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Oh look another aging boomer with a pickled brain theory

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I can find a lot to blame Bush for but not this


Buffett, a supporter of President Barack Obama, said the roots of the spill lie with the administration of former President George Bush, which was often criticized for being too cozy with the petroleum industry.


"To me it was more about eight years of bad policy before (Obama) got there that let this happen. It was Dracula running the blood bank in terms of oil and leases," he said. "I think that has more to do with it than how the president reacted to it."


Proof that alcohol and drugs can shrink the brain

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Who do we blame for forcing the oil companies out into such deep water? If Bush was so cozy then he would have let them drill wherever they wanted. Like in Alaska or shallow water where it would be cheaper and less trouble. Environmental whack jobs forced them out there now its time to be accountable for that brilliant idea

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Plenty of blame to go around. It's sad when someone with Buffet's stature tries to scapegoat a single entity for something that has been systemic for decades.

What did you expect? He's a celebrity....

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Jimmy Buffet has stature?

Give Mr. Limbaw a break.


It could have been a typo. I'm sure there is a statue of him somewhere. It is probably at his mansion he bought with all the money he got selling stuffed parrots to idiots.

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