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What comes to mind when you hear the word "conner"?

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This is the face I see in my head every time I see Sunshine post. I told a few girls I know that I had a single friend I thought they would like to meet and then emailed them a pic of Conner. Most declined, but one said she just wanted to be friends w/ benefits, so if you're interested Sunshine I'll give you her number.

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Nah nah nah....get RID of that shortbus pic. See those bikes on top? Downhill bikes. If youre on that bus, youre being shuttled to the top of some mountain to rip down at about 40 MPH on one of those bikes.....which takes smarts, skill and balls, none of which that living abortion conner possess in the slightest.

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Typical leftwing moron who has no idea how the real world operates.

....but thinks that whatever opinion piece on MoveOn.org today is fact-based, and that Bill Nye is a scientist. In fact, we have proven here that conner has no formal education in anything that matters. His bachelor of arts in women's studies clearly does him no good here at all.

The South Park episode when the hippies merge on the town for a jam band festival. The kids meet some college know it alls who tell them about how the corporations are all evil and corporationy and make money, after which the kids are duped into jumping on board the left-wing liberal agenda to fight "the man".


Conner reminds me of the kids in that episode.

Thanks a lot for that reminder :wallbash: . It's Christmas, which means another year of crushing my little brother's South Park college friends when they come over for our party. It's a yearly ritual that I do not look forward to, but I feel compelled to educate these clowns. They always bring something they "researched" :lol: , one year a kid even wrote down what he was going to say. :lol: He failed.


Basic economics and logic owns them no different than it owns conner here.

Hossage nothing I previously wrote was meant to be insulting, but this is, either you're a low-life who recounts tales of drug use, sex with minors, and and putting people in jeopardy by fleeing police at 130mph, without a hint of shame or you are stupid and crass enough to think such made up tales humorous and cool. You say you are a hard-core "finance dude" but go on an antisemitic cry-baby rant when a real businessman like Nate lays down the law to you when you don't keep your property up and ruin property values in the neighborhood. btw that's one battle of Midway you don't want to engage in.

Uhhhhhh, you may find that you are in the severe minority that is critical of/has never done a lot of this stuff, on this board anyway. There was a time for all of that = college :D


If you are the biggest nerd of all time, that's fine, but, you know, "judge not, lest ye be judged"....

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So no one feels left out especially you OCinBuffalo wouldn't want you to get traumatized again.

People here know what I look like, so spare me.


Who said I was the one who was traumatized? IRRC, many of those kids went to hospital. :D I went home and played with my legos.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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