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Suicide watch for Bishop Hedd

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But that's different. You're talking about when Bush did it. Bush doing anything is bad. Obama doing the same thing is a stroke of PFG.


Change you can believe in

I have yet to notice the difference between the two. They are both.........ughhh

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But you do still agree that the ones on the left who said it embarassed themselves and are idiots, right?

I don't differentiate. Whoever said it is an idiot, regardless of political ideology or what they actually think of the war.

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Didn't they embarrass themselves a few years ago by calling him betray-us?

That was moveon.org. Interestingly, they kept that ad prominently on their website until Obama put Petraeus in charge of Afghanistan, and then they immediately took it down, leading many of the talking heads in the DC bubble to spend a day talking about hypocrisy. Here's a link to a discussion at the time from Politico.com.


Note: I kind of like this section of Politico (called "The Arena.") It's a completely partisan comments section that features many of the prominent talking heads of the day, including various senators and congresscritters, but I mostly follow it because I've developed something of an unhealthy crush on Dana Perino, and she posts comments there from time to time.

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