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Propaganda at its finest

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That is not their agenda. Where the hell do you get these ideas from? You've been drinking too much of Limbaughs cum.


Liberal Agenda:

- Equality for gays

- Social safety nets for the unlucky and unfortunate poor

- Don't torture people, don't fight unnecessary wars

- Environmental protection

- Individual freedoms (net neutrality, pro-choice, no spying, etc)

- Regulate overreaching corporations so they don't drown out the individual voter



Uhm.. the "other guys" are batshit insane. Gingrich, Limbaugh, Palin, Hannity, Beck, Boehner, Rove do enough on their own to make America hate them. They don't need any help from any liberals to put their stupidity on display.


Or to summarize, you eat everything they feed you.


How about you suspend judgement and objectively listen to someone with a different point of view. Gingrich, Limbaugh, etc. believe what they say every bit as much as you believe what you say. Calling them liars just makes you sound like an ignorant tool who can't deal with the argument.


I too used to be an arrogant, ignorant, closed-minded douche who resented and villified anyone who didn't see the world through the same prism as I. Then I realized that I had to always objectively question my beliefs and constantly reevaluate my views. Otherwise I'd just be some partisan hack blowhard blindly dancing to some guru's drum without even realizing I'd become a mindless pawn, or in other words, I'd be you.

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Or to summarize, you eat everything they feed you.


How about you suspend judgement and objectively listen to someone with a different point of view. Gingrich, Limbaugh, etc. believe what they say every bit as much as you believe what you say. Calling them liars just makes you sound like an ignorant tool who can't deal with the argument.


I too used to be an arrogant, ignorant, closed-minded douche who resented and villified anyone who didn't see the world through the same prism as I. Then I realized that I had to always objectively question my beliefs and constantly and reevaluate my views. Otherwise I'd just be some partisan hack blowhard blindly dancing to some guru's drum without even realizing I'd become a mindless pawn, or in other words, I'd be you.


Let me say that on behalf of this board we congratulate you on your epithany and are eternally grateful that there isn't another Conner.

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