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That we need more info, either here or make a new thread about it.


Taking advice from just jack. . . ^^^




SO, I was at sunset bay today, when all of the sudden 4 guys go running by us through the water. They jump onto their boat where we see a guy, whom we though was just another one of them but was drunk, and they did not want him to drive. The owner of the boat er yacht jumps up onto the boat and climbs to the captains deck and punches the guy trying to steal his boat then pushes him backwards over the metal rail where he fell backwards to the base of the boat.


That is when the 3 other guys took over and began beating and kicking him.


They then throw him in the water where they dragged him on shore and threw him face first into a giant piece of drift wood (basically a drift tree). Where security is called and the drunk tries to fight all of them. ( I did not see this part heard this from a witness who saw this part take place)


10 min later the coast guard and state troopers arrive, when the drunk again tries to fight his way out and is thrown to the ground and is kneed square in the spine by the trooper.



The best part after all of this after the guy is being taken to jail, he screams he is going to press charges against everyone.


I found this out he was trying to steal the boat from the guys as he was yelling coming back on shore "Effing bastard tried to steal are effing boat"


The boat kinda looked like this:




Take away the top back level and he fell from there to the first level where the chairs are.



EDIT: Fixed my mistake to make Beerball happy. . .


Did you get up at all during this? I would have loved to have seen this, except would hide when the police showed up! I would not want to be called to testify!

Did you get up at all during this? I would have loved to have seen this, except would hide when the police showed up! I would not want to be called to testify!


The entire bay just stopped and watched. It was the biggest boat(yacht) in the area. His mistake, he forgot to lift the anchor. . . :devil:


Did the guy really think he would get away with it? What an idiot.


That is what everyone is still trying to figure out.


I'm threw with this thread.



Fixed! Happy now?

Fixed! Happy now?

Now that you mention it, no, I'm not a happy fellow. I'm feeling kind of blue today.




BTW--blue is a calming happy color, why is it associated with unhappiness?


BTW2--does anyone really care what time it is?

Taking advice from just jack. . . ^^^




SO, I was at sunset bay today, when all of the sudden 4 guys go running by us through the water. They jump onto their boat where we see a guy, whom we though was just another one of them but was drunk, and they did not want him to drive. The owner of the boat er yacht jumps up onto the boat and climbs to the captains deck and punches the guy trying to steal his boat then pushes him backwards over the metal rail where he fell backwards to the base of the boat.


That is when the 3 other guys took over and began beating and kicking him.


They then throw him in the water where they dragged him on shore and threw him face first into a giant piece of drift wood (basically a drift tree). Where security is called and the drunk tries to fight all of them. ( I did not see this part heard this from a witness who saw this part take place)


10 min later the coast guard and state troopers arrive, when the drunk again tries to fight his way out and is thrown to the ground and is kneed square in the spine by the trooper.



The best part after all of this after the guy is being taken to jail, he screams he is going to press charges against everyone.


I found this out he was trying to steal the boat from the guys as he was yelling coming back on shore "Effing bastard tried to steal are effing boat"


The boat kinda looked like this:




Take away the top back level and he fell from there to the first level where the chairs are.



EDIT: Fixed my mistake to make Beerball happy. . .


That would have been cool. Effing bastard deserved it. I love how he kept fighting them.



Now that you mention it, no, I'm not a happy fellow. I'm feeling kind of blue today.




BTW--blue is a calming happy color, why is it associated with unhappiness?


BTW2--does anyone really care what time it is?


Why so blue?


Did the guy really think he would get away with it? What an idiot.


It's clear sailing once you make it past the falls.


Maybe the vessel was a reapo? In today's economy, I see reapo's all the time coming through... Especially during the cover of night... All shapes and sizes... Small to big to the ginormous... The reapo people taking them usually avoid the VHF-radio and ellude to what they are doing when they are passing through.


Maybe the guys doing the beat down were the reapo men... And the guy "stealing" was drunk and disgruntled?


What other explanation could there be that he actually thought he was gonna get away with it?... Where is he gonna run to? Not exactly a very easy to trailer boat.


What I am saying is that there are probably a ton of strange reapo scenarios that play out...


I love stories where a guy rightfully gets the crap beat out of him by other citizens before the cops show up he gets arrested. There's no substitute for instant justice.

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