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Those were terrorists- not true Muslims. Sorry, 1Billsfan, but if you blame the Muslim faith for any of that, you are the dope. Find a passage in the Koran where it has a tenet of convert or die?





Sounds quite peaceful to me.

Live and let live, don't 'cha think?

let us have a closer look at what the Koran says about the infidels:-


Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them

Make war on the infidels living in your neighboorhood (9:123)

When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them

Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax

Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)

The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30)

Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam. (5:33)

The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (9:28)

Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies

Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4)

The unbelievers are stupid
; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)

Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)

Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an

Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels

The Qur’an certainly proclaims that when the time is appropriate, Muslims must use force to convert the unbelievers to Islam. For the non-Muslims, the alternative to this is to pay the humiliating protection money (Jizya tax) or be killed (by beheading, of course). A militarily dominant Islam, without doubt, precludes the peaceful co-existence with the unbelievers if the Muslims have to abide strictly by the unalterable stipulations of the Qur’an.

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Yes. :censored:


I'm finally getting the respect I deserve!

So are you ready to admit that Obama is a terrible leader yet? Or, are you going to keep ducking it? This is merely one more example of you changing the subject every time the facts don't bear out what you are saying.


Still waiting for the trap thing, and now, I want you to explain how setting these priorities for NASA = evidence of anything other than TERRIBLE leadership skills.

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Sounds quite peaceful to me.

Live and let live, don't 'cha think?

let us have a closer look at what the Koran says about the infidels:-


Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them

Make war on the infidels living in your neighboorhood (9:123)

When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them

Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax

Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)

The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30)

Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam. (5:33)

The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (9:28)

Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies

Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4)

The unbelievers are stupid
; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)

Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)

Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an

Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels

The Qur’an certainly proclaims that when the time is appropriate, Muslims must use force to convert the unbelievers to Islam. For the non-Muslims, the alternative to this is to pay the humiliating protection money (Jizya tax) or be killed (by beheading, of course). A militarily dominant Islam, without doubt, precludes the peaceful co-existence with the unbelievers if the Muslims have to abide strictly by the unalterable stipulations of the Qur’an.

I remember arguing with some idiots on this board about 2-3 years ago about this very topic. Wish I had this handy link back then. I am looking forward to one more idiot telling me that "Islam is a religion of peace". There is no comparison between the user's manuals of Christianity and Islam, the first is about peace and goodwill towards your fellow man, the next is about power, and subjugation of your fellow man.


Let's go liberals: tell us that both are equally as bad. :censored: I need a good laugh to start my day.

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I remember arguing with some idiots on this board about 2-3 years ago about this very topic. Wish I had this handy link back then. I am looking forward to one more idiot telling me that "Islam is a religion of peace". There is no comparison between the user's manuals of Christianity and Islam, the first is about peace and goodwill towards your fellow man, the next is about power, and subjugation of your fellow man.


Let's go liberals: tell us that both are equally as bad. :censored: I need a good laugh to start my day.

Which is why Urban II used many biblical versus to justify the Crusades, right? Or how men of the cloth were totally behind slavery in America.


Get over yourself. What's going on with Islam is a tried and true method of those with total religious power. The same thing would be happening if the friggin' Christian zealots got that kind of power back.

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Which is why Urban II used many biblical versus to justify the Crusades, right? Or how men of the cloth were totally behind slavery in America.


Get over yourself. What's going on with Islam is a tried and true method of those with total religious power. The same thing would be happening if the friggin' Christian zealots got that kind of power back.

Words mean things.

Your need to boil everything down to a single sentence should be satisfied by that one.


You simply will not find these words in the New Testament. So no, it is you that needs to get over yourself. I am sick to tears of people taking the broad brush out when it comes to religion. People make specific effort to describe what they believe and what they don't, and they shouldn't all be lumped together, just because it's convenient for some retard to think of "religion" that way.


People should certainly be judged on their actions, and not their beliefs. But, when 2 books have 2 completely different sets of words in them, you cannot sit and tell me they are equal, or would be if this or if that, blah, blah, blah. (oops...Edit: and therefore, you cannot tell me that the actions that are based on these unequal words will be the same either).

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Words mean things.

Your need to boil everything down to a single sentence should be satisfied by that one.


You simply will not find these words in the New Testament.

And why is there a "New" Testament? Did "God" suddenly feel the need to censure himself? Nope. There is a "New Testament" because of changes in politics and philosophy. The Inquisition. What a show.

So no, it is you that needs to get over yourself. I am sick to tears of people taking the broad brush out when it comes to religion.

Good thing you're not a total hypocrite, "Islam is a religion of violence" guy.

People should certainly be judged on their actions, and not their beliefs. But, when 2 books have 2 completely different sets of words in them, you cannot sit and tell me they are equal, or would be if this or if that, blah, blah, blah. (oops...Edit: and therefore, you cannot tell me that the actions that are based on these unequal words will be the same either).

I don't give a flying crap what you "think". History is rife with "Christians" killing in the name of their God. I'm sure the Muslims are sorry that they didn't get on that bandwagon a little sooner. Congratulations on your religion of choice losing it's overwhelming influence and the violence that goes with it a few hundred years earlier than the others. That's a big win because now you can pretend your flying spaghetti monster is wicked superior.

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Those of you who know me know that I am not NASA's biggest fan, but this strikes me as lunacy.


First off, I know that teh current administrator is a Obama appointed troll, but my goodness, does anyone actually look at these official statements? That this would actually be said in front of the media is beyond comprehension. Oh, I have no doubt that it is just talk for PR purposes, but wow, this is the opposite of what just about everyone wants to hear. I am starting to wonder if the current adminsitration in the WH is actively TRYING to screw themselves up...

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I remember arguing with some idiots on this board about 2-3 years ago about this very topic. Wish I had this handy link back then. I am looking forward to one more idiot telling me that "Islam is a religion of peace". There is no comparison between the user's manuals of Christianity and Islam, the first is about peace and goodwill towards your fellow man, the next is about power, and subjugation of your fellow man.


Let's go liberals: tell us that both are equally as bad. :censored: I need a good laugh to start my day.

I will relay that to all of my Muslim friends and hope they don't try to convert or kill me. The real world isn't black and white and you can't paint a minority of idiots (terrorists) into the majority, nor can you say what that idiot did to the doctor in Kansas City a year or two represents the will of Christians.


I am sure you won't believe this, since you think everything is black and white, but a good number of Nazis actually helped Jews to escape concentration camps before their executions.


By the way- those "Users Manuals" have actual names.........but I guess it isn't just Muslims, you just disrespect everyone.


So are you ready to admit that Obama is a terrible leader yet? Or, are you going to keep ducking it? This is merely one more example of you changing the subject every time the facts don't bear out what you are saying.


Still waiting for the trap thing, and now, I want you to explain how setting these priorities for NASA = evidence of anything other than TERRIBLE leadership skills.

There we go again- blame the politician. Obama and Bush are the type of politician that America calls for. It isn't a conservative or liberal issue- it is American society. They appoint these figurehead leaders and blame them when things aren't perfect. America acts like they want a monarchy, so one leader has the power to fix everything and takes the blame when it doesn't work out.

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So are you ready to admit that Obama is a terrible leader yet? Or, are you going to keep ducking it? This is merely one more example of you changing the subject every time the facts don't bear out what you are saying.


Still waiting for the trap thing, and now, I want you to explain how setting these priorities for NASA = evidence of anything other than TERRIBLE leadership skills.

Actually, being a little more open-minded and level headed; I prefer to wait until I actually see NASA's list of priorities on some official document before I jump off the bridge and stoke the fires of a good rant. I can tell you this though... the guy was giving an interview on an all the time, pro muslim news station. Would you expect anything less than a lot of glowing praise for muslims?


I know from first hand experience that press releases and interviews are almost always scripted and tailored for a specific audience, message, even specific time and place. And that script will very often change from day to day depending upon the circumstances and audience you're targeting. So, it's very likely, almost a certainty, that he was given a very precise script on what to say - regardless of any official policy.


Now did he go too far with his language and statments. In our eyes, yes. In the muslim world, I'd guess no.


Oh and by the way, I think the trap has long since snapped shut.

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...America acts like they want a monarchy, so one leader has the power to fix everything and takes the blame when it doesn't work out.


That's a fairly accurate statement, and in my estimation one of the biggest problems we face.


According to the constitution, the President has very little direct power. We've perverted the document over the years on the grounds that it's a "living, breathing" document that evolves with the times, but there was an amendment process created for such matters. So, as you say, in our quest for a quick easy fix, we give each administration more power than the one before it, and scoff at the idea that it could lead to a tyrannical dictatorship at some point in the future.

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Maybe the Muslim world needs to get over its inferiority complex already?


You should love their inferiority complex it's going to allow us to trade a few prestige points (first Muslim astronaut) for a boat load of cash.

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That's a fairly accurate statement, and in my estimation one of the biggest problems we face.


According to the constitution, the President has very little direct power. We've perverted the document over the years on the grounds that it's a "living, breathing" document that evolves with the times, but there was an amendment process created for such matters. So, as you say, in our quest for a quick easy fix, we give each administration more power than the one before it, and scoff at the idea that it could lead to a tyrannical dictatorship at some point in the future.


The future is now.

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I will relay that to all of my Muslim friends and hope they don't try to convert or kill me. The real world isn't black and white and you can't paint a minority of idiots (terrorists) into the majority,

The majority doesn't matter too much if your head is rolling down a flight of stairs.

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