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And libs rip Fox News without so much as a hint of irony

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I remember those "This is your brain on drugs" commercials that were supposed to scare kids away from drugs


In conner's case, scrambled eggs is an improvement

He brings new meaning to the term "brain food".

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Sure MSNBC is pretty bad also. I don't trust them very much either. Once in a while Maddow has a home-run segment or something. But I've long ago stopped trusting that station to be regularly accurate.


That "I hope he fails" thing by Limbaugh is the least inciting thing that guy has ever said. He's not even a political commentator he's just a side show entertainer. Come on he's gone on record for saying the President is not a United States citizen. That's just funny.


Joe Wilsons "you lie" statement was a lie. Check your facts.


Goodness, I'm sorry I can't spend my life debunking every crazy thing you think. Suffice to say, you suck at doing your own research.


This is like playing home run derby. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_C._Wilson


Insert foot to mouth

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This is like playing home run derby. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_C._Wilson


Insert foot to mouth


My bad, that was before I followed politics. That reference (obviously) did not ring a bell.


Anyways what is up with this line in the wikipedia article


On March 7, 2003, 11 days before the United States-led coalition invasion of Iraq, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released its report determining that documents indirectly cited by President Bush as suggesting that Iraq had tried to buy 500 tons of uranium from Niger were actually "obvious" forgeries.[30]
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Then why don't you link to any of their "lies"?

Yeah it's hard, they are just stupid little misleading things that make you go "WTF, why did they do that?"


Example: Check out this bar graph from Maddow - http://imgur.com/2HJcB.png

994 Billion is about 1/3 of 2.8 Trillion. But if you just were to look at the graph itself and not the numbers, you would think much differently. It's stupid, I don't know why they felt the need to make such a stupid graph.

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Yeah it's hard, they are just stupid little misleading things that make you go "WTF, why did they do that?"


Example: Check out this bar graph from Maddow - http://imgur.com/2HJcB.png

994 Billion is about 1/3 of 2.8 Trillion. But if you just were to look at the graph itself and not the numbers, you would think much differently. It's stupid, I don't know why they felt the need to make such a stupid graph.




Most of the global warming **** you reference is full of nonsense like that.

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I love the way you guys just call people who you disagree with a lying liar (usually in a shrill tone) without ever burdening yourself as to cite any of these egregious lies to which you so often refer.


But apparently if you're a left-wing liberal who fronts as an objective journalist, but instead skews the News to further a political agenda rather than inform the public you're a beacon of honesty and integrity. Nice.


Kind of like Andrew Breitbart, right?

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Yeah it's hard, they are just stupid little misleading things that make you go "WTF, why did they do that?"


Example: Check out this bar graph from Maddow - http://imgur.com/2HJcB.png

994 Billion is about 1/3 of 2.8 Trillion. But if you just were to look at the graph itself and not the numbers, you would think much differently. It's stupid, I don't know why they felt the need to make such a stupid graph.


So when MSNBC does it they're stupid little misleading things but when Fox does it they're lies. B-)

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Kind of like Andrew Breitbart, right?


It is interesting to me that garbage like this has been done to people on the right for years without so much as a peep when the truth comes out, but when it happens to someone on the left (and the WH makes fools of themselves with a knee jerk reaction) it's front page news for days.

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So when MSNBC does it they're stupid little misleading things but when Fox does it they're lies. :cry:

You know, it's tough I didn't think it was "make a new thread calling out MSNBC" worthy. For comparison Fox news has done some weird, and really wrong charts also.


But I think all of those above and also Maddows graph just pale in comparison to an obvious and underhanded lie such as this thing that they've done repeatedly.



What I mean to say is: They both suck ass, and they both care far more about ratings than they do truth and accuracy of information.

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