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Ranking the presidents

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Jimmy Carter once killed a grizzly bear with his bare hands.

Actually, while true, it's not the whole story. You see, Carter brought the grizzly bear to near death. The bear managed to remain alive on life support until Reagan got into office, at which time the bear died and Reagan received all the credit.


But true historians know Reagan was only able to kill the bear because of the state of the bear he inherited from Carter.

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And no smiley face? Them's fighting words. Be prepared.


Here, the second emotocon I've ever used :beer:


I read about your last 50 posts and you took an awful lot of shots as compared to actually adding anything to the conversation.

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A couple things. The full list, I didn't see it posted but I haven't read all 6 pages.


Ranking Obama at #13 is ridiculous, whether you are a liberal or conservative. That puts him ahead of LBJ AND Reagan. LBJ certainly has more "landmark legislation" history if you're a liberal. Even the rigged Daily Kos polls show that less than 50% of us support the healthcare legislation.


Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge over GWB? Come on, really?


Um, yeah, Jimmy Carter ended inflation.


LBJ tends to get ranked low, because of Vietnam. Take that out, and his presidency looks much better.


Hoover over Junior is pretty damned funny.

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LBJ tends to get ranked low, because of Vietnam. Take that out, and his presidency looks much better.


Hoover over Junior is pretty damned funny.


Yeah, the Great Society was awesome. If only we had a few more entitlement programs it would be a virtual garden of Eden.

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