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The TO Show...season 2


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Anyone watch the season premiere of "The TO Show" on VH-1? I did. Couldn't resist, as it dealt with his last days in Buffalo.

I was just waiting for some disparaging remarks about the city, but other than a few complaints about the cold, TO summed up his stay in Buffalo as "disappointing" as he didn't feel like he, or the team, did as well as he had envisioned. A montage, showing TO in winter gear, walking on the snow coverd Albright Knox stairs, contrasting the hoopla of his arrival, with the insignificance of his departure. No snarky remarks about teammates, or the city, though.


Lots of footage of snow falling...as you recall, the last Bills game was played in a winer wonderland...TO expresses to his friends that he is a little down, and "maybe football isn't for me anymore". Two days later, he leaves Buffalo, and meets up with his friends in LA. The closest he came to slamming Buffalo? One of his friends says something about them being worried about him, and having him on suicide watch...he jokes "I'm going to commit suicide because I am leaving Buffalo?"


After about the first 10-12 minutes, all the Buffalo stuff is over...back to mind-numbing reality....


btw- The TO Show deserves an Emmy in comparison to the train-wreck that is the "Ocho Cinco" dating show/contest that precedes it...like the Bachelor on steroids..awful tv!


I have long grown tired of millionaires having television shows doing nothing but talking about themselves.

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Anyone watch the season premiere of "The TO Show" on VH-1? I did. Couldn't resist, as it dealt with his last days in Buffalo.

I was just waiting for some disparaging remarks about the city, but other than a few complaints about the cold, TO summed up his stay in Buffalo as "disappointing" as he didn't feel like he, or the team, did as well as he had envisioned. A montage, showing TO in winter gear, walking on the snow coverd Albright Knox stairs, contrasting the hoopla of his arrival, with the insignificance of his departure. No snarky remarks about teammates, or the city, though.


Lots of footage of snow falling...as you recall, the last Bills game was played in a winer wonderland...TO expresses to his friends that he is a little down, and "maybe football isn't for me anymore". Two days later, he leaves Buffalo, and meets up with his friends in LA. The closest he came to slamming Buffalo? One of his friends says something about them being worried about him, and having him on suicide watch...he jokes "I'm going to commit suicide because I am leaving Buffalo?"


After about the first 10-12 minutes, all the Buffalo stuff is over...back to mind-numbing reality....


btw- The TO Show deserves an Emmy in comparison to the train-wreck that is the "Ocho Cinco" dating show/contest that precedes it...like the Bachelor on steroids..awful tv!

saw it and enjoyed it. his girlfriends (not mo and kita), kari and felicia are so fine!!!!!!!!!!! kari when she is fixed up is a 10! not wearing make up she's about a 7.5 or an 8.

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After his Realtor told everyone on TV where he'd be living forcing him to find another place, Van Pelt breaking his reception streak by not calling a throw for him and being in a small town I wouldn't have been surprised or upset with him much if he did deride the city a little. He's definitely taking the high road and I can understand why he'd be happy to leave. JMO

i hated that. no screen pass??? no fast pass at the line of scrimmage??? no trickory to get the ball to him???


stupid van seat belt!!

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After his Realtor told everyone on TV where he'd be living forcing him to find another place, Van Pelt breaking his reception streak by not calling a throw for him and being in a small town I wouldn't have been surprised or upset with him much if he did deride the city a little. He's definitely taking the high road and I can understand why he'd be happy to leave. JMO


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The show didn't portray Owens as being "happy to leave". I bet he would be happy to come back at this point. I don't particularly like Owens, and I am glad he will not be a Buffalo Bill in 2010...but I can't believe no team is interested in him at all.

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Yes, Owens comes off, all and all, pretty good on his show. Of course, it has to be the most scripted "reality" show out there.. :thumbsup:


I think his season in Buffalo, his show, were all done with the intent of re-habilatiting his image, rather than winning football games. I really don't think his main concern, while in Buffalo, was to put up big numbers, and win games. It was more to get people (media specifically) to start talking about what an upstanding citizen he was, in a crummy situation like Buffalo, and to disprove, once and for all, that he was not a "team cancer".

What I don't think he banked on was that, unless he did something incredible on the field, or, if the Bills didn't become relevant on the field, nobody was going to pay attention. Ultimately, the last "news" most remember about Owens, was the way he was banished from the Cowboys. Now, he can't find a job. He is still lobbying for a job with the Redskins, no doubt relishing the headlines he would make playing against the Cowboys two, or maybe three, times this season. I don't think Shanahan will want any part of that... I really think he ends up signing with the Titans.



It seems like TO thinks the way I do, about his year in Buffalo:


"There were a number of times where prior I probably would have reacted, said something I wasn't supposed to say," Owens told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "I really had some restraint, very patient."


Did any owners notice?


"It's almost like I didn't play last year," he lamented.




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Yes, Owens comes off, all and all, pretty good on his show. Of course, it has to be the most scripted "reality" show out there.. :thumbsup:


I think his season in Buffalo, his show, were all done with the intent of re-habilatiting his image, rather than winning football games. I really don't think his main concern, while in Buffalo, was to put up big numbers, and win games. It was more to get people (media specifically) to start talking about what an upstanding citizen he was, in a crummy situation like Buffalo, and to disprove, once and for all, that he was not a "team cancer".


What I don't think he banked on was that, unless he did something incredible on the field, or, if the Bills didn't become relevant on the field, nobody was going to pay attention. Ultimately, the last "news" most remember about Owens, was the way he was banished from the Cowboys. Now, he can't find a job. He is still lobbying for a job with the Redskins, no doubt relishing the headlines he would make playing against the Cowboys two, or maybe three, times this season. I don't think Shanahan will want any part of that... I really think he ends up signing with the Titans.

It seems like TO thinks the way I do, about his year in Buffalo:


"There were a number of times where prior I probably would have reacted, said something I wasn't supposed to say," Owens told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "I really had some restraint, very patient."


Did any owners notice?


"It's almost like I didn't play last year," he lamented.




How do you make those leaps? A WR by himself isn't going to win football games and anyone who thought he would, is a fool. And it should tell you something about him, when he says "it's almost like I didn't play last year," after catching 55 passes for 829 yards and scoring 6 TD's. Not to mention him admitting that he reigned himself instead of going off like he could/should have.

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How do you make those leaps? A WR by himself isn't going to win football games and anyone who thought he would, is a fool. And it should tell you something about him, when he says "it's almost like I didn't play last year," after catching 55 passes for 829 yards and scoring 6 TD's. Not to mention him admitting that he reigned himself instead of going off like he could/should have.



That's how! He is admitting that he had to make a conscience effort to keep his mouth shut, something he didn't do in the past.

Now he is wondering why nobody noticed how good his behavior was, the one year he spent in Buffalo, trying to rehab his image. To me, there is no question, that is what the 2009 season was all about, for Owens. I found it odd that he signed with Buffalo so quickly after being cut by Dallas.


He knew the Bills weren't going to win a lot of games...he just had to go to a football enviorment like Green Bay, Kansas City, or Buffalo...a place with "real" passionate football fans, where he could be adored and embraced. Some place that is not perceived as glamorous. That would be the story..."this TO is not so bad after all." What he didn't calculate into the equation, the Bills being so bad, nobody would notice his efforts. His plan, it seems, kind of backfired.


You keep mentioning his stats...yeah, they were okay, but if he had played like he has been capable, in the past, they could have been much better. The Bills really didn't get anything out of the deal, except for some jersey sales. Owens didn't make the team around him better, he was just a non-squeaky wheel, a cog in a fugged up machine. His goals were different than the teams goals. If Owens hadn't been there, somebody else, or combonation of other players, no doubt, would have caught most of those 55 passes for 829 yards and 6 td's.

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That's how! He is admitting that he had to make a conscience effort to keep his mouth shut, something he didn't do in the past.

Now he is wondering why nobody noticed how good his behavior was, the one year he spent in Buffalo, trying to rehab his image. To me, there is no question, that is what the 2009 season was all about, for Owens. I found it odd that he signed with Buffalo so quickly after being cut by Dallas.


He knew the Bills weren't going to win a lot of games...he just had to go to a football enviorment like Green Bay, Kansas City, or Buffalo...a place with "real" passionate football fans, where he could be adored and embraced. Some place that is not perceived as glamorous. That would be the story..."this TO is not so bad after all." What he didn't calculate into the equation, the Bills being so bad, nobody would notice his efforts. His plan, it seems, kind of backfired.


You keep mentioning his stats...yeah, they were okay, but if he had played like he has been capable, in the past, they could have been much better. The Bills really didn't get anything out of the deal, except for some jersey sales. Owens didn't make the team around him better, he was just a non-squeaky wheel, a cog in a fugged up machine. His goals were different than the teams goals. If Owens hadn't been there, somebody else, or combonation of other players, no doubt, would have caught most of those 55 passes for 829 yards and 6 td's.

Again, TO doesn't design the plays, he doesn't block for the QB, and he doesn't throw passes. It's fairly obvious that on a less "fugged up machine," he'd have put up significantly better numbers. The numbers he did put up, given the limited offensive opps (the Bills passed the ball the 2nd fewest times in the NFL last year, and over 100 times less than the Cowboys did the year before), were actually pretty good. So there is no support to the claim that he was only interested in rehabbing his image and not winning. Unless you're saying that speaking out and winning go hand-in-hand.

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T.O. has only himself to blame for the NFL's lack of interest in him. Sure, he didn't pitch a sideline nutty with the Bills but he also dogged it when the play wasn't to him, and essentially did nothing to help the Bills win. If T.O. can't stand out on a team as bereft of talent as the Bills then what is he going to do anywhere else?



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