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NAACP accuses Tea Party of being racist

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As is our resident Klan member, WisconsinBillzFan.


I think these are relevant stories he's referenced. It's laughable that the NAACP has labeled the Tea Party movement as "racist" and the Justice department continues to duck the Black Panther case.


What is clear, however, is that both the black and hispanic minorities continue to push for "special treatment". We won't begin to conquer the remaining race issues until we stop treating minorities differently. That means ending affirmative action and not giving preference to hispanic immigrants. It means telling everyone that is able to obey the laws and to sink of swim on their own.

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It's laughable that the NAACP has labeled the Tea Party movement as "racist" and the Justice department continues to duck the Black Panther case.


That is because you are a monkey, and monkeys laugh at anything. One of the events you speak of is factual, and the other is fictional. I don't hold out hope that you will ever know the difference between the two words.

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I wouldn't say Tea Party members in general are racist, but they do tolerate fringe racists at their rallies as displayed by some of the signs and things people shout out. Perhaps they tolerate them so as to try and make themselves seem reasonable. But then they go and do something as stupid as the billboard in the linked story, and remove all doubt about their lunacy.




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I wouldn't say Tea Party members in general are racist, but they do tolerate fringe racists at their rallies as displayed by some of the signs and things people shout out. Perhaps they tolerate them so as to try and make themselves seem reasonable. But then they go and do something as stupid as the billboard in the linked story, and remove all doubt about their lunacy.





Just because racists show up at Tea Party rallies doesn't mean the party tolerates them.

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Just because racists show up at Tea Party rallies doesn't mean the party tolerates them.


They keep showing up at the rallies and are allowed to stay, but they're not tolerated? :blink:


There's a reason why they show up there, and not at NAACP meetings.

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They keep showing up at the rallies and are allowed to stay, but they're not tolerated? :blink:


There's a reason why they show up there, and not at NAACP meetings.


They show up because they can. Ignored and tolerated are two different things.

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I wouldn't say Tea Party members in general are racist, but they do tolerate fringe racists at their rallies as displayed by some of the signs and things people shout out. Perhaps they tolerate them so as to try and make themselves seem reasonable. But then they go and do something as stupid as the billboard in the linked story, and remove all doubt about their lunacy.





I see nothing at all racist in the billboard. 60% of people say they think socialist when they hear Obama's name. They are just reminding people of other socialist regimes.


It was OK when all those posters of Bush as Hitler were around though.The ones around now of Obama are by the LaRouchites, it even says so at the bottom of their posters.

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They keep showing up at the rallies and are allowed to stay, but they're not tolerated? :blink:


There's a reason why they show up there, and not at NAACP meetings.

So calling Obama a socialist makes you a racist? :doh:


and this latest comment you made.....


You're a joke :lol:

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That is because you are a monkey, and monkeys laugh at anything. One of the events you speak of is factual, and the other is fictional. I don't hold out hope that you will ever know the difference between the two words.


I don't see Obama dressed as a witch doctor as a racist image. Disrespectful yes, but not on a racial basis. That depiction is intended to express the fear people had regarding health care rationing and govenment control of health care, but you probably don't see it that way. As for Adams, I've seen the tape of his testimony and his interview. He comes across very credible in his statements that the justice department is choosing not to pursue race related crimes where the white person is the victim. He made those statements at significant personal risk if he is lying. I've also listened to the Justice department's weak response claiming not enough evidence. We're all free to form ou own opinion, but my money is on Adams. He's simply more convincing especially after seeing the video and hearing the audio of the incident.

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I don't see Obama dressed as a witch doctor as a racist image.

Most hateful racists wouldn't.


Disrespectful yes, but not on a racial basis. That depiction is intended to express the fear people had regarding health care rationing and govenment control of health care, but you probably don't see it that way. As for Adams, I've seen the tape of his testimony and his interview. He comes across very credible in his statements that the justice department is choosing not to pursue race related crimes where the white person is the victim. He made those statements at significant personal risk if he is lying. I've also listened to the Justice department's weak response claiming not enough evidence. We're all free to form ou own opinion, but my money is on Adams. He's simply more convincing especially after seeing the video and hearing the audio of the incident.

Ah, I see. This guy really seems sincere and that makes him credible. Well, post some links. I post links all the time when I have original sources. Why don't you actually contribute something for a change.


Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_wwhXWqdUQ

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They keep showing up at the rallies and are allowed to stay, but they're not tolerated? :blink:


There's a reason why they show up there, and not at NAACP meetings.

And you know this from the number of rallies you've been to?




Take another sip of the DailyKos kool-aid and see the doctor, wouldcha? Not only have I been to half a dozen rallies, but I've personally been two two rallies where people carrying Obama/Nazi signs (ummm, you know, the hard left LaRouche folks) were pointed out by speakers and boo'ed away by the crowd.


So I'm curious. If I've seen that twice, does that negate the two times you've HEARD about these things.


Oh, and not to parrot the libs talking point of late, but where were you when THIS was the protesting with Bush (scroll down and enjoy all those great liberal posters)? Have a problem then? Of course not. It's only a problem when a colored person is president.


Whiny ass liberal babies.

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What is on video tape? Are we even talking about the same thing?




Glenn Beck -


"So today I was watching Fox and MSNBC. I look up and Fox is doing a story on the Black Panthers because there's new amazing audio from the Black Panthers. And what was MSNBC doing? A round panel about the NAACP claiming that the tea parties are racist and how racist the tea parties are. We are in two separate countries."



This pretty much sums up why you and the congressman appear to be out of the loop. BTW, for all the jokes and barbs thrown at them during the great american Obama love-in, turns out that Hannity, Beck and Palin were all correct about Obama. The president, through his and his AG's actions condone and protect voter intimidation of white people. Time to stop watching the government run media and re-educate yourself.

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