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Suicide watch for Bishop Hedd

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Okay guys, we need to show some support for a member of the TSW family.


I don't know if Hedd's found out yet and don't what his reaction is, but I imagine he'll be devastated. This is going to be a tough spell for him. He's going to be emotionally fragile. But life goes on buddy.


Now if you haven't heard, you'll want to have a seat. Maybe get a glass of water. And just brace yourself, this won't be easy




Keep your chin up buddy! You can make it thru this!

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If the parents of your babies momma were as loaded as the Palins, you would do the same.

This from a guy who uses a yellow highlighter when reading the Sunday funnies in case he finds something important to remember.


Looks like Levi figured the Cindy Sheehan road to prosperity if not a very long road.

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Okay guys, we need to show some support for a member of the TSW family.


I don't know if Hedd's found out yet and don't what his reaction is, but I imagine he'll be devastated. This is going to be a tough spell for him. He's going to be emotionally fragile. But life goes on buddy.


Now if you haven't heard, you'll want to have a seat. Maybe get a glass of water. And just brace yourself, this won't be easy




Keep your chin up buddy! You can make it thru this!

High brow stuff....sordid and sad...pride of american youth, beacons of hope, opportunistic moronic losers...yet there is an eager audience

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You want to see something funny? Was just cruising around the usual suspects and look (while you can) at the ABC News headline on its front page: Levi Johnston Reportedly Apologizes to Palins :thumbsup:


It's like Bishop is writing their headlines. He "reportedly" apologized? So his public apology to People magazine is what? A story that needs to be verified? :thumbsup:


What a bunch of idiots.

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You want to see something funny? Was just cruising around the usual suspects and look (while you can) at the ABC News headline on its front page: Levi Johnston Reportedly Apologizes to Palins :censored:


It's like Bishop is writing their headlines. He "reportedly" apologized? So his public apology to People magazine is what? A story that needs to be verified? :censored:


What a bunch of idiots.

It's all falling down around the media's ears, and it's going to get a lot worse, before it gets better. You think Peter Jennings saying this in 1994 was bad?

"Some thoughts on those angry voters. Ask parents of any two-year-old and they can tell you about those temper tantrums: the stomping feet, the rolling eyes, the screaming. It's clear that the anger controls the child and not the other way around. It's the job of the parent to teach the child to control the anger and channel it in a positive way. Imagine a nation full of uncontrolled two-year-old rage. The voters had a temper tantrum last week....Parenting and governing don't have to be dirty words: the nation can't be run by an angry two-year-old."

-- ABC World News Tonight anchor Peter Jennings in his daily ABC Radio commentary, November 14.


Buddy, we haven't seen anything yet. The MSM created Obama. He is their "gift" to the world, their child, their perfect little boy. He is failing all over the place because he is not a leader. The media is certainly aware of this, and the usual answer is to try to move on to the next story. However, they can't move the news cycle fast enough, because no matter what is being reported, it ALL looks bad for Obama. There's no place to go, no minor positive story to replace a major negative one. New major, negative stories are breaking every day, and they aren't able to get ahead of the wave.


They can't win at whack-a-mole, if the ALL the moles pop up at the same time. And the realization of their massive screw-up, in laying down for Obama, is going to cause us to mock them, and them to lash out.


The lashing out at any/everyone has just barely started. It will be in full swing as soon as school starts, you watch.

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There's no place to go, no minor positive story to replace a major negative one.

And when there's no place to go, elevate the minor things.


After Obama replaced McCrystal with Petraeus, Newsbusters put together a funny stream of video showing all the major news agencies calling this move "brilliant." I'm no military guy, but let's be fair; this was no brilliant act. It was just common sense. But when you have nothing else to promote (like the "Summer of Recovery"), this type of thing does look brilliant if only by comparison. Link here, if you want a good chuckle.

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And when there's no place to go, elevate the minor things.


After Obama replaced McCrystal with Petraeus, Newsbusters put together a funny stream of video showing all the major news agencies calling this move "brilliant." I'm no military guy, but let's be fair; this was no brilliant act. It was just common sense. But when you have nothing else to promote (like the "Summer of Recovery"), this type of thing does look brilliant if only by comparison. Link here, if you want a good chuckle.


And there you have our new standards, a logical move is now brilliant.


Kind of like last winter's news when Ralph Wilson made a brilliant move in letting Jauron go. It's moves like that which define a brilliant franchise history.

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And when there's no place to go, elevate the minor things.


After Obama replaced McCrystal with Petraeus, Newsbusters put together a funny stream of video showing all the major news agencies calling this move "brilliant." I'm no military guy, but let's be fair; this was no brilliant act. It was just common sense. But when you have nothing else to promote (like the "Summer of Recovery"), this type of thing does look brilliant if only by comparison. Link here, if you want a good chuckle.

Didn't they embarrass themselves a few years ago by calling him betray-us?

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Who are you referring to that called him Betray-us?

I don't remember- I read it somewhere or saw it on tv somewhere. I just remember thinking someone has to be an idiot to say something like that.

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I don't remember- I read it somewhere or saw it on tv somewhere. I just remember thinking someone has to be an idiot to say something like that.



I can guarantee you it was on the left. I'll have to look it up, but I think it was Pelosi and her ilk.

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It was an add in the New York Times paid for by moveon.org. If I recall I think they got a huge discount for it.



If I recall a whole bunch on the left picked it up and it seems like when he was before Congress it was brought up.

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If I recall a whole bunch on the left picked it up and it seems like when he was before Congress it was brought up.


But that's different. You're talking about when Bush did it. Bush doing anything is bad. Obama doing the same thing is a stroke of PFG.


Change you can believe in

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If I recall a whole bunch on the left picked it up and it seems like when he was before Congress it was brought up.


After moveon.org had egg all over their faces David Schiester and Keith Olberman jerked each other off over the fact that Rush Limbaugh had commented on a caller who, referring to some Republican politician, said we have General Petraeus and Senator Betray us.


Apparently Olberman and Schiester weren't so analytically inclined as to find a discernable difference between accusing a politician of betraying his party, and accusing a military General currently in command of combat troops of betraying his country.


Apparently these dipshits thought the scandal was the play on the name rather than the substance of it. Geniuses.

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