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24 Kinds of Libertarians

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What would the Libertarians do about medicare if the American people actually put these clowns in power? How would they "get that government off our backs"?


Libertarians wouldn't have enacted medicare in the first place, wouldn't have expaded it (i.e. the prescription drug entitlement) and at this point would try to gradually dismantle it.


One of the biggest problems with broad entitlement programs is that people become dependent on them and it becomes hard to end them outright and they must be cut incrementally.

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Thus far libertarainism and Austrian economics according to Ludwig vom Mises and Freidrich Hayek have been dismissed for another round of Keynsian interventionism and monetary expansion. With the "stimulus bill" looking a lot like FDR's public works projects, and deficit spending all around we've taken an approach very similar to that of FDR during the first years of his administration. I forget, how did that work out again?

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Libertarians wouldn't have enacted medicare in the first place, wouldn't have expaded it (i.e. the prescription drug entitlement) and at this point would try to gradually dismantle it.


One of the biggest problems with broad entitlement programs is that people become dependent on them and it becomes hard to end them outright and they must be cut incrementally.

Yes,if it wasn't for medicare the elderly would never get sick


You guys are funny! :beer:

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Thus far libertarainism and Austrian economics according to Ludwig vom Mises and Freidrich Hayek have been dismissed for another round of Keynsian interventionism and monetary expansion. With the "stimulus bill" looking a lot like FDR's public works projects, and deficit spending all around we've taken an approach very similar to that of FDR during the first years of his administration. I forget, how did that work out again?

What got us out of the Great Depression? Do tell us!

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I don't know what you're going for here but you seem to be passionate about it, so whatever.


My feeling on taxes is probably not much different than most. We pay more than enough already. It's time for those who want to lead to make some tough decisions. That means cutting a whole lot of "uncuttable" things. DoD, SS, whatever. Nothing should be off the table.


The biggest issue with it is how many jobs go with each thing. They could easily cut DoD's budget by half and get almost exactly the same bang but that's not how it'd work because too many entities are "owed" when someone gets elected. Same with education, unions, energy, etc.


Until the American people wake the !@#$ up and realize that BOTH parties are COMPLETELY corrupt and need to be replaced, nothing is changing.

Oh, we haven't yet begun to pay. If last week's special on the History Channel has any truth to it (and I have no idea), get ready for a mess. If it is true that our infrastructure of interstate systems, sewage systems, etc.....are nearing the end of our lifespans, then expect taxes to go up, entitlements to disappear and rage to skyrocket as the economy sinks.


If anyone knows if there is truth to this, I would like to know- there was talk about how we can no longer just patch and put band aids on these things.

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Oh, we haven't yet begun to pay. If last week's special on the History Channel has any truth to it (and I have no idea), get ready for a mess. If it is true that our infrastructure of interstate systems, sewage systems, etc.....are nearing the end of our lifespans, then expect taxes to go up, entitlements to disappear and rage to skyrocket as the economy sinks.


If anyone knows if there is truth to this, I would like to know- there was talk about how we can no longer just patch and put band aids on these things.

Oh, there's plenty of truth to it.

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Yes,if it wasn't for medicare the elderly would never get sick


You guys are funny! :beer:


Well .. Medicare supplies the money to pay for care, not the care itself. In R'Houses fictional world people are able to pay for expensive late in life care by themselves. He's not really grounded in reality to realize all the problems and reasons Medicare was created in the first place.

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What got us out of the Great Depression? Do tell us!


FDR took office in 1933. In 1937 the US saw for the only time in history a deep depression on the heels of another deep depression. So what did 4 years of FDR's intervention, protectionism, and monetary expansion (all of which were basically extentions and expasions of Hoover, and I don't hear you singing his praises, but maybe that's because of the letter next to his name) result in?


When the US got involved in WW2 FDR turned away from his New Deal projects and made winning the war his top priority. When the war ended people were optimistic and without the meddling hand of government in everyone's face natural market forces ran their course and pulled the US out of the depression.


It's worth noting that the rest of the civilized world recovered much sooner than we did.


Yes,if it wasn't for medicare the elderly would never get sick


You guys are funny!


It's not a matter of them not getting sick. It's now set up that basically once you turn 65 you get on socialized medicine. I know that's a bit of an oversimplification, but the point is, you can have safety net measures for true indigents without making an across the board government entitlement that causes retirees to divert their funds into an inefficient government medical and retirement plan which is ssa and medicare.


Without these government hammocks, people would be, as they are now with younger generations who don't believe these entitlements will be around for them, more inclined to make arrangements to take care of themselves. And with the money they are forced to pay into the ponzi scheme they could generally provide for themselves much better access than medicare can.


You guys hate the opt out option because.... actually I can't figure it out. Why?

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as they are now with younger generations who don't believe these entitlements will be around for them, more inclined to make arrangements to take care of themselves.

Did you fund and perform that study all by yourself. You are making up data and claiming it as fact.

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Republican rule #1: War improves the economy.

Number 1: I'm not a Republican.

Number 2: WWII built America while tearing down every other competitor. I don't expect you to understand that simple concept because you're a fawning !@#$ing parasite who desperately needs to validate his moronic political opinion at the expense of reality.

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