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Further Adventures of the Most Ethical Congress Ever

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Interesting update on Rangel. All the major news orgs were reporting a deal was struck this morning before the hearing started, and now they're saying there's no deal and the hearings will go on.


Maybe I'm just sheltered or something, but you're 80 years old, have spent half your life serving in Congress, and what is happening to you right now will not only ruin whatever reputation you think you have, but drag your party through the mud heading into the mid-terms. From any perspective, the right choice would be to take any deal you could get, even if it meant resigning, and let it all blow over while you go write a book and get paid to make speeches.


Doesn't make sense, ya big dummy.

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Interesting update on Rangel. All the major news orgs were reporting a deal was struck this morning before the hearing started, and now they're saying there's no deal and the hearings will go on.


Maybe I'm just sheltered or something, but you're 80 years old, have spent half your life serving in Congress, and what is happening to you right now will not only ruin whatever reputation you think you have, but drag your party through the mud heading into the mid-terms. From any perspective, the right choice would be to take any deal you could get, even if it meant resigning, and let it all blow over while you go write a book and get paid to make speeches.


Doesn't make sense, ya big dummy.


You're just milking the Fred Sanford comparison, aren't you? :beer:

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You're just milking the Fred Sanford comparison, aren't you? :beer:

Sorry, it's not so much that he looks like him, but he walks like him. Every time I see him waddling down the halls...


One of the funniest Obama-joke emails I have yet to receive chronicles how presidents/first ladies look when first sworn into office, and how they look at the end of their term. They do Carter, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr., and then show a current photo of Barack and Michelle Obama next to a photo of Fred Sanford about to get punched by Aunt Ester. Just funny as hell.

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Sorry, it's not so much that he looks like him, but he walks like him. Every time I see him waddling down the halls...


One of the funniest Obama-joke emails I have yet to receive chronicles how presidents/first ladies look when first sworn into office, and how they look at the end of their term. They do Carter, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr., and then show a current photo of Barack and Michelle Obama next to a photo of Fred Sanford about to get punched by Aunt Ester. Just funny as hell.


Oh, don't apologize. I thought it was great, the way you threw "ya big dummy" into that post. Half the board's too young to get it.

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Round 2! Round 2! Round 2! Round 2!

The Most Ethical Congress in HistoryTM will be treating us to 2, simultaneous, ethics trials this fall. :)


Unless...somebody at the DNC....

(because lets face it: Obama's people won't get this right-->they just put him on TV with a convicted felon)

realizes that they are about to create the Most Hysterical Congress in History. If not, they will be giving comics material for months, possibly years.


Trials? Answers like: That depends on how you define the word 'is'...all over again? For 5-6 weeks? Right before the elections? They can't be this stupid, can they? Somebody will step up and make them take the deals, won't they?


The words "hung on your own petard" barely approach this...there are just too many levels.

Perhaps: "hung by your own retards...squared?"


Cue the Sanford and Son music again....and while that's running in the background...think about all the phony moral superiority, liberal platitudes we have had to endure since 2005...and then just smile :thumbsup:

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Unless...somebody at the DNC.... (because lets face it: Obama's people won't get this right-->they just put him on TV with a convicted felon) realizes that they are about to create the Most Hysterical Congress in History.

That was pretty embarrassing. I think I heard Krauthammer comment that the WH has a serious problem vetting people and added something like "Ten million unemployed people, and they pick a convict to stand next to the president." :worthy:

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  • 3 months later...

Round 2! Round 2! Round 2! Round 2!

The Most Ethical Congress in HistoryTM will be treating us to 2, simultaneous, ethics trials this fall. :)


Unless...somebody at the DNC....

(because lets face it: Obama's people won't get this right-->they just put him on TV with a convicted felon)

realizes that they are about to create the Most Hysterical Congress in History. If not, they will be giving comics material for months, possibly years.


Trials? Answers like: That depends on how you define the word 'is'...all over again? For 5-6 weeks? Right before the elections? They can't be this stupid, can they? Somebody will step up and make them take the deals, won't they?


The words "hung on your own petard" barely approach this...there are just too many levels.

Perhaps: "hung by your own retards...squared?"


Cue the Sanford and Son music again....and while that's running in the background...think about all the phony moral superiority, liberal platitudes we have had to endure since 2005...and then just smile :thumbsup:

This is for ..lybob: I was right, again. :D They moved it to the lame duck, and the whole thing was obviously orchestrated.


I can't believe they let him walk out of the "trial". How many of us would be allowed to walk out of our own fraud trial?


Another example of how simply being a liberal makes you smarter, and morally superior, to everybody else :lol: You don't even have to attend your own trial, and how dare they apply the rules to you? Don't they know you are fighting against the corporations?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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