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NAACP accuses Tea Party of being racist

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Why does anyone bother to respond to Conner?

He's the town simpleton,we all know that. Entertaining but essentially worthless.

I've often wondered this myself..but I've responded in the past...I was either drunk or just in a mood to make myself feel better knowing there was someone incredibly dumber than me!

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We're not out of the loop. We just don't find this as outrageous as you. When you have a distorted view of reality (like Glenn Beck) you tend to find non-outrageous things to be outrageous.



Glenn Beck, Hannity and Palin should all start wearing t-shirts saying "I told you so."


...and then start selling t-shirts that say "Sorry America, I voted for stupid" with Obama's likeness on it. For the crowd who have the guts to use humor to apologize publicly.



Hey, maybe you can wear a t-shirt that says "I heart Obama." You can probably find one somewhere in a poor south american village now.

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I just have to say....!@#$ the NAACP.


Im racist? Well, they are stupid, incompetent and irrelevant and only still exist becuase like any good racket, they mastered the use of strong-arm tactics and indimidation to get their agenda moved forward. Their tactics have !@#$ing Cosa Nostra looking upon them with reverence.


I cant wait for the day where someone has the balls to call them on their bull ****. Oh yeah...there is...Glenn Beck. But the lamestream media and the "hip" at cocktail parties are too busy worshipping at Ben Jealous' altar to say so, for fear they also be labeled as "racist" or "not with it."

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More goodness from the tolerant Tea Party:


In an effort to mock to the NAACP's recent criticism of the Tea Party movement, Mark Williams, a conservative radio talk show host and spokesman for the Tea Party Express, published a post on his blog that is a mock letter from NAACP president Benjamin Jealous to former President Lincoln.


"Dear Mr. Lincoln," the blog post reads, "We [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People and we demand that it stop!"


The mock letter continues by taking on several core beliefs and positions of the Tea Party movement including the conservative movement's desire to end bailouts of big business, to reduce the size and scope of government, to reduce government spending and to cut taxes.


"The racist tea parties also demand that the government 'stop the out of control spending,' " the mock letter says. "Again, they directly target [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People. That means we [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.


"Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government 'stop raising our taxes' That is outrageous! Totally racist! The tea party expects [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People to be productive members of society, especially when our mission is to convince them that progress is impossible for them based on the color of their skin?"


The mock letter ends by telling Lincoln he was "the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. … Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we say that belong."




Why stop there, put on black face and sing Mammy. His audience would love it.

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More goodness from the tolerant Tea Party:


How many of the Tea Party movement would you say are in it for racist motives or even just closet racists? What percentage? By sheer odds there will be some racists. I have yet to see the overall (as much as there can be said to be an overall movement) racism.


There was the ill advised socialism thing, but that cannot be racist. Do not even try to make it so. They pulled the Hitler card though. :thumbsup:


This idiot who posted on his blog.


A few other random examples of idiotic individuals.


To me the Tea Party seems a group of individuals who have one common gripe. Government and taxes and then a ton of sub issues on which a lot of them probably disagree. Just my take though.

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They pulled the Hitler card though.

Putting a Hitler moustache on an Obama picture is a lot of things, but "racist" isn't one of them. It is also exclusively LaRouche folks with those posters. I see them at every rally, and they never try to hide who they are.


Your take on Tea Party folks is fairly accurate. The funniest part of the "race card" criticisms leveled against Tea Party folks is that anyone...and I mean ANYONE...who has ever been to a rally knows it's a total bunch of crap. Consider the comments from NAACP regarding signs specifically saying "Lynch Obama" or "Lynch Holder." If such posters at Tea Party rallies existed, don't you think SOMEONE would have a photo? Someone? Anyone? How about video of all those dozens of people yelling the N word when the health care bill was passed. Tens of thousands of cameras and cellphones, and a $100,000 reward for video of this accusation, and what do you have?




When truth is on your side, it all sounds just like desperate whining.

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I was talking to my friends about this issue about 6 to 9 months ago, in how the liberals would attempt to discredit this movement and carticature them into some sort of fringe loony organization. I concluded that the more they tried to do this, the more emboldened the Tea Party group would become, and ultimately it would backfire on the disillusioned progressive movement. The reason why this strategy would fail is because most of these tea partiers are middle America folks, they are your every day Joe sort of people. People who care about fiscal responsibility, people who have produced in their life time through hard work. People who understand what it takes to be a roductive member of society. It is for this reason why this group won't be discredited by the desperate left.

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Putting a Hitler moustache on an Obama picture is a lot of things, but "racist" isn't one of them. It is also exclusively LaRouche folks with those posters.


This is what I was referring to. Again, in this case, it is a lone group at best doing this. My point is, you cannot label the whole group racist when at best you have isolated incidents in a group without a real cause other than less government and taxes. I should note that most Tea Party groups seem to have condemned this incident.

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More goodness from the tolerant Tea Party:


In an effort to mock to the NAACP's recent criticism of the Tea Party movement, Mark Williams, a conservative radio talk show host and spokesman for the Tea Party Express, published a post on his blog that is a mock letter from NAACP president Benjamin Jealous to former President Lincoln.


"Dear Mr. Lincoln," the blog post reads, "We [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People and we demand that it stop!"


The mock letter continues by taking on several core beliefs and positions of the Tea Party movement including the conservative movement's desire to end bailouts of big business, to reduce the size and scope of government, to reduce government spending and to cut taxes.


"The racist tea parties also demand that the government 'stop the out of control spending,' " the mock letter says. "Again, they directly target [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People. That means we [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.


"Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government 'stop raising our taxes' That is outrageous! Totally racist! The tea party expects [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People to be productive members of society, especially when our mission is to convince them that progress is impossible for them based on the color of their skin?"


The mock letter ends by telling Lincoln he was "the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. … Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we say that belong."




Why stop there, put on black face and sing Mammy. His audience would love it.


Any mocking of anything that "minority" is automatically "racist."


Youre a good little liberal. Get in line so Georgie Soros can give you a kiss.

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Any mocking of anything that "minority" is automatically "racist."


Youre a good little liberal. Get in line so Georgie Soros can give you a kiss.


Same goes with Jewish people... Anything remotely critical of Israel or Jews in general and one is automatically painted an anti-semite. Get critical about and people make it out that somebody wants to kill or exterminate the Jewish people. This is so far from the truth... Yet, it works for say Israel... What a lock tight cop out. :rolleyes:

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Anything remotely critical of Israel or Jews in general and one is automatically painted an anti-semite.

And yet you can stand on a street corner with a bullhorn telling people that we need to kill every cracker and their white babies, and it's no big deal.

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And yet you can stand on a street corner with a bullhorn telling people that we need to kill every cracker and their white babies, and it's no big deal.


Who said it wasn't a big deal... It is a big deal, a very big deal. It just isn't a real big threat. It is something that shouldn't be said of course. I suppose a lot of crazy people stand on the corner and say a lot of stuff.

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More goodness from the tolerant Tea Party:


In an effort to mock to the NAACP's recent criticism of the Tea Party movement, Mark Williams, a conservative radio talk show host and spokesman for the Tea Party Express, published a post on his blog that is a mock letter from NAACP president Benjamin Jealous to former President Lincoln.


"Dear Mr. Lincoln," the blog post reads, "We [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People and we demand that it stop!"


The mock letter continues by taking on several core beliefs and positions of the Tea Party movement including the conservative movement's desire to end bailouts of big business, to reduce the size and scope of government, to reduce government spending and to cut taxes.


"The racist tea parties also demand that the government 'stop the out of control spending,' " the mock letter says. "Again, they directly target [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People. That means we [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.


"Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government 'stop raising our taxes' That is outrageous! Totally racist! The tea party expects [National Association for the Advancement of] Colored People to be productive members of society, especially when our mission is to convince them that progress is impossible for them based on the color of their skin?"


The mock letter ends by telling Lincoln he was "the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. … Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we say that belong."




Why stop there, put on black face and sing Mammy. His audience would love it.


Good thing Presidents havent been mocked dating back to George Washington or anything.

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Who said it wasn't a big deal... It is a big deal, a very big deal. It just isn't a real big threat. It is something that shouldn't be said of course. I suppose a lot of crazy people stand on the corner and say a lot of stuff.


When these "crazy" people happen to be the ones caught on video in front of polling place, during a presidential election, with nightsticks making threats against white people, and the president (who is black) condones this behavior by dropping the charges, then it is a THREAT. This is how the nazis got to power, as Jefferson once said...


"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."


You and the MSM are being good little blind followers by remaining silent in the face of an extremely offensive non-action by this administration regarding this case. Obama said that this is not a country of red states and blue states, but apparently it's a country with two sets of rules depending on whether you're a black person or white person.

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Who said it wasn't a big deal... It is a big deal, a very big deal. It just isn't a real big threat. It is something that shouldn't be said of course. I suppose a lot of crazy people stand on the corner and say a lot of stuff.

You're a !@#$ing idiot. I'd like to thank you for regularly proving that.

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Same goes with Jewish people... Anything remotely critical of Israel or Jews in general and one is automatically painted an anti-semite. Get critical about and people make it out that somebody wants to kill or exterminate the Jewish people. This is so far from the truth... Yet, it works for say Israel... What a lock tight cop out. :rolleyes:

....except for the fact that Israel, which looks like a book of matches on a football field, is the only country that I am aware of, which is being threatened with complete eradication by their neighbors.

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