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Yeah, but that's when I was campaiging.

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He made a lot of excellent points during the campaign. Unfortunately, that's his gig. He can campaign.


He's no leader. He's can't govern. No one fears him. Few take him seriously. And his own staff and base are turning on him.


His comments in Toronto tell the whole story: "When I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step up, because I'm calling their bluff," the president said at a press conference during the G-20 summit in Toronto.


Yeah, yeah, we get it, Bammy. "Only a VAT can save us now, and if you don't agree, you're not the deficit hawk you claim to be."


In over your head, Bammy. Shut up. Lay low. And hope no one attacks our country, you worthless piece of crap.

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What's with the ghetto slang subtitle? He's never spoken like that in his life and you know it. Reasonable people can certainly disagree with the President, but I read that kind of crap and immediately tune out the message of the "speaker", since it sends a pretty clear signal of what their "real" problem with him is.....

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....and BTW, what a non-story this is, as per the following from it:


"To be fair to the president, the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform was created after the Senate failed to pass legislation establishing a bipartisan panel that would have been able to force up-on-down votes in Congress on deficit reduction measures. He pushed for the stronger panel before accepting the current commission, which has no enforcement power. "


The guy wanted to create a panel to actually force Congressmen to do something on deficit reduction measures, but, oh, no, can't have that--much easier to just criticize than actually make decisions you can be called on the carpet for (and that's directed at both parties).....

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What's with the ghetto slang subtitle? He's never spoken like that in his life and you know it. Reasonable people can certainly disagree with the President, but I read that kind of crap and immediately tune out the message of the "speaker", since it sends a pretty clear signal of what their "real" problem with him is.....

I had no idea that South Carolina was the ghetto...y'all.

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....and BTW, what a non-story this is, as per the following from it:


Every so often somebody on Off The Wall starts a thread about sayings, phrases, slang, etc that drive you nuts or you think are retarded


Next time somebody does one of those threads, remind me to add as per to the list

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....and BTW, what a non-story this is, as per the following from it:


"To be fair to the president, the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform was created after the Senate failed to pass legislation establishing a bipartisan panel that would have been able to force up-on-down votes in Congress on deficit reduction measures. He pushed for the stronger panel before accepting the current commission, which has no enforcement power. "


The guy wanted to create a panel to actually force Congressmen to do something on deficit reduction measures, but, oh, no, can't have that--much easier to just criticize than actually make decisions you can be called on the carpet for (and that's directed at both parties).....


Actually dickbag, the subtitle had nothing to do with his speech, but simply a comment on not wanting one's words brought back up.


As to your "to be fair..." give me a mfn break. Any excuse is a good excuse, right pal? This isn't even a big issue, it's just another example of this empty suit exposing his campaign persona for what it was. A bunch of hot air.

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What's with the ghetto slang subtitle? He's never spoken like that in his life and you know it. Reasonable people can certainly disagree with the President, but I read that kind of crap and immediately tune out the message of the "speaker", since it sends a pretty clear signal of what their "real" problem with him is.....

Settle down there Matty....You accusing of some sort of racism is just the same as the left accusing Bush for being stupid. There is no difference, other than the leftist media having ownership over this argument and accusation.

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