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What can you do for Brown?

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The website: http://www.brownbailout.com/?fbid=nF6GdCvyDAH




Readers' Digest version: UPS paid CongressCriminals to include language in an unrelated bill to require its competitor FedEx (who run the world's 2nd largest commercial air fleet) to follow arcane trucking regulations. Why would they want to do that? Why to force FedEx to accept the Teamsters into their company, grossly increasing FedEx's costs and hence, increasing the costs for shipping goods for consumers and businesses.


But remember, Obama isn't "anti-business".

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1) That's completely wrong.

2) This has to be some sort of record; a thread being Godwined with the first reply.


Hitler liked to get his union or other governmental men into a business through extortion, punishment and rewards. Of course, there were many other ways, but using unions as an extension of government control and forcing them into private business was certainly one of them, especially in the early years, and especially in smaller companies.


The Nazi playbook calls for a cartelization of this industry, and you cant have a cartel when one company has the economic disadvantage of unions. The elimination of non-Nazi (non-union, non-party) industry was aboveboard, and called gliechschaltung.


Godwin aside, this sort of thing is most germane to National Socialism in Germany.


tom, as you said to me in another topic where you were talking out of your ass, get an education, then come talk to me. You're too stupid to discuss this.



1) !@#$ you

2) !@#$ you


You have been corrected by Hossage. Now shut up and sit down.

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Hitler liked to get his union or other governmental men into a business through extortion, punishment and rewards. Of course, there were many other ways, but using unions as an extension of government control and forcing them into private business was certainly one of them, especially in the early years, and especially in smaller companies.



1) !@#$ you

2) !@#$ you


You have been corrected by Hossage. Now shut up and sit down.

Conner must enjoy seeing you here much like I suspect Jimmy Carter likes watching Obama as president.

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You, tom, Connor, Jimmy Carter and Obama dont know what they are talking about. Honestly guys, I dont want to go back and forth like this.


You may want to look into just how the Nazis got big business to comply with the four year plan. You would find many examples of exactly what we are talking about here. That might not be the best parallel, because they used many other means as well, but it will be well documented.

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You may want to look into just how the Nazis got big business to comply with the four year plan.


I have. I've forgotten more about the Nazi economy than you know.


The Nazi's, using unions. :bag: You're an idiot. Read up on who supported and bankrolled the NSDAP's rise to power in the late 20's and early 30's, then come back and tell me about their position w/r/t labor unions, you twit.

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Would you rather I called them a heterogenous collection of quasi-autonomous organizations, vertically constructed according to industry in a way intended to preclude any effective organization of interest, and subordinate to a constantly changing hierarchy of economic authorities, or would you grant me that at least at the beginning, the structure was often similar to union leadership?


No, you wouldnt, because you are a verbose, busy prick.


tom, you dont know what you are talking about. I will make you a deal. If you admit you dont know what you are talking about, I will take down my posts making fun of you. Honestly, at this point, why am I wasting my time on you?


You have been corrected by Hossage. Now shut up and sit down.

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3rd, I really dont like doing this sort of thing, but tom had it coming. He has done this to me in several threads, and he never knows what he is talking about. I dont think I would normally take exception, except this guy has "You have been corrected by tom. Now shut up and sit down." as his signature.

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3rd, I really dont like doing this sort of thing, but tom had it coming. He has done this to me in several threads, and he never knows what he is talking about. I dont think I would normally take exception, except this guy has "You have been corrected by tom. Now shut up and sit down." as his signature.



It's pretty simple, if Tom has it coming give it to him with both barrels in as respectful way as you can. It's not like he's Conner or his twin Dave. Back your stuff up with a link from a credible source and crush him with facts. I'd suggest Tom do the same to you. Excuse me while I go get the popcorn. :bag:

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3rd, I really dont like doing this sort of thing, but tom had it coming. He has done this to me in several threads, and he never knows what he is talking about. I dont think I would normally take exception, except this guy has "You have been corrected by tom. Now shut up and sit down." as his signature.


Right, you're a victim of your own ignorance, and it's my fault. Because you don't like my sig.


You really are a !@#$wit. :bag:

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It's pretty simple, if Tom has it coming give it to him with both barrels in as respectful way as you can. It's not like he's Conner or his twin Dave. Back your stuff up with a link from a credible source and crush him with facts. I'd suggest Tom do the same to you. Excuse me while I go get the popcorn. :thumbsup:

Although I have seen connor disagree with people close to 100% of the time, I have never seen him be blatantly disrespectful, as this exchange has been. Not saying that it hasn't happened, but I haven't seen it.

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Although I have seen connor disagree with people close to 100% of the time, I have never seen him be blatantly disrespectful, as this exchange has been. Not saying that it hasn't happened, but I haven't seen it.


Conner's disrespectful to me all the time.


No more so than I am to him, of course...

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Conner's disrespectful to me all the time.


No more so than I am to him, of course...


You are dead wrong. I agree with Adam. Conner never carries it out of forum... Same with others. It is almost like Conner is under some of your guys skin and you can't shake him. You gotta hand it to him, he gets people rattled where all they think about is mocking him out. His points must be really getting across... :thumbsup: On the other hand.. TSW board's are so much fun, it is like high-school! :nana:

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