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Great NOVA episode tonight


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And out of all that sprang TSA. We're no safer now than we were before 9/11 but we're paying thru the nose to have these morons "protect" us at the Airport.

Just saw an ad in a NYC newspaper this morning looking for new TSA employees, starting pay for the part time job is $15-$23.

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Or were helped to pull it off. My understanding is that Bin Laden is/was our asset.


i dont think they were helped, i just dont think they were stopped.



And out of all that sprang TSA. We're no safer now than we were before 9/11 but we're paying thru the nose to have these morons "protect" us at the Airport.


could not agree more with a statement. its an absolute joke at it's best.

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anyone watch the episode? There are some serious privacy issues breached. The NSA is monitoring every phone conversation, every web posting, every email. Scary stuff


So is Google (other than phones -- for now), and I'd bet they are doing a hell of a lot more with the data than the NSA.


I think people have overblown the image of some guy literally reading your emails. I don't think that's what's happening unless your emails are triggering some combination of key words and you are emailing people in Pakistan frequently.

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