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NASA (Not About Space Anymore)

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This is awesome.


What is NASA's #1 priority? Getting to Mars? Getting back to the moon?




Getting Muslims to feel better about themselves.


"When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview.


Can someone please connect the dots for me because this makes absolutely no sense to me.

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This is awesome.


What is NASA's #1 priority? Getting to Mars? Getting back to the moon?




Getting Muslims to feel better about themselves.




Can someone please connect the dots for me because this makes absolutely no sense to me.


Some Muslims like to launch missles. My guess is that Obama sees a connection there with NASA who has a lot of experience in missile/rocket launching. Maybe we have our rocket scientists talk to their rocket scientists.

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This is hysterical. Remember when they started using the CIA to go after Global Warming?


1. I love it when I get further confirmation of what I am saying in other threads. Does anybody honestly think that this is an example of setting priorities properly? This is not a good sign for Dan, but I am sure the reason that Obama is talking about the Muslim world, with f'ing NASA, is because he is only a "good" leader, and not a great one. :thumbsup: (Edit: at some point, Dan is gonna have to admit he is wrong, anybody want to lay odds on how many of these it will take?)


2. What in the hell are we doing? Seriously? WTF is this? Are we seriously expecting relevant, meaningful contribution to any space program from "the international community"? Yes, I am sure the third world is ready to step up and tell us how to get to Mars....it's a simple matter of engagement. All we have to do is talk to them, and they will give us all the answers. :nana:


3. How in the hell do the press secretary and communications director of this poorly led and run Administration still have jobs? Don't they realize that these OFFICIAL STATEMENTS are the very thing the nut-jobs on the right are praying for? It's almost like they INTEND to suck on a daily basis. :blink: This is sheer incompetence, from the top, right on down.


4. I...am just stunned, that this is where we are with NASA. How terrible do you feel right now if you are a guy that spent the last 30 years working there? Making Muslims feel better about themselves? These guys must feel like they just changed majors from engineering to social worker. Maybe Obama can teach them how to organize their community.


Retard Dot connection:

Somebody needs to remind Obama that it was WESTERN civilization that brought the math and science to the Arabs in the first place = The Greeks and Romans. Muslims are continually hung up on the fact that the Crusaders were completely ignorant. They want credit for creating the Renaissance, pretty much everything.....without, you know, actually doing the work, both before and after the Dark Ages. So, because Edison used Arabic numerals to invent the light bulb, that means that Arabs actually invented the light bulb. :thumbsup: And Obama wants NASA to confirm that.

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That is so far beyond retarded that the light from retarded will take ten thousand years to reach it.

I first heard this yesterday while listening to Krauthammer on Special Report with Brett Baier. He closed out the panel segment with his comments, and they're supposed to pick it up again today, but it was classic Krauthammer.


"This is a new height in fatuousness," Krauthammer said. "NASA was established to get America into space and to keep us there. This idea to feel good about their past and to make achievements is the worst combination of group therapy, psychobabble, imperial condescension and adolescent diplomacy. If I didn't know that Obama had told this, I'd demand the firing of Charles Bolden the way I would Michael Steele," he continued. "This is absolutely unbelievable."


Quick video clip here, just because reading what Krauthammer says and listening to him say it are two totally different things. :thumbsup:

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Bolden said his mission to the Muslim world is a “matter of trying to reach out and try to get the best of all worlds.” No nation will make it to Mars on its own, he said.


NASA assistant administrator for public affairs Bob Jacobs told ABC News that “Administrator Bolden understands that NASA's core mission is exploration, both in space and in scientific endeavors here at home. Inherent to the success of that mission is cooperation and collaboration with other nations which are equally committed to this effort, including expanding the range of countries with which NASA engages and partners.”


In response to criticism, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said in a statement that “The President has always said that he wants NASA to engage with the world’s best scientists and engineers as we work together to push the boundaries of exploration. Meeting that mandate requires NASA to partner with countries around the world like Russia and Japan, as well as collaboration with Israel and with many Muslim-majority countries. The space race began as a global competition, but, today, it is a global collaboration.”

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Bolden said his mission to the Muslim world is a “matter of trying to reach out and try to get the best of all worlds.” No nation will make it to Mars on its own, he said.


NASA assistant administrator for public affairs Bob Jacobs told ABC News that “Administrator Bolden understands that NASA's core mission is exploration, both in space and in scientific endeavors here at home. Inherent to the success of that mission is cooperation and collaboration with other nations which are equally committed to this effort, including expanding the range of countries with which NASA engages and partners.”


In response to criticism, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said in a statement that “The President has always said that he wants NASA to engage with the world’s best scientists and engineers as we work together to push the boundaries of exploration. Meeting that mandate requires NASA to partner with countries around the world like Russia and Japan, as well as collaboration with Israel and with many Muslim-majority countries. The space race began as a global competition, but, today, it is a global collaboration.”

Same post, same response to it:


These are RESPONSES to what was said. None of this de facto spin changes the fact that Obama said the main priority of NASA is to engage Muslims by talking about their contributions, 1300 years ago, to math and science.

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Its a PR move.....get over it. Nothing will come of it and NASA will do what they always have done.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.


We now take you to an interview on Italia News with US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, who is going to explain how the president has directed her to first and foremost ensure that Italians feel good about their contributions to the burrito industry.

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Obama's terrorist loving overtures like this will drive even more independents and moderate dems to vote in the republican columns in 2010 and 2012. This is insanity and comes close to Obama being a traitor, given that we've been at war with muslim extremists since they declared it on 9/11. Yet his top priority is to give muslims NASA technology???? As much as I hate the notion of Biden being President, I think that Obama's actions have become too scary to ignore and our country can no longer risk putting our faith and security in his muslim loving hands. He's clearly a phony and I'm starting to believe the people who think Obama's a closet muslim, including Obama himself...




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Obama's terrorist loving overtures like this will drive even more independents and moderate dems to vote in the republican columns in 2010 and 2012. This is insanity and comes close to Obama being a traitor, given that we've been at war with muslim extremists since they declared it on 9/11. Yet his top priority is to give muslims NASA technology???? As much as I hate the notion of Biden being President, I think that Obama's actions have become too scary to ignore and our country can no longer risk putting our faith and security in his muslim loving hands. He's clearly a phony and I'm starting to believe the people who think Obama's a closet muslim, including Obama himself...




Terrorist loving overtures? :thumbsup:

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Terrorist loving overtures? :thumbsup:


When the base tenant of that religion is convert or die, and our president wants to give these bomb makers the biggest overture ever in handing them NASA technology to help them in quickening their objective? Honestly, stop being a dope. You act as if you've never heard about two gigantic buildings in manhattan being blown to bits in the name of this religion.

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When the base tenant of that religion is convert or die, and our president wants to give these bomb makers the biggest overture ever in handing them NASA technology to help them in quickening their objective? Honestly, stop being a dope. You act as if you've never heard about two gigantic buildings in manhattan being blown to bits in the name of this religion.

Those were terrorists- not true Muslims. Sorry, 1Billsfan, but if you blame the Muslim faith for any of that, you are the dope. Find a passage in the Koran where it has a tenet of convert or die?

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This is awesome.


What is NASA's #1 priority? Getting to Mars? Getting back to the moon?




Getting Muslims to feel better about themselves.




Can someone please connect the dots for me because this makes absolutely no sense to me.

Actually, it's not NASA's #1 priority. Obama seems to be making it a priority for NASA.


I really, Really, REALLY hope this comes back to haunt him.

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This is hysterical. Remember when they started using the CIA to go after Global Warming?


1. I love it when I get further confirmation of what I am saying in other threads. Does anybody honestly think that this is an example of setting priorities properly? This is not a good sign for Dan, but I am sure the reason that Obama is talking about the Muslim world, with f'ing NASA, is because he is only a "good" leader, and not a great one. :thumbsup: (Edit: at some point, Dan is gonna have to admit he is wrong, anybody want to lay odds on how many of these it will take?)

Hoo ray! I think I've just stepped up to being someone's favorite whipping boy. Happy, happy, joy, joy for me.

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