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We Will Not Be Silenced 2008

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Without bothering to sit through that weird video, I'll just say I'd be shocked if the primary process wasn't rife with corruption and fraud.


I'll also say that Hillary & Co. didn't seem to have a problem with it when they were the front runners and the nomination was hers to lose, so spare me the sour grapes now. But, anything that undermines the ability of this disastrous POTUS to be reelected is a plus, so Go Hillary Conspiracy Nuts!

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Please don't say or do anything to call attention to the fat-thighed, wild-haired, carpet bagging , former Senator from NYS, who bargained her way into the State Department as SOS. If we are all very very quiet, maybe she'll just drop off the face of the earth while her husband, Gin Blossom, seeks to screw every wench in the kingdom.

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So sayeth the shitbird that thinks 9/11 was a neocon set-up. :thumbsup:



Says PPP's resident Truther


;) Well if hoping that you twits would not misunderstand everything I say at every turn makes me a truther, then guilty as charged. I've said this a million times, I only wish those people would get their chance in court to make their case.

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It is the trendy thing to do. Certainly a statement like that is the quick way to credibility among the many many drooling cavemen that grace this forum. Pat yourself on the back.



Let me be the first to say that regardless of the trendiness of it, I would still call you and idiot. It is because you are an idiot and prove it day after day after day.

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Let me be the first to say that regardless of the trendiness of it, I would still call you and idiot. It is because you are an idiot and prove it day after day after day.

very insightful.......I title you sooth sayer

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