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Chargers shopping Vincent Jackson -AJ playing hardball

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Can we please stop the "oh we should go get (insert other teams starter name here) posts.


"According to the sources who have confirmed Jackson is available, the Chargers are not amenable to dealing pro bowl tackle Marcus McNeil; who will also hold out until week 11 because of a contract stalemate."


It's not going to happen so stop fantasizing! This is the Bills after all........

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It took Jackson until his 4th season before he broke out, and SD didn't have any other decent WR's during that time. Maybe the Bills should just stick with who they have and hope one of them pans out.

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To this date, I've been all about Chan & Buddy standing firm to build the Bills through the draft. I'm also enamored with the possibilities of our young, untested WR corp.




To add 2 Pro Bowlers immediately in 2 areas considered weakness is an intoxicating proposition.

Would you trade high picks & up & comers to nab both these guys?


It's my understanding that McNeil had been diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Yes? :thumbsup:

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Oh and i forgot to mention that we aren't exactly in a win now mentality like we were when old DJ was here. I am glad we aren't because that's when you make rash decisions and stupid moves.



I agree with that statement. How sad is that? Makes me frustrated as a fan.


Washington has/had pretty much the same 3 glaring weaknesses as us. No coach, weak QB, and No LT. Look what they've done. Now, I know that haven't had much success in the past....Wondering if their fans would accept/think we aren't exactly in a win now mentality?


That's the difference between a owner who wants to win at any cost vs an owner who has lost touch with winning....


The sad thing is we as fans can't really do anything about it. We are the one who suffer. The ones who continue to stick by our time despite the horrendous errors. I want to win so bad! Kinda makes me sick to my stomach...


Sorry for the rant. Just frustrated...

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To this date, I've been all about Chan & Buddy standing firm to build the Bills through the draft. I'm also enamored with the possibilities of our young, untested WR corp.




To add 2 Pro Bowlers immediately in 2 areas considered weakness is an intoxicating proposition.

Would you trade high picks & up & comers to nab both these guys?




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It's my understanding that McNeil had been diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Yes? :thumbsup:



That is true. I'm sure that plus the uncertainty of a lockout and lost year are holding up any long term money from the Chargers or a trade. McNeil has played without it bothering him but it does seem pretty risky to give him a huge payday.

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Vincent Jackson would be a nice addition, but they would want to much in a trade for him and he wants too much money. For the past few years, Lee Evans has been slammed on this board for lack of production. Over the 5 seasons that Evans has been a full time starter he has averaged 58 catches and 902 yards a season-with terrible quarterbacks, weak offensive lines and poor gameplans. Jackson has averaged, over his 3 years as a full time starter-56 catches and 962 yards, with a Pro Bowl quarterback, and one of the best teams and most explosive offenses in the AFC. I think if Evans was on those Charger teams his numbers would have been better than Jacksons, by quite a bit too. Not that Jackson wouldn't be nice, but if we give up the house for him, it may be like the Falcons giving up the estate for Peerless Price awhile back.



Very good analysis. I think you are right on. But we need an OT real bad

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Now why can his suspension be appealed and (probably) reduced, but Lynch's wasn't?


even worse, he's already been threatening to hold out on the Chargers. so this suspension basically guarantees it.


i also believe Lynch did appeal, but it wasnt reduced.

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Jackson and McNeil would definitely make the Bills a better team.


Unfortunately, I don't see the Bills signing either one of these guys. I feel like Chix wants to see how their young and untested receivers produce before bringing in new guys through trade/free agency.


For whatever it's worth, I think Steve Johnson is going to be a big time player for the Bills next year. After watching him play in college and for the Bills, I think he has the "it" factor.

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Conversely, Jackson's #s were probably held down because of the plethora of offensive talent in San Diego. They had the best RB and TE for years; without one or both of those guys, Jackson's #s might have been much higher.


But of course, I agree with your point about not overpaying. I don't want any player that can't be had at a price that is reasonable for his production.

I totally disagree. Jackson's numbers were probably significantly inflated due to the talent around him. Defenses were keying on LT and Antonio Gates. He would have 1 on 1 coverage with no safety help over the top. Even an average WR would be able to put up good numbers with the talent in SD. I am not sold that Jackson is any better than the receivers on our roster (not saying that he is not). I am all for the LT upgrade however.

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Something in the form of Lynch for Vincent Jackson (and/or whatever combo of picks are necessary to make that "equal") might make me happy. San Diego's backfield isn't exactly intimidating anymore, right?


I agree that trade would make a lot of sense for both sides. Who is their RB? Darren Sproles and who?

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Everybody's a stud if they don't play for the Bills.




Agree to disagree..


Jackson just got a 3 game suspension anyway.. think that pretty much screws up his value.

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Ill take McNiel, but you can keep Jackson.


Good football teams need top notch lineman. WRs come after the fact. We cant afford to get both of them. So I would only want McNiel


Notice though how both are holding out, but SD is only shopping Jackson. My bet is a quality organization like SD - whos team makes teh playoffs every year - knows this and runs their organization accordingly.

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