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Ranking the presidents

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I call Bullsquat as well :) . Look what the Left TRIED to do with Blanche Lincoln. If it wasn't for Clinton she would of been toast. And look who's talking, you are the exact same equivalent of the too far right, except you are of the left. There is no difference.


You have Progressives that are super to the left, then you have the moderate left, then independent, moderate right, then tea partiers. You guys also have your litmus test, and you damn well know it. So don't give me that right litmus test bull **** until you acknowledge that you have the same as well. For christs sakes, you called Obama a corporatist :unsure:


Since as I've posted that I don't like the Dems either what's your point- my point is that Nixon probably wouldn't make it as a Republican if he ran on the programs he has passed- if your argument is that Democrats suck too your not hurting my feelings my mission isn't to prove Democrats good just Republicans bad - or more accurately I think both parties are owned in order by 1. Big finance, 2. Military Industrial complex, 3. Big energy 4. Insurance/ Pharma tie 6.Big agribusiness, and while I think it's a higher percentage of Republicans on a functional level it doesn't matter.

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I said show inflation was 20+%



The simple fact was that most of Reagan's Presidency was spent un-Cartering, and laying the groundwork for un-LBJing, which is to say, un-!@#$ing, this country. When he took over, interest rates were at 20+%, and so was inflation. By the time Bush 1 left office, they were down to their lowest point in the preceding 20 years.


did I ask about interest rates?

Inflation was at 18%.... Not much of a difference is it?




As Jimmy Carter stepped before the television cameras in the East Room of the White House last Friday, his task was not just to proclaim another new anti-inflation program but to calm a national alarm that had begun to border on panic. Inflation and interest rates, both topping 18%, are so far beyond anything that Americans have experienced in peacetime—and so far beyond anything that U.S. financial markets are set up to handle—


Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...l#ixzz0sa0Sl8QU

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Shut up and mind your betters.


you may be my elder but certainly not my better. and in case you missed it.



I'll prefer Historical US Inflation Rate 1914-Present


inflation a high 13.6% but not 20+%




that Times article was from 1980, since when are they accurate about the numbers so close to the fact.

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you may be my elder but certainly not my better. and in case you missed it.



I'll prefer Historical US Inflation Rate 1914-Present


inflation a high 13.6% but not 20+%




that Times article was from 1980, since when are they accurate about the numbers so close to the fact.

Because Carter had been president for four years and inflation rose steadily? Good God you don't need a historical perspective to judge inflation. What was the price of a loaf of bread a month ago? $1. Today? $1.25. Inflation .Easy to Gage.

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Because Carter had been president for four years and inflation rose steadily? Good God you don't need a historical perspective to judge inflation. What was the price of a loaf of bread a month ago? $1. Today? $1.25. Inflation .Easy to Gage.


the number I got says 13.6% for the year, 1980 best Time article say 18% neither are 20+% which means he grabbed the number out of his memory or his butt- other people I wouldn't care but him he's a pain.

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the number I got says 13.6% for the year, 1980 best Time article say 18% neither are 20+% which means he grabbed the number out of his memory or his butt- other people I wouldn't care but him he's a pain.

I grabbed it out of memory, and it looks like I was wrong...by 2 points.


What remains to be seen is whether you want to dither around with 2-6 points, or, whether you want to argue that my overall point is inaccurate. Was Carter a good President because inflation was at 13-18% and his policies raised interest rates to 20%? Laughable. :unsure:


Carter failed because he listened to idiots. Obama is failing because he is listening to the same idiots. Clinton was ultimately successful, because he made a conscious decision to kick the same idiots to the curb after 1994.


He re-hired Dick friggin Morris for Pete's sake. Please explain why Clinton, "the progressive politician" hired a Republican attack dog and did almost 95% of what that attack dog told him, if "progressive ideas" were working out so well for him. After he hired Dick Morris, Clinton was in constant competition with Republicans to see who could implement their ideas faster.


Clinton's communications director George Stephanopoulos has said that "Over the course of the first nine months of 1995, no single person had more power over the president".



Is it your position that, if Clinton had been more like Carter, he would have done better?

Is it your position that if Obama is more like Carter, he will win a 2nd term?

Is it your position that Clinton did NOT use Reagan's supply side economic tactics, especially when it came to retraining our workers?

Come on now, no obfuscation, answer the questions.

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True, but he reformed Welfare and signed NAFTA into law, two great pieces of legislation, now tell me, is there any "progressive" that would even consider doing this?

Based on what was going on politically at the time? ALL of them would sign it, just like Mr. Clinton did. People seem to have memories of Mr. Clinton different from reality. He was an UBER-liberal when he campaigned but he had his hands tied once he got into office. The Dummycrats in Congress were even more disorganized than they are now and within 2 years had completely lost all momentum they had started with.

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Based on what was going on politically at the time? ALL of them would sign it, just like Mr. Clinton did. People seem to have memories of Mr. Clinton different from reality. He was an UBER-liberal when he campaigned but he had his hands tied once he got into office. The Dummycrats in Congress were even more disorganized than they are now and within 2 years had completely lost all momentum they had started with.

But he did it, and that's what counts. Part of being a good leader is changing direction when you know things aren't working out. We can debate what other people MAY or what they MAY not have done but the fact is that he did it, and it is a big part of the reason why in my view he had a perceived successful presidency. Listen, I've got my qualms with him, and there is plenty to criticize, he definitely has part ownership of this economic crisis that we are in, with his repeal of GS and push of (CRA). Not to mention his total lack of character he possesses in that he is an unfaithful husband.


Also, now that I think about it a little more, I disagree that ALL progressives would of signed those pieces of legislation, I would go as far as to say that less than 20% of progressives would of gone through with it. No way no how. I think what you are forgetting is that many of these people that are to the extreme left or right are idealogues, and most idealogues are held prisoners to their deep rooted philosophies, not to mention the special interests that support them.

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Because Carter had been president for four years and inflation rose steadily? Good God you don't need a historical perspective to judge inflation. What was the price of a loaf of bread a month ago? $1. Today? $1.25. Inflation .Easy to Gage.

Inflation had been a problem throughout the 70's, Carter is the one that ended it by appointing Paul Volker to the Federal Reserve, he cranked up interest rates to squeeze inflation out of the system and it worked. Reagan, the not so bright but well meaning all-American, got credit for that.

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Inflation had been a problem throughout the 70's, Carter is the one that ended it by appointing Paul Volker to the Federal Reserve, he cranked up interest rates to squeeze inflation out of the system and it worked. Reagan, the not so bright but well meaning all-American, got credit for that.

Carter ended it :devil:

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Also, now that I think about it a little more, I disagree that ALL progressives would of signed those pieces of legislation, I would go as far as to say that less than 20% of progressives would of gone through with it. No way no how. I think what you are forgetting is that many of these people that are to the extreme left or right are idealogues, and most idealogues are held prisoners to their deep rooted philosophies, not to mention the special interests that support them.

Given the political tide of the country and the relative spinelessness of political "leadership", you're quite likely VERY wrong on your percentage. The one thing every first term President wants is a second term. Mr. Clinton learned from GHWB and KNEW he didn't have the political capital to go against the Contract With America.

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So why was it then that Nixon had to impose wage and price controls to control inflation? Why was it that inflation reached double digits for the first time in history two years before Carter got in office? The inflation train derailed long before Carter and it would be wrong to blame Nixon or Ford for that. Sometimes free market dynamics happen. Nixon did the best he could to curb inflation and so did Carter. Neither was the cause though. And Reagan was far from the cure.

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