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This should prove global warning to the skeptics

Steely Dan

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Wow, you're (notice I used it right. Just like I have thousands of times before.) really pathetic. I've told you how you have nothing to say and so you use insults and you go out and produce more posts proving me right. You still have not answered the question and you know it. You keep saying you have but you haven't. Maybe it's just because you're (look used it right again) too stupid to comprehend English. If you can't admit that you were wrong about the supposition of my original post then you are too stupid to read.


AD, I'm done with you. A cat will eventually tire of playing with a mouse and eventually just kill the thing. I have metaphorically killed you here. Go ahead and put up another insult laden post with no facts and a lot chest puffery in an attempt to make yourself look like a big man, but so many people here see through your (look used it right again, maybe the time you cited above is just a typo.) name calling to the emptiness of your posts and it just keeps getting more and more pathetic for you. The most pathetic thing is that you're (look used it right again.) an adult and the best you can do is insult laden posts.


I find it hysterical that you can dish it out but you can't take it.




When you start posting like an adult maybe I'll respond again but I'm sure you're (look used it right again) too juvenile to attain that level of maturity.

Internet loser tactic #1: Regardless of reality, at some point declare yourself the winner then take your ball and go home.


Good job Steely. I think my favorite thing in this entire thread is you speaking for "so many people". I knew if I started prodding, you wouldn't disappoint. :blink:

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I don't know what you guys are all arguing about,


don't worry, in the next century or so a large asteroid/comet is going going to strike the earth and we will be just like the dinosaurs.........EXTINCT!


Come on, humans haven't been on the earth long enough to melt all the polar ice caps... it's just the normal health of the earth.


Global warming is nothing more that a group of politicians trying to find a new way to tax the middle class.

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My ice is melting in my orange juice and why do we want to ban AK47's?


I just ordered an AK74.

Besides the more appropriate term is "Global Climate change"

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One thing is for sure, the "pendulum" has been swinging back and forth for billions of years. It's tough to decipher what the actual truth is, considering how polarized this idealogical world has become, the left have their agenda as do the right.


There is some compelling data that suggests that man is contributing to "global warming", the question is how much? What makes me skeptical regarding this argument, is that EVERY solution that has been proposed from the left, includes some sort of tax, which coincidentally and conveniently fits into their arsenal of "solutions".


Why can't we just attempt to incentivize innovation and energy conservation rather than tax and punish companies that use traditional energy sources?


The polarization revolving this topic would certainly improve and at the same time we would be able to get **** done that would benefit everyone. Instead, the left will push forward with their agenda, and the right will obstruct. Gridlock!

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One thing is for sure, the "pendulum" has been swinging back and forth for billions of years. It's tough to decipher what the actual truth is, considering how polarized this idealogical world has become, the left have their agenda as do the right.


There is some compelling data that suggests that man is contributing to "global warming", the question is how much? What makes me skeptical regarding this argument, is that EVERY solution that has been proposed from the left, includes some sort of tax, which coincidentally and conveniently fits into their arsenal of "solutions".


Why can't we just attempt to incentivize innovation and energy conservation rather than tax and punish companies that use traditional energy sources?


The polarization revolving this topic would certainly improve and at the same time we would be able to get **** done that would benefit everyone. Instead, the left will push forward with their agenda, and the right will obstruct. Gridlock!

I am neither "left" nor "right" I don't buy into "climate is going to hell and it's all man's fault" and I wholly support innovation regarding alternative energy sources...what does that make me? ;)

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I am neither "left" nor "right" I don't buy into "climate is going to hell and it's all man's fault" and I wholly support innovation regarding alternative energy sources...what does that make me? ;)

suspiciously reasonable?

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