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Carter's policies with Paul Volker did bring down inflation. Take off the partisan glasses for once.

Reagan even kept Volker on.


What you posted was very select quotes from sevearl articles and didn't provide links, when I found the stories anyway it was clear why you had done that. You just want to fix the story your way, and hide little facts the article were actually pro-stimul;us, or that the Verizon CEO was actually saying that his plutocractic salary was going to be taxed at a higher rate and that that was "anti-business." He works hard for the millions ya know!


And if you are actually too stupid to think that "policy leaders" and microeconomists are above the partisan fray, you are obvioulsy too ignorant about how the world works to be taken seriously. Basically your are being fooled.


Corporate profits are great. Corporations were made to make profits and the world looks sweet to them right now. They are not made to produce jobs, and any CEO will tell you they want to get rid of jobs, not make more. I'm very dubious of the idea of the corporations riding to the rescue to save us.

"Carters policies" :thumbsup:


Article one.


Article two.


Article three.


And article four, jackass.

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/dev/null pops some popcorn, opens an ice cold beer, grabs a lawn chair, and waits for Tom to start the fireworks


I was going to let it go...but...oh, okay...


My title of what? Being the only non-retard to frequent this board? That is nothing to write home about.


Now really, how could you possibly figure that? Not only are you the only person on this board who consistently manages to be completely wrong even when he's right, you are the only person on this board that everyone, regardless of political affiliation, agrees is only slightly dumber than a potato. Was "Otto" in A Fish Called Wanda based on you? You feature the same "don't call me stupid" detachment from reality.

No, you have it all wrong. NASA is charged with reaching out to Muslims and the Department of Commerce is in charge of border security.

I think that story is BS. It's just too stupid to be true....right?

But no one seems to be offering solutions, or jobs. Is it all Obama's fault that major corporations are hoarding cash and not hiring people?

One of the reasons cash is being hoarded is because of the reckless policies being enacted or threatened by the WH. They've made no secret of the fact that 'the rich' and 'evil corporations' will be footing the bill for the endless drunken sailor spending.



What I'm asking is, if there are any, pragmatic, altruistic solutions to these problems? Seriously. I'm not trying to be difficult or smarmy. What are the solutions? Do we cut ALL discretionary spending? That means no military, no roads/bridges or infrastructure spending, no help for kids my age with college spending. No nation building, or "war on terrorism," "war on drugs," etc.

Rather than those things (other than the nation building which needs to stop), how about we start with a few other items:

--elimination of government employee defined benefit pension plans. Instead, offer a matching contribution to the employee's own retirement account in years where the gov't can afford it (i.e., has a balanced budget). This is what happens for people that work in the real world.

--stop buying votes by handing billions of dollars to companies that have driven themselves to bankruptcy.

--stop all farm 'subsidies'

--eliminate the vast majority (or all) of the Federal Dept of Education, Dept of Labor, and FCC.

--eliminate funding for the Post Office. They are a stand alone entity and can balance their budget by reducing mail delivery to 3 times a week, raising the bulk postage rate, and closing unneeded branches.

--Obviously, raise the retirement age for Social Security (or close down this Ponzi scheme permanently).


Lots of things we can do and still have a military and safe roads.

My title of what? Being the only non-retard to frequent this board? That is nothing to write home about.



So everyone else who frequents this board is a retard? Why do you visit here then? Just maybe you have it backwards, ya think?

So everyone else who frequents this board is a retard? Why do you visit here then? Just maybe you have it backwards, ya think?

You morons compose a very large block of the voting population. Your votes affect the laws and rules I have to live by. So I'm forced to make it my business to try to understand how you can think the insane things that you do. Additionally when I have the time, I try to point out your mistakes and correct you.


... needless to say you all have a really bad case of confirmation bias, this prevents you from acknowledging the errors in your beliefs.

You morons compose a very large block of the voting population. Your votes affect the laws and rules I have to live by. So I'm forced to make it my business to try to understand how you can think the insane things that you do. Additionally when I have the time, I try to point out your mistakes and correct you.


... needless to say you all have a really bad case of confirmation bias, this prevents you from acknowledging the errors in your beliefs.

Sometimes I believe you are just a spoof of yourself.

... needless to say you all have a really bad case of confirmation bias, this prevents you from acknowledging the errors in your beliefs.


I have never seen you level any sort of criticism at anyone that didn't doubly apply to you. It's !@#$ing amazing. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I believe you are just a spoof of yourself.
I have never seen you level any sort of criticism at anyone that didn't doubly apply to you. It's !@#$ing amazing. :rolleyes:

When the two of you have so deeply demonstrated your own cognitive biases and faults, it's extremely hard for me not to laugh outright at statements like this.


You have cognitive biases

You think I have biases

I think you have biases

I point out that you have biases

You think my pointing out your biases is biased.

I think your thinking my thinking is biased is biased.

... (repeat)


I'm sure your slug sized brain can process that.

When the two of you have so deeply demonstrated your own cognitive biases and faults, it's extremely hard for me not to laugh outright at statements like this.


You have cognitive biases

You think I have biases

I think you have biases

I point out that you have biases

You think my pointing out your biases is biased.

I think your thinking my thinking is biased is biased.

... (repeat)


I'm sure your slug sized brain can process that.


Like calling them out and bringing a penknife to a gunfight, isn't it?

Actually, that line was never drawn because of the vagueness in whether $250 referred to AGI or Taxable Income. Big difference to people who pay attention and forecast budgets they must answer to.


And Single versus Married. If you are a single earner than the line will be much lower, but it's not clear where.

When the two of you have so deeply demonstrated your own cognitive biases and faults, it's extremely hard for me not to laugh outright at statements like this.


You have cognitive biases

You think I have biases

I think you have biases

I point out that you have biases

You think my pointing out your biases is biased.

I think your thinking my thinking is biased is biased.

... (repeat)


I'm sure your slug sized brain can process that.


The key difference is: we have cognitive biases. You just have bias.

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