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Op-Ed by Virginia Senator Jim Webb

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Damn, isn't he the dem that beat George Allen? If so, there might be a little hope for them dems.



Well, I would say that Allen technically defeated himself by going on a crazy, redneck tirade about Macacas that most people remember...

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Well, I would say that Allen technically defeated himself by going on a crazy, redneck tirade about Macacas that most people remember...

Tirade? Then, like you they must remember it incorrectly.

I'm glad Britebart went after the NAACP to challenge them on hurling "racist" charges at the Tea Party. They deserved it.

How is what he did any different than what the Democratic National Committee is doing? How? Oh, I get it. They're scraping the sewers for any evidence of Republican racism.

They are desperate. They know the electorate is going to hand them their asses in November and they're grasping at straws - having siht the bed at governing for the past two years. They're running scared and with good reason.

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Young folks looking for jobs and to get int oschools, who benefit from AA programs the most, are what? TWO generations removed from the Civil Rights Act? Something like that. End the programs. They dont work and all they do is foster racial resentment, as Webb points out.

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Damn, isn't he the dem that beat George Allen? If so, there might be a little hope for them dems.


I'm sure that when he wrote this, Webb thanked the Indian immigrant college student who was most responsible for his win.

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Well, I would say that Allen technically defeated himself by going on a crazy, redneck tirade about Macacas that most people remember...


It was clearly ill advised but I wouldn't call it a crazy redneck tirade. He wasn't exactly foaming at the mouth and boiling over with rage.

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It was clearly ill advised but I wouldn't call it a crazy redneck tirade. He wasn't exactly foaming at the mouth and boiling over with rage.


You guys are right, it was not a tirade. But he still likely lost most of the non-repub voters due to those comments. That and the subsequent denial that he knew what the word meant...

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Young folks looking for jobs and to get int oschools, who benefit from AA programs the most, are what? TWO generations removed from the Civil Rights Act? Something like that. End the programs. They dont work and all they do is foster racial resentment, as Webb points out.


And when they do get a job in a position of authority guess what-it's payback time for all that "oppression", Shirley Sherrod style.

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