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Have you lost faith in Obama?


Where do you fall regarding the Prez?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. How has your opinion changed?

    • My faith is unwavering.
    • I have lost faith.
    • I never had faith to lose.
    • This is the most jacked up poll ever & your a idiot.

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This way, the Republican party can retake the WH and Congress for the next several elections, as the country will long remember the price we paid for Obama-supporters' well-meaning but misguided political altruism.

This is a big reason why our country has such poor leadership. So the Republican president !@#$ed this country up during his tenure, so the Democrat comes in and does no better, so the solution is put a Republican back in, and when that doesn't do anything vote Democrat, etc. How about we stop this ridiculous cycle and all vote 3rd party– maybe then we'll finally get the changes we are seeking.

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This is a big reason why our country has such poor leadership. So the Republican president !@#$ed this country up during his tenure, so the Democrat comes in and does no better, so the solution is put a Republican back in, and when that doesn't do anything vote Democrat, etc. How about we stop this ridiculous cycle and all vote 3rd party– maybe then we'll finally get the changes we are seeking.

What makes this cycle particularly self destructive is that, now, while the Democrats are in charge; the Republicans will do everything posssible to prevent any serious progess from being made. Afterall, if Obama and the current Congress have any success, then how can the Republicans get back in control? So, they'll stall everything they can and regain control. Then, of course, the Democrats will do everything they can to stall and prevent any positive Republican progress. So, they can then point to and call out ineffectual Republican leadership. And so it goes ensuring nothing beneficial is ever truly accomplished. All the while, the only way to actually change anything - development of a 3rd party, term limits on Congress, lobbying/campaign reform - are squashed before they ever begin.

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This is a big reason why our country has such poor leadership. So the Republican president !@#$ed this country up during his tenure, so the Democrat comes in and does no better, so the solution is put a Republican back in, and when that doesn't do anything vote Democrat, etc. How about we stop this ridiculous cycle and all vote 3rd party– maybe then we'll finally get the changes we are seeking.

Unfortunately we have a two party system that the independant party can't seem to break into. Also, most independants originally called from one of the other parties.


Here's what I'm doing in November - voting for non-incumbents republican or democrat just be new blood.

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Unfortunately we have a two party system that the independant party can't seem to break into. Also, most independants originally called from one of the other parties.


Here's what I'm doing in November - voting for non-incumbents republican or democrat just be new blood.

The fallacy in that is this: what if you have an incumbant that is trying to do a good job, but is hampered by the current bureaucratic mess?

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What makes this cycle particularly self destructive is that, now, while the Democrats are in charge; the Republicans will do everything posssible to prevent any serious progess from being made. Afterall, if Obama and the current Congress have any success, then how can the Republicans get back in control? So, they'll stall everything they can and regain control. Then, of course, the Democrats will do everything they can to stall and prevent any positive Republican progress. So, they can then point to and call out ineffectual Republican leadership. And so it goes ensuring nothing beneficial is ever truly accomplished. All the while, the only way to actually change anything - development of a 3rd party, term limits on Congress, lobbying/campaign reform - are squashed before they ever begin.

yep...look at the health care reform...has some good qualities in it and some bad ones as well. Instead of working together to make it a great package, Dems pushed it through while the Republicans just tried to defeat it instead of fix it

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The fallacy in that is this: what if you have an incumbant that is trying to do a good job, but is hampered by the current bureaucratic mess?

I guess there is the chance this could be happening, but I thing the idea that they all must go is the only way to ensure that our elected representatives realize that they work for us, and we can fire them at anytime (election).

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yep...look at the health care reform...has some good qualities in it and some bad ones as well. Instead of working together to make it a great package, Dems pushed it through while the Republicans just tried to defeat it instead of fix it

Neither side cares about passing "great packages". They care about remaining in power. One only has to look at the unemployment benefits lag and the things that led to it not getting passed to see how Washington really operates.

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Dick Cheney may be many things. Brainless isn't one of them.



you're off by an election or 2... he was referring to that fox news anchor from alaska who had no business being called up to the big leagues other than to ruin any chances the GOP had of wining in the first place.


Personally, I think the presidential position is way overblown, and if people are finally seeing through the 2 party pissing match, maybe soon they'll see the president as what he actually is: the commander in chief of the armed forces and the head of the executive branch. He can send troops wherever he wants and sign treaties, as well as control the people under him who are supposed to enforce the law. He cannot make laws. The problem with the country is those 535 people who ARE in charge of making laws dont talk to eachother or even actually listen and think about what they're doing, rather they just vote on something based on kickbacks they get and if their party leader says weather or not to vote for it.


and due to our system of not replacing all of the politicians every 4 years, we will never be able to get out of it, no matter what the candidates say to get elected. If they go in with the best of intentions, soon they will still be spoiled by business as usual in politics

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Personally, I think the presidential position is way overblown, and if people are finally seeing through the 2 party pissing match, maybe soon they'll see the president as what he actually is: the commander in chief of the armed forces and the head of the executive branch. He can send troops wherever he wants and sign treaties, as well as control the people under him who are supposed to enforce the law. He cannot make laws.


Ever hear of an Executive Order?


Granted they can not override an Act of Congress and Executive Order's can be overridden later by an Act of Congress, but if Congress doesn't bother overriding the Executive Order, guess who just made a back door law?

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I guess there is the chance this could be happening, but I thing the idea that they all must go is the only way to ensure that our elected representatives realize that they work for us, and we can fire them at anytime (election).


need term limits and other regulations. the problem is, the only people that can put those in place would be themselves, and i dont know anyone that has voluntarily pushed themselves out of a job, let alone one that gives them so much power and perks.


the founding fathers never intended anyone to be a Professional Politician. our representatives were supposed to come from the community, and government was to be their second job. we need to get back towards that track.

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This is a big reason why our country has such poor leadership. So the Republican president !@#$ed this country up during his tenure, so the Democrat comes in and does no better, so the solution is put a Republican back in, and when that doesn't do anything vote Democrat, etc. How about we stop this ridiculous cycle and all vote 3rd party– maybe then we'll finally get the changes we are seeking.

The chances of the Democrats or Republicans allowing a 3rd party to horn in are about the same chances you have of being struck by lightning 17,438 times in a row.

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Neither side cares about passing "great packages". They care about remaining in power. One only has to look at the unemployment benefits lag and the things that led to it not getting passed to see how Washington really operates.

To add to that, once they get elected, it then becomes "Payback Time" for all the favors, fund raising, string pulling and arm twisting that got them elected. It's not a party thing, it's a politics thing.

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I was referring to that airhead who seems to be George W Bush in a dress, Sarah Palin...the 2008 election

Cheney's another psycho like McCain

Sorry. I have a hard time keeping all the idiots in proper order. These are actually the choices we're given. Tough to believe.

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