"

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It reminds me of all the uninformed ultra enthusiastic types around election time, who couldn't tell you who the speaker of the house was, but were more than willing to condescendingly tell you how under Obama the government would be working for us.


I can't tell you how many asked me the mind-numbingly stupid question "How much worse can it get" to which I would respond "you're about to find out"

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Yes, I look back with fear and loathing at a 14,000 point Dow and under 5% unemployment :devil:




and STILL the media crowed about how bad things were . . .

And people wonder why politicians act so stupid!?!? Look at who they have to pander to for votes! Yup, this economy is Obama's fault.


He should have listened to those Conservatives that simply wanted to let the banks die. Brilliant! :P

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I know that sometimes people don't remember how bad it was


I know right. Two wars and a failing economy, Fanny frucked Freddie and Katrina water boarded New Orleans.


Not to mention whatever else Bush done did while doing it. Chenny war criminalized ... criminal, war, war criminaler.


Yeah, Bush damn near blew up the planet. It was bad, I remember now.

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