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iPhone makes great snitch for savvy cops

By Amber Hunt, Detroit Free Press staff writer, 7/7/10



"Got an iPhone in your pocket? Then you might be storing even more personal information than you realize.


And some of it could be used against you if you're ever charged with a crime.


There's a burgeoning field of forensic study that deals with iPhones specifically because of their popularity, the demographics of those who own them and what the phone's technology records during its use. Law-enforcement experts said iPhone technology records a wealth of information that can be tapped more easily than BlackBerry and Android devices to help police learn where you've been, what you were doing there and whether you've got something to hide."...



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iPhone makes great snitch for savvy cops

By Amber Hunt, Detroit Free Press staff writer, 7/7/10



"Got an iPhone in your pocket? Then you might be storing even more personal information than you realize.


And some of it could be used against you if you're ever charged with a crime.


There's a burgeoning field of forensic study that deals with iPhones specifically because of their popularity, the demographics of those who own them and what the phone's technology records during its use. Law-enforcement experts said iPhone technology records a wealth of information that can be tapped more easily than BlackBerry and Android devices to help police learn where you've been, what you were doing there and whether you've got something to hide."...




Fuggin' a...thank God I'm not doing anything too illegal with mine.

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the original post is a little misleading. people cant hack in, or tap into your phone, from the outside. this article is about the information that is stored on the phone.


someone would have to have physical possession of the actual phone to get the information.


also, you can choose to allow apps to use your Current Location or not. i never allow it for pics and stuff.


it's not like someone outside of your house with a special scanner can get all your info. they have to have access to the actual phone.


not really a big deal, because if they do have your phone, you have other things to worry about at that point.

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Is this really new or a more exact science than what has existed already? I recall a case in NYC about 5 years ago where they proved a killer's cell phone had been in the same remote area where they found his victim's body.

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the original post is a little misleading. people cant hack in, or tap into your phone, from the outside. this article is about the information that is stored on the phone.


someone would have to have physical possession of the actual phone to get the information.


also, you can choose to allow apps to use your Current Location or not. i never allow it for pics and stuff.


it's not like someone outside of your house with a special scanner can get all your info. they have to have access to the actual phone.


not really a big deal, because if they do have your phone, you have other things to worry about at that point.


Does that denial by you reduce some of the iPhone's touted functionality? Are you one of the few who deny it?



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Does that denial by you reduce some of the iPhone's touted functionality?


not really. ill use the camera as an example. when i turn on my camera, the phone asks if i want to allow it to use my current location. i say no, and then can take pictures and video without any issue. if i were to say yes, then the app has an additional feature which will show a map of the country and pins in all the spots i've taken pictures. pretty much a useless feature, maybe kids would like it, or if i wanted to "show off" my travels. but i dont lose any of the functionality i was after in the first place.


now, if i were to deny it on the GPS app, then that app would be rendered useless. but i think you have to be aware going into using a GPS, that someone might be able to track you. thats the whole point of a GPS.


Are you one of the few who deny it?


no idea. maybe. im sure there are a lot of clueless users out there that just agree to anything. and a good number of those that are paranoid like me and deny the access as well.



what it really comes down to, as far as why the iPhone is "more dangerous" than a BBerry or Droid, is that there are more apps available for it that use your current location.


thats all it is.


people arent able to tap your iphone from outside. it's really just the quantity of apps, and the way they are used.

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