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Some Old 'Gailey' articles to read

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There were ten, count 'em ten, head coaching vacancies prior to the 2006 season doc. Gailey interviewed for TWO teams for whom he'd worked and had a good relationship. Yeah, that's desperation!


Don't confuse Gailey not interviewing for the Cowboys job as some sort of proof that Gailey wanted to interview and/or JJ didn't want to interview him. That's how you get yourself into trouble.

It's a simple assumption to make, doc. He was clearly trying to get out of GT, even you can't claim otherwise. Believe what you have to. JJ loved him, wished he'd never fired him, but didn't interview him---settling on Philips instead.

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There were ten, count 'em ten, head coaching vacancies prior to the 2006 season doc. Gailey interviewed for TWO teams for whom he'd worked and had a good relationship. Yeah, that's desperation!


Don't confuse Gailey not interviewing for the Cowboys job as some sort of proof that Gailey wanted to interview and/or JJ didn't want to interview him. That's how you get yourself into trouble.


Hard to believe that a team that is well run as the Steelers did not fall down rushing to make Gailey (one of tis own) its head coach after Bill Cowher personally recommended they he take over. 



Probably a good thing that Whaley, with his insider Steeler knowledge,  was hired after they hired Gailey as the HC, or Chan still might be unemployed

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Hard to believe that a team that is well run as the Steelers did not fall down rushing to make Gailey (one of tis own) its head coach after Bill Cowher personally recommended they he take over. 



Probably a good thing that Whaley, with his insider Steeler knowledge,  was hired after they hired Gailey as the HC, or Chan still might be unemployed

Yeah, hard to figure that one too. Guess Gailey turned down that job also.

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It's a simple assumption to make, doc. He was clearly trying to get out of GT, even you can't claim otherwise. Believe what you have to. JJ loved him, wished he'd never fired him, but didn't interview him---settling on Philips instead.

Simple, yes. But when he doesn't interview for the SEVEN other vacant head coaching jobs, he's not exactly "desperate" to get out of GT, is he? Hell the Bills were looking for a coach, but didn't interview him, and settled on Jauron. Was that because the Bills refused, or he did?


As for the Steelers not hiring Gailey, they didn't even hire one of their own coordinators, who helped them win a SB. And I doubt Cowher told them "hire Mike Tomlin." So that's also proof of nothing.

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Simple, yes. But when he doesn't interview for the SEVEN other vacant head coaching jobs, he's not exactly "desperate" to get out of GT, is he? Hell the Bills were looking for a coach, but didn't interview him, and settled on Jauron. Was that because the Bills refused, or he did?


As for the Steelers not hiring Gailey, they didn't even hire one of their own coordinators, who helped them win a SB. And I doubt Cowher told them "hire Mike Tomlin." So that's also proof of nothing.

Interviewing for an NFL job isn't something you sign up for. It requires an invitation. Come on doc!


The Bills weren't doing around saying what a huge mistake it was for the Cowboys to fire CG, either--see the difference?


Not sure if Cowher said hire Tomlin--hard to imagine they didn't seek Cowher's blessing/advice. But he certainly did not say hire CG, did he---despite his claims that he would do so when the Bills picked him.


Jones and Cowher didn't want him when they had he chance to hire or support the hiring of CG.

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Interviewing for an NFL job isn't something you sign up for. It requires an invitation. Come on doc!


The Bills weren't doing around saying what a huge mistake it was for the Cowboys to fire CG, either--see the difference?


Not sure if Cowher said hire Tomlin--hard to imagine they didn't seek Cowher's blessing/advice. But he certainly did not say hire CG, did he---despite his claims that he would do so when the Bills picked him.


Jones and Cowher didn't want him when they had he chance to hire or support the hiring of CG.

As an interviewee, you also can decide where you want to interview, and if offered a job, whether you want to take it. It's not some major coincidence that Gailey only interviewed with NFL teams with whom he'd worked and who didn't fire him. Again my hot/crazy ex-girlfriend analogy fits Jerruh and the Cowboys to a T. Sounds good in theory, but somewhere in the world, someone is already sick of his/her spit.


Bill Cowher most certainly didn't recommend that the Steelers hire Tomlin. And even if he didn't recommend Gailey, he most certainly would have recommended Whisenhunt, yet the Steelers went with Tomlin. Obviously what Cowher said to them wasn't that important.


But I'm still curious as to why you think Jones lied when he said that his firing of Gailey was a mistake? Not that his word means anything. Just wondering why Jerruh would lie like that?

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I heard on AM 550 radio today an interview and - it might have been Tim Graham - the guy was saying how the elite coaches like Cowher, Shanahan, Gruden, wanted to go somewhere where there'd be stability for the rest of their coaching lives, potentially, and that was absent here. Also, the organization was in disarray, and we didn't have a QB. Summing it up, we weren't really in the running for one of the top three coaches.

I like the Gailey hire, though. I like Nix, and I like Edwards as our D.C. I think a big part of being a good coach is teaching, having assistants who teach, and having discipline - enough so that the guys respect you and the program - and having flexibility, adaptability. I think we've got all of those here.

I like Harbough in Baltimore. I like Rex Ryan in New York. I like Singletary in San Fran. Arizona's coach. There are some good coaches who are winning now, or placing their teams on the right track to succeed, and they aren't the old guys. I like that we have Nix as a GM - because this is his chance to leave behind a team as he would have made it. He's more than capable intellectually, and appears healthy - so, I think he's going to create a good group of players. And Gailey has had chances, and he's done well. He has shown enough that you want to give him a chance, that he deserves a chance, unlike Jauron who lost just about everywhere - save for that one season in chicago. Gailey is in a position to decide his fate. He can win here and become known as a really good coach. He'll have the players. He's done enough where if he wins here his NFL record will be one of winning and succeeding wherever he's been. If he loses, then all his past success will have astericks.

I think Gailey will win here. I think he's going to prove to everyone the other high profile coaches have nothing on him. He and Nix and Spiller will be soaking up the Bills fan's applause here soon enough - it might take a few seasons, but it'll start showing this year.

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As an interviewee, you also can decide where you want to interview, and if offered a job, whether you want to take it. It's not some major coincidence that Gailey only interviewed with NFL teams with whom he'd worked and who didn't fire him. Again my hot/crazy ex-girlfriend analogy fits Jerruh and the Cowboys to a T. Sounds good in theory, but somewhere in the world, someone is already sick of his/her spit.


Bill Cowher most certainly didn't recommend that the Steelers hire Tomlin. And even if he didn't recommend Gailey, he most certainly would have recommended Whisenhunt, yet the Steelers went with Tomlin. Obviously what Cowher said to them wasn't that important.


But I'm still curious as to why you think Jones lied when he said that his firing of Gailey was a mistake? Not that his word means anything. Just wondering why Jerruh would lie like that?


But Jones still meant it, otherwise he wouldn't have said it.


Do you still want me to answer this question?--seems you answered it yourself.


Jones tossed off a compliment to Gailey, big deal. When there came to correct this "biggest mistake", Jones didn't even interview the guy. Why can't you understand this. He wasn't asked to interview.


The two interviews Gailey got were obviously courtesy interviews, as both the Steelers (even with Cowher's endorsement) and the Fins were very familiar with Gailey's work and passed in favor of two guys with zero HC experience. You're chosing to ignore this inconvenient truth. Go figure......


And your analogy (hot girlfriend) is, as usual, misused. It would be more accurate to describe it as there are only 32 girls on the planet. A guy with Chan Gailey's level of attraction doesn't turn down a date with one of the hottest of the 32, just becuase she dumped him once--especially if she is rich and begging him to come back. It would never happen that way. You're stuck with stating, ridiculously, the contrary so.... nothing I can do to help you.

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But I'm still curious as to why you think Jones lied when he said that his firing of Gailey was a mistake? Not that his word means anything. Just wondering why Jerruh would lie like that?


Maybe Jerry Jones was being diplomatic and gracious when asked about the Bills hiring of Chan Gailey? Did you expect him to say that Chan Gailey was a bore and an incompetent who he was not going to entrust coaching his self described America's team?


In some aspects the NFL is one big fraternity. Protocol has it that you don't publicly trash those who you fired and those fired don't trash those who did the firing. If you don't play the NFL etiquette game the next job you seek will be difficult to come by.

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Do you still want me to answer this question?--seems you answered it yourself.


Jones tossed off a compliment to Gailey, big deal. When there came to correct this "biggest mistake", Jones didn't even interview the guy. Why can't you understand this. He wasn't asked to interview.


The two interviews Gailey got were obviously courtesy interviews, as both the Steelers (even with Cowher's endorsement) and the Fins were very familiar with Gailey's work and passed in favor of two guys with zero HC experience. You're chosing to ignore this inconvenient truth. Go figure......


And your analogy (hot girlfriend) is, as usual, misused. It would be more accurate to describe it as there are only 32 girls on the planet. A guy with Chan Gailey's level of attraction doesn't turn down a date with one of the hottest of the 32, just becuase she dumped him once--especially if she is rich and begging him to come back. It would never happen that way. You're stuck with stating, ridiculously, the contrary so.... nothing I can do to help you.

Yeah, Jerruh is in the habit of admitting mistakes, especially when "tossing off" unsolicited compliments of past head coaches. Where do you get this stuff?


Then again, maybe Gailey had a gun to Jerruh's head when he said it? Or maybe Gailey is dying and Jerruh felt he had to say something really nice, to the point of making himself look like a fool? You think maybe one day he'll admit he !@#$ed-up the 2006 CBA? Yeah, that's the ticket.


Jerruh probably wanted to interview Gailey but Gailey told him to take a hike. There are 31 other "pretty hot chicks" out there, so no need to go back with one you know is crazy and who dumped you for no good reason the first time around. Money doesn't buy happiness. Obviously.


Miami hired Parcells, who hired his own guy. The Steelers went with someone who had never worked for the organization before and who wasn't recommended by Cowher. Nothing to see here, move along.

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Yeah, Jerruh is in the habit of admitting mistakes, especially when "tossing off" unsolicited compliments of past head coaches. Where do you get this stuff?


Then again, maybe Gailey had a gun to Jerruh's head when he said it? Or maybe Gailey is dying and Jerruh felt he had to say something really nice, to the point of making himself look like a fool? You think maybe one day he'll admit he !@#$ed-up the 2006 CBA? Yeah, that's the ticket.


Jerruh probably wanted to interview Gailey but Gailey told him to take a hike. There are 31 other "pretty hot chicks" out there, so no need to go back with one you know is crazy and who dumped you for no good reason the first time around. Money doesn't buy happiness. Obviously.


Miami hired Parcells, who hired his own guy. The Steelers went with someone who had never worked for the organization before and who wasn't recommended by Cowher. Nothing to see here, move along.

The bolded parts sum up my response.


Also, nothing screams "white flag" more than tossing in the CBA.

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The bolded parts sum up my response.


Also, nothing screams "white flag" more than tossing in the CBA.

Fair enough doc. If you can find a quote by Jerruh where he said he didn't want to interview Gailey, I'll admit you win. In the (indefinite) meantime, I'll take the far more believable position that Gailey had been there/done that and didn't want to go through "that" all over again.


You lost the CBA argument years ago, doc. I just keep hammering you on it because you are obviously a masochist. But I used it to make a point that Jerruh doesn't casually "toss out" mea culpas like you fancy he does.

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Fair enough doc. If you can find a quote by Jerruh where he said he didn't want to interview Gailey, I'll admit you win. In the (indefinite) meantime, I'll take the far more believable position that Gailey had been there/done that and didn't want to go through "that" all over again.


You lost the CBA argument years ago, doc. I just keep hammering you on it because you are obviously a masochist. But I used it to make a point that Jerruh doesn't casually "toss out" mea culpas like you fancy he does.

You want me to prove JJ didn't call up CG??? Why (or how) would I do that?? Look, no where does it say that any of the 10 guys invited for interviews included CG. No where does it say that JJ claims CG turned down an interview.


YOU claim he did so---you prove it. You claimed he wasn't looking for an NFL HC job when you first claimed that CG didn't want to coach the Cowboys. When that proved to be factually incorrect, you made up your tortured "hot girl" analogy. When that didn't work, you simply declared that you felt "it was far more believable" that he would pass up a job with the Cowboys (and what might be his last chance to coach in the NFL) so he could return to the disgruntled boosters in Georgia Tech. Yeah, I could see why you would find that "far more believable"!


Keep it coming man!

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You want me to prove JJ didn't call up CG??? Why (or how) would I do that?? Look, no where does it say that any of the 10 guys invited for interviews included CG. No where does it say that JJ claims CG turned down an interview.


YOU claim he did so---you prove it. You claimed he wasn't looking for an NFL HC job when you first claimed that CG didn't want to coach the Cowboys. When that proved to be factually incorrect, you made up your tortured "hot girl" analogy. When that didn't work, you simply declared that you felt "it was far more believable" that he would pass up a job with the Cowboys (and what might be his last chance to coach in the NFL) so he could return to the disgruntled boosters in Georgia Tech. Yeah, I could see why you would find that "far more believable"!


Keep it coming man!

Again, Gailey was SO desperate to get back into the NFL, feeling his HC'ing mortality with every breath, that he didn't interview with SEVEN other teams looking for a HC? And the Dols and Steelers (who again were coincidentally 2 teams that didn't fire him, while Jerruh did) were "courtesy" interviews, but Jerruh wouldn't extend the same to Gailey, a guy to whom he "tossed out a compliment" in which he admits he was wrong in firing him the first time. No doc, there is need for me to prove anything further. You've unwittingly done it for me.

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Again, Gailey was SO desperate to get back into the NFL, feeling his HC'ing mortality with every breath, that he didn't interview with SEVEN other teams looking for a HC? And the Dols and Steelers (who again were coincidentally 2 teams that didn't fire him, while Jerruh did) were "courtesy" interviews, but Jerruh wouldn't extend the same to Gailey, a guy to whom he "tossed out a compliment" in which he admits he was wrong in firing him the first time. No doc, there is need for me to prove anything further. You've unwittingly done it for me.

Why didn't he interview with seven other teams? Hmmmmmm....that's a mind bender. Oh, wait---they didn't ask him to!


Yes, that's right--the two teams that didn't fire him did him the courtesy of an interview, despite having no intention of hiring him. The team that DID fire him, DIDN'T interview him.


See? You've finally figured it all out! Glad I could help.

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Why didn't he interview with seven other teams? Hmmmmmm....that's a mind bender. Oh, wait---they didn't ask him to!


Yes, that's right--the two teams that didn't fire him did him the courtesy of an interview, despite having no intention of hiring him. The team that DID fire him, DIDN'T interview him.


See? You've finally figured it all out! Glad I could help.

No, he didn't interview because he didn't want them. Because he wasn't desperate, like you laughably claim. Despite those big, bad GT boosters!


The funniest part is Jerruh hiring Wade Phillips, who in 8 years of head coaching, has just 1 playoff win. Which begs the question, why does anyone even care what Jerruh thinks or does?

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No, he didn't interview because he didn't want them. Because he wasn't desperate, like you laughably claim. Despite those big, bad GT boosters!

You're the one who is hooked on what JJ thinks!! YOu won't stop referring to it in fact. WTF?? hahahaha


Those big bad boosters tossed him out less than 12 months later---he knew what was coming, doc. You don't seem too clear on this.


The best part about your goofy rant is that you are under the impression that HC candidates in the NFL "chose" to interview by putting their name on a sign up sheet outside of the door of a team's front office.


Guess CG, by "signing up" to interview with the Steelers and the Fins, picked the only 2 teams that didn't want him--what a strange strategy!! But hey, he had that great job at GT, and 2 more seasons left on his contract, while he picked the next NFL teams to interview with, right


Tell me again why he didn't interview with the Bills before they picked DJ?

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I thought Gailey did a poor job with the offense at georgia tech. It seemed to me he was asking college players to run a pro-style offense. But for now, I will pretend Gailey is the answer to all of our prayers until he screws up.


Good post. I agree with everything except pretending someone is the answer. I am hoping he is one answer to many unanswered questions about the Bills...

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You're the one who is hooked on what JJ thinks!! YOu won't stop referring to it in fact. WTF?? hahahaha


Those big bad boosters tossed him out less than 12 months later---he knew what was coming, doc. You don't seem too clear on this.


The best part about your goofy rant is that you are under the impression that HC candidates in the NFL "chose" to interview by putting their name on a sign up sheet outside of the door of a team's front office.


Guess CG, by "signing up" to interview with the Steelers and the Fins, picked the only 2 teams that didn't want him--what a strange strategy!! But hey, he had that great job at GT, and 2 more seasons left on his contract, while he picked the next NFL teams to interview with, right


Tell me again why he didn't interview with the Bills before they picked DJ?

I said a dozen or so posts ago that what Jerruh said and did or didn't do has no bearing on anything. And frankly I don't care what he said about Gailey, other than the fact that he said it and obviously meant it.


Again, who cares about the boosters? Gailey knew that if he didn't get the job he wanted in the NFL, he could return, and if fired, would pocket $4M. Which he did. The horror!


Wait, are you claiming that a person who receives interview offers, can't choose where to accept them or not? Please tell me you're not saying this.


Why didn't the Bills interview Gailey back in 2006? Because he didn't want to interview with them?

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I said a dozen or so posts ago that what Jerruh said and did or didn't do has no bearing on anything. And frankly I don't care what he said about Gailey, other than the fact that he said it and obviously meant it.


Again, who cares about the boosters? Gailey knew that if he didn't get the job he wanted in the NFL, he could return, and if fired, would pocket $4M. Which he did. The horror!


Wait, are you claiming that a person who receives interview offers, can't choose where to accept them or not? Please tell me you're not saying this.


Why didn't the Bills interview Gailey back in 2006? Because he didn't want to interview with them?



Doc, give it up because Mr. Weo is eating you up alive...Enough of your bantering and just concede like a man.

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