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What happened to LSD?

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Because the LSD trip is much more intense than doing a little blow or speed. Although LSD isnt physically addictive, for most people that use it, it is so intense you can't possibly do it very often without frying your brain. I had some friends I guess you could say, back about 15 years or so ago, that would take 6 to 10 hits of acid every few days, I **** you not, after a few months, when they would stop by the house, there would be an emptyness in their eyes. When we joked, they stayed quiet, as if there was nothing there.


What happened to these people eventually? I know if I took this stuff at any time in my life, I'd be howling at the moon right now..........I'd be Syd Barrett, Peter Green, etc. for sure.

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What happened to these people eventually? I know if I took this stuff at any time in my life, I'd be howling at the moon right now..........I'd be Syd Barrett, Peter Green, etc. for sure.

I dont know, I moved away from that city, even though I sometimes think about the very question. What happened to them?

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I dont know, I moved away from that city, even though I sometimes think about the very question. What happened to them?



I know a few very successful (and intelligent and funny) people who, according to them, lived on acid in their youth.


I shared a house off-campus in Albany my junior year of college, and the other guys used to regularly do acid and go play racketball (or squash...or racketball on a squash court). I joined once or twice, but acid was always a bit hard on me (not like mushrooms). Anyway, I'd like to know what became of those guys. I imagine they turned out OK, for the most part.

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I know a few very successful (and intelligent and funny) people who, according to them, lived on acid in their youth.


I shared a house off-campus in Albany my junior year of college, and the other guys used to regularly do acid and go play racketball (or squash...or racketball on a squash court). I joined once or twice, but acid was always a bit hard on me (not like mushrooms). Anyway, I'd like to know what became of those guys. I imagine they turned out OK, for the most part.


I think it's a roll of the dice (with very high stakes)...

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I think it's a roll of the dice (with very high stakes)...


No doubt. Particularly when regular and prolonged use is involved.


While acid and mushrooms aren't for everyone, I really believe you are missing something if you don't at least try tripping once or twice. Sometimes I meet a person with an extremely rigid view of what constitutes reality/truth and I think. "That person has never tripped."


But remember, kids, always trip safely. Make sure you are in a safe and comfortable environment and with people you know and completely trust. Having a guide who has been there before helps, too. And, when it all goes crazy (as it will) keep in mind, "It's just the drugs." Those people really aren't snakes and the guy across the street doesn't know you are tripping (and screw him if he does). Things will go back to some approximation of "normal".

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No doubt. Particularly when regular and prolonged use is involved.


While acid and mushrooms aren't for everyone, I really believe you are missing something if you don't at least try tripping once or twice. Sometimes I meet a person with an extremely rigid view of what constitutes reality/truth and I think. "That person has never tripped."


But remember, kids, always trip safely. Make sure you are in a safe and comfortable environment and with people you know and completely trust. Having a guide who has been there before helps, too. And, when it all goes crazy (as it will) keep in mind, "It's just the drugs." Those people really aren't snakes and the guy across the street doesn't know you are tripping (and screw him if he does). Things will go back to some approximation of "normal".


I couldn't agree more with both points.


But, Jesus, did that crack me up!

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While acid and mushrooms aren't for everyone, I really believe you are missing something if you don't at least try tripping once or twice. Sometimes I meet a person with an extremely rigid view of what constitutes reality/truth and I think. "That person has never tripped."


I have this uncanny ability to do that with glue sniffers....

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No doubt. Particularly when regular and prolonged use is involved.


While acid and mushrooms aren't for everyone, I really believe you are missing something if you don't at least try tripping once or twice. Sometimes I meet a person with an extremely rigid view of what constitutes reality/truth and I think. "That person has never tripped."


But remember, kids, always trip safely. Make sure you are in a safe and comfortable environment and with people you know and completely trust. Having a guide who has been there before helps, too. And, when it all goes crazy (as it will) keep in mind, "It's just the drugs." Those people really aren't snakes and the guy across the street doesn't know you are tripping (and screw him if he does). Things will go back to some approximation of "normal".

Spot on advice! :unsure:


I've done my share, and I've also guided many many people in their first time trying lsd, and I would always tell them what you just said Dean, "remember, when it get's crazy and it will, it's just the drugs". Amazing that you said that, because I literally have told people that on countless occassions.


Also to one of your other points, acid and mushrooms definitely isn't for everyone. I know of many people that tried it once, and said "that's not for me", like what Salvia was for me. But as you said, I absolutely believe it is a good thing for people to try it at least once, there is no doubt that it unlocks other parts of your brain that you would normally never use. Also, GENERALLY speaking, in certain circles, tripping with people and entering into that environment can help transform you into a more empathetic person, and has helped many introverted people I know become part of certain friendly communities, opening them up, giving them confidence, a sense of belonging that they may have never experienced, at least this is what I have seen through my experiences.


To go back to your previous post. It's one thing I believe to do acid often on a weekly or biweekly basis, it's another to do 6 to 10 hits every few days for an extended period of time. I really don't know what came of those kids, but I just remember thinking to myself, that something good wasn't going to come about. Hopefully I was wrong.

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To go back to your previous post. It's one thing I believe to do acid often on a weekly or biweekly basis, it's another to do 6 to 10 hits every few days for an extended period of time. I really don't know what came of those kids, but I just remember thinking to myself, that something good wasn't going to come about. Hopefully I was wrong.



I'm guessing people who did that much acid, that often, probably didn't have a whole lot left in the old brain gas tank. They likely ended up the unfortunate victims of their own insane experiment.

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Stay away from mirrors when you trip. You may feel the urge to self modify.


I no all you folks still thinking I am dropping... :D:P But the only time I tried it was about 25 years ago. I stayed that night at my brother's house in Elma, close to the 400... Where you can hear the traffic... I thought planes were landing... After the Dead show in 1987. It was a mixture of purple blotter and shroons. I don't kknow how the eff we got back to his house...?? He ended up on a bus drinking with Canadians and was ready to head up to Hamilton with them before he snapped into his senses... :flirt: You think I am indecisive now... That is one drug that brings it all out of you! :devil:

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Dont look for it anymore but a few years back in Northern California I had the purest acid ever. Mellow but strong and slept like a baby after 10 hours...then came to a few hours later still tripping.:devil:


Set and setting is everything. Back in 1989 we went to Hampton, Va. for the legendary "Dark Star" Dead shows. Took way too much acid but the scene was so serene and the band played so magnificently, that I had a wonderful time both days. Two days later in New Jersey it was the exact opposite. The lots were like a late 80's Altamont with security beating people senseless for the slightest infraction.


I decided to take some very potent mushrooms to "remove" myself from reality but the bad energy made my trip a tough one to say the least. Bobby morphed into an old woman in a rocking chair...Jerry seemed to be speaking right to me with the distorted way he was playing as if to say "you like to trip huh?...i got something for you"' and when I looked to Brent for some kind of psychic anchor....well..he looked more fried than me. Seeing people dancing in the hallways with dried blood and bandages from an earlier beating did not help. 95% of the shows I went to I had a blissful time when tripping...this was not one of them.


Sorry about the Dead tangent. Overall, my experiences with LSD were very positive. But I dont think you really need to do copious amounts to gain its full effect. I must say that it did make me a better person.

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Well as someone who is college age I can safely say that psychedelics have their audience. Its not the drug not having an audience as much as it is the supply because while the demand is there its just kinda hard for you to find it. Personally I have not done LSD but I do have an interest in it but I put my itch to try the drug on the back burner to try DMT but DMT is really hard to find as most people have no clue what the hell it is.

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Well as someone who is college age I can safely say that psychedelics have their audience. Its not the drug not having an audience as much as it is the supply because while the demand is there its just kinda hard for you to find it. Personally I have not done LSD but I do have an interest in it but I put my itch to try the drug on the back burner to try DMT but DMT is really hard to find as most people have no clue what the hell it is.


Hope you won't take it rectally:


Rectal AdministrationDMT can also be taken rectally. Dosage started at 200 mg without a MAOI. Effects last 2 hours.


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Well as someone who is college age I can safely say that psychedelics have their audience. Its not the drug not having an audience as much as it is the supply because while the demand is there its just kinda hard for you to find it. Personally I have not done LSD but I do have an interest in it but I put my itch to try the drug on the back burner to try DMT but DMT is really hard to find as most people have no clue what the hell it is.


Including me, what is DMT?

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Including me, what is DMT?

Here you go.


Here's Joe Rogans take on it:


It's called dimethyltryptamine. It's produced by your pineal gland. It's actually a gland [...] that's in the center of your brain. It's the craziest drug ever. It's the most potent psychedelic known to man. Literally. But the craziest thing [about it is that] it's natural, and your brain produces it every night as you sleep. You know, when you sleep, during the time you're in heavy R.E.M. sleep, and right before human death, your brain pumps out heavy doses of dimethyltryptamine. Nobody knows what sleep is all about. Nobody knows why dreaming is important. But dreaming is hugely important. If you don't dream, you'll go !@#$ing crazy and you'll die. While you're dreaming, while you're in heavy R.E.M. sleep, you are going through a psychedelic trip. And very few people know about this. But it's been documented.


There's a great book on it called DMT: The Spirit Molecule by a doctor named Dr. Rick Strassman. And he did all of these clinical studies at the University of New Mexico on it. And you take this ****, and literally you are transported into another !@#$ing dimension. I don't mean like, you feel like you're in another dimension. I mean you're in another dimension. [...] There's !@#$ing complex geometric patterns moving in synchronous order through the air all around you in three-dimensional space; and it's like they're arteries, except there's not blood pumping through them, there's !@#$ing light--pulsating lights with no boundaries. And you couldn't really understand it. And there's an alien communicating with me. There's a dude who looks like, like sorta like a Thai Buddha, except he's made entirely of energy and there's no, there's no, like, outline to him--he's just one thing. And he's concentrating on me, and he's trying to tell me not to give in to astonishment. Just relax, and try to experience this. And I'm like, 'You gotta be !@#$ing shi$in' me.' And I'm a stand up comedian, you know. 'Cos as a stand up comedian, we pride ourselves in being able to describe things. So I'm like, 'How the !@#$ am I gonna talk about this?!'


not quite my take on it, but....


Terrence McKenna's experience on it.

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Here you go.


Here's Joe Rogans take on it:

It's called dimethyltryptamine. It's produced by your pineal gland. It's actually a gland [...] that's in the center of your brain. It's the craziest drug ever. It's the most potent psychedelic known to man. Literally. But the craziest thing [about it is that] it's natural, and your brain produces it every night as you sleep. You know, when you sleep, during the time you're in heavy R.E.M. sleep, and right before human death, your brain pumps out heavy doses of dimethyltryptamine. Nobody knows what sleep is all about. Nobody knows why dreaming is important. But dreaming is hugely important. If you don't dream, you'll go !@#$ing crazy and you'll die. While you're dreaming, while you're in heavy R.E.M. sleep, you are going through a psychedelic trip. And very few people know about this. But it's been documented.


Man, the last thing I need is to have dream like things happen during the day.........I woke up this morning after a long dream involving OJ!

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anyone ever try salvia here? It is legal in CT- you can buy it at shops. It is by far the craziest drug I have ever tried. Very intense for 10 minutes or so- then back to normal in 20 minutes

Done it a couple times…trying to find a substitute for weed when I know a drug screen is possibly coming up within a few months.


It was mildly hallucinogenic/psychedelic for me. First time I bought it at the smoke shop and did a small hit before going into the supermarket. It was weird. One thing is that walking seemed funny…my quad muscles seemed particularly vigorous and I felt like I was "walking silly." My balance was a bit off. Also, the people in the store all seemed a bit physically distorted in terms of their facial features. Slightly grotesque. I remember being highly amused and thinking I must have had a ridiculous grin on my face.


Also there seemed to be some sort of spiral motion sensation going on which was accompanied by a noise which I can't really describe.


The second time was at a friend's cabin in the Sierra foothills. We were playing cards and I became a bit short tempered. The other stuff I mentioned before happened also, and my balance was especially off kilter. I almost fell once. Also, my hearing seemed distorted as noises that were far off seemed fairly close at hand.


Anyways, both times were interesting but not really pleasant. I smoke weed because it's a pleasant, mellow buzz which I enjoy. I'm not really into the novelty of tripping anymore. Seen too many burnt out hippies with the semi-vacant expression…as if someone took a melon scoop to a portion of their brains.

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