KD in CA Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 That's naive. I wouldn't be shocked if they do. They will either elect a democrat or republican in 2012. Cause the American people are idiots! Almost as naive as voting for a man with virtually no qualifications for the Presidency because he sounds good reading speeches off a TelePrompter.
erynthered Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Almost as naive as voting for a man with virtually no qualifications for the Presidency because he sounds good reading speeches off a TelePrompter. He has crack cocaine speech. Its so addictive that girls like Peggy are still waiting at the gas pump for her free tank of gas, and her free house payment. obama crack is a terrible thing to waste. <Rahm Emanuel>
KD in CA Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 We're not anti-business! We just think that our government should be spending twice as much as it already does and that businesses and the people that run them should pick up the entire tab!! That oughta secure a few grossly ignorant voters.
Southern McButterpants. Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 So now you are criticizing Obama for responding to criticism? One of the big problems that the left had with W was that he wouldn't change course in the face of criticism. It's called conviction, integrity, belief, etc. Bam is showing that he is, truly, an empty suit.
DrFishfinder Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Almost as naive as voting for a man with virtually no qualifications for the Presidency because he sounds good reading speeches off a TelePrompter. That sums it up.
IDBillzFan Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 It's official: Paul Krugman is Obama's Baghdad Bob All the buzz lately is that the Obama administration is “antibusiness.” And there are widespread claims that fears about taxes, regulation and budget deficits are holding down business spending and blocking economic recovery. How much truth is there to these claims? None. Business spending is indeed low, but no lower than one would have expected given widespread overcapacity and weak consumer spending. Business leaders are feeling unloved, but giving them a group hug won’t cure what ails the economy. Ya gotta love this guy.
DrFishfinder Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 It's official: Paul Krugman is Obama's Baghdad Bob Ya gotta love this guy. I don't gotta, therefore I don't.
Magox Posted July 9, 2010 Author Posted July 9, 2010 It's official: Paul Krugman is Obama's Baghdad Bob Ya gotta love this guy. Ya, I read that about 5 am this morning, got a good chuckle out of that to start the day. I must say, this probably was one of his worst explanation pieces (excuses) ever. Yup, let's trust the guy who has never hired anyone in his entire life, other than maybe Lupe who cleans his drawers over the CEO's of some of the largest corporate conglomerates in the world, who have proven to remain extremely profitable in one of the worst economic downturns in modern history.
GG Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 What the solons also don't recognize is that economic activity is not limited to building new plants to meet demand. It's also in rationalizing your business models and continuing to buy and sell corporate assets. With every single regulatory agency staffed by anti-business types, nobody wants to bother with M&A deals and everyone is perfectly happy filling their current book and not taking any risks. There is absolutely nothing to gain by taking risks in the current regulatory environment.
Magox Posted July 9, 2010 Author Posted July 9, 2010 What the solons also don't recognize is that economic activity is not limited to building new plants to meet demand. It's also in rationalizing your business models and continuing to buy and sell corporate assets. With every single regulatory agency staffed by anti-business types, nobody wants to bother with M&A deals and everyone is perfectly happy filling their current book and not taking any risks. There is absolutely nothing to gain by taking risks in the current regulatory environment. Exactly, at least not until everyone knows the rules of the game and begins to feel comfortable with it. Too many uncertainties over the next 12 months for there to be a meaningful recovery in the labor market.
Adam Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Almost as naive as voting for a man with virtually no qualifications for the Presidency because he sounds good reading speeches off a TelePrompter. Yes, and it WILL happen again...............
Dante Posted July 9, 2010 Posted July 9, 2010 Yes, and it WILL happen again............... I think people have been trained to think that its one side or the other. They can't or won't think out of that box. As long as "my side beats your side I win" Truth is neither is the answer. Need a true conservative. If they emerge from outside one of the established parties, fat chance getting elected.
Dave_In_Norfolk Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 So now you are criticizing Obama for responding to criticism? Come on man, Obama is spoiling the fun. The right wing cheerleaders think they have something to run on with this "Anti-business" angle. Just look what Obama's anti-business policies have done! This attitude and policies have caused the greatest financial crisis since Great Depression, the greatest environmental disaster in our history and his bailouts of--ummmm, socialisim, ya that's it!---have caused the huge deficits! He's bad. Everything was fine untill this Obama came along. He's done nothing for business! Forget that corporate profits are rising and the stock market is doing well, that's all Ronald Reagan's doing.
Dave_In_Norfolk Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 What the solons also don't recognize is that economic activity is not limited to building new plants to meet demand. It's also in rationalizing your business models and continuing to buy and sell corporate assets. With every single regulatory agency staffed by anti-business types, nobody wants to bother with M&A deals and everyone is perfectly happy filling their current book and not taking any risks. There is absolutely nothing to gain by taking risks in the current regulatory environment. You are so shot its funny
IDBillzFan Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Forget that corporate profits are rising and the stock market is doing well. The fact that you think THESE two items point to Obama NOT being anti-business shoots to hell any credibility you could possibly have on this topic. Very telling, and a bit embarrassing.
Magox Posted July 10, 2010 Author Posted July 10, 2010 Come on man, Obama is spoiling the fun. The right wing cheerleaders think they have something to run on with this "Anti-business" angle. Just look what Obama's anti-business policies have done! This attitude and policies have caused the greatest financial crisis since Great Depression, the greatest environmental disaster in our history and his bailouts of--ummmm, socialisim, ya that's it!---have caused the huge deficits! He's bad. Everything was fine untill this Obama came along. He's done nothing for business! Forget that corporate profits are rising and the stock market is doing well, that's all Ronald Reagan's doing. You're a moron "it's funny". No really, it is funny. You seriously are giving Conner a run for his money. Keep it up man, I believe in you.
Dave_In_Norfolk Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Bad news for Libertarians: While much of the country remains fixated on the bleak employment picture, hiring is beginning to pick up in the place that led the economy into recession — Wall Street. Financial Sector Jobs Show Signs of RecoveryThe shift underscores the remarkable recovery of the biggest banks and brokerage firms since Washington rescued them in the fall of 2008, and follows the huge rebound in profits for members of the New York Stock Exchange, which totaled $61.4 billion in 2009, the most ever. Since employment bottomed out in February, New York securities firms have added nearly 2,000 jobs, a trend that is also playing out nationwide at financial companies, commodity contract traders and investment firms. Though the figures are small in comparison to overall Wall Street employment, executives, economists and headhunters say they expect the growth to pick up steam in the coming months. “I think we’re seeing some hiring in anticipation of better times,” said Rae Rosen, a regional economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. “Wall Street typically hires in anticipation of the recovery, and there is a sense that the economy has bottomed out and is slowly improving.” There goes that completely fabricated "anti-business" propaganda circulated by the human excrement eaters. Oh well.
Dave_In_Norfolk Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Anti-business? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/10/us/10enforce.html?hp
Magox Posted July 10, 2010 Author Posted July 10, 2010 There goes that completely fabricated "anti-business" propaganda circulated Whatever you say, Conner
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted July 10, 2010 Posted July 10, 2010 Anti-business? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/10/us/10enforce.html?hp That makes him pro-business HOW, exactly? Forcing them to fire cheap labor hurts their bottom lines.
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