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54 people shot in a SINGLE WEEKEND

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Oh, Booster, I so agree,if only these people had a tax cut,things would have been ok. Governenment must have contributed to violence because violence never existed before liberal big governement. And if only the NRA uses this gun friendly court to get submachine guns legalized, things will only get better!



After all, banning a Thompson Submachinegun violates my second amendment rights, right? I have to defend myself, don't I?

God what a awipe. Don't defend yourself, please.

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Oh, Booster, I so agree,if only these people had a tax cut,things would have been ok. Governenment must have contributed to violence because violence never existed before liberal big governement. And if only the NRA uses this gun friendly court to get submachine guns legalized, things will only get better!



After all, banning a Thompson Submachinegun violates my second amendment rights, right? I have to defend myself, don't I?

Machine guns are already legal. They require a Class 3 FFL for ownership/possession, which can be had for about $500 a year. I can only hope that gets your ignorant, liberal, myna bird panties further into a wad.

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Machine guns are already legal. They require a Class 3 FFL for ownership/possession, which can be had for about $500 a year. I can only hope that gets your ignorant, liberal, myna bird panties further into a wad.

Why that's just wonderful!! Perhaps the Robert's court can just get rid of that silly requirement so every criminal that wants one to shoot up a school can get one. I'm sure the NRA is working on that right now. Thank God!

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...so every criminal that wants one to shoot up a school can get one.

So to recap your sarcastic tone, if we ban all guns and make every type of gun illegal, criminals who want to shoot up a school would be unable to get one.


Gee, have you told anyone else about this remarkable idea of yours? Sounds like a winner! B-)

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So to recap your sarcastic tone, if we ban all guns and make every type of gun illegal, criminals who want to shoot up a school would be unable to get one.


Gee, have you told anyone else about this remarkable idea of yours? Sounds like a winner! B-)

Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt.


Or something like that.

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Oh great, and we have wasted how many trillions of dollars trying to stop this sort of thing in Iraq and we can't even stop it here?? :thumbsup:


You know, if we just got government out of the way these things wouldn't happen. Right?


If we got government out of the way there, they might all shoot each other sooner.


The government is not going to resolve the inner city culture of crime, deceit, broken families, low productivity and consumption of taxpayer funded entitlement programs with existing policies. People have to change. The government, however, can help these people change by ending support for this lifestyle. When you fund schools and allow kids to quit you are suppporting a broken culture. When you fund welfare Mom's, extended unemployment benefits, low income housing, food stamps and free health care, you are promoting and supporting this crummy lifestyle. When you put people in jail and make it comfortable for them and don't do anything to rehab their attitudes and set them free into the same culture from which they originated, you are supporting this lifestyle.


Dems and libs are simply using these people to get re-elected by continualy offering "aid" which becomes the crutch on which they hobble. The helping hand of thhe government is anything but that. It's a destructive force that continues to grow.

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Why that's just wonderful!! Perhaps the Robert's court can just get rid of that silly requirement so every criminal that wants one to shoot up a school can get one. I'm sure the NRA is working on that right now. Thank God!

Here's a newsflash, Fido: Drugs are COMPLETELY illegal. They're also available in every school in America. Prohibition doesn't work and it never will. But I love your retarded strawmen. They continue to prove what a dolt you truly are.

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Here's a newsflash, Fido: Drugs are COMPLETELY illegal. They're also available in every school in America. Prohibition doesn't work and it never will. But I love your retarded strawmen. They continue to prove what a dolt you truly are.

Yes, but we wouldn't have the problem of drugs available to school kids if we didn't have guns available in the US to be smuggled into Mexico.


If we ban guns in the US, then Mexico couldn't smuggle them in, which means the drug cartels would be unarmed, which means the drug cartels would fail, and ergo, ipso facto such as...no more drugs would enter the US.


Geez, do I have to explain everything to you guys?

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Wasn't his "legendary" experience in community organizing the inner city streets of Chicago one of Obama's biggest selling points to becoming the President of the United States? Good thing for Obama that the idiots who voted for him didn't do their homework and look into the murder rate of Chicago. Yeah, America's in the ditch...but hey, our president is so cool!

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Clearly certain posters have no idea what the federal government's priorities are. We expect that they will do these thing IN ORDER, and if the we don't get to the lower priorities, that's too bad.


In order

1. National Defense, to include the defense of our borders

2. Law Enforcement across state lines

3. Diplomacy and Trade Protection with other countries(and the Native Americans)

4. Regulation of the banks and stock exchange

5. Not letting one state "piss in the river" upstream from another state.

6. Regulating/producing Energy

7. Ensuring we have enough food


33. The post office


Notice that SSN, Medicare, Medicaid and the Health Care abortion, don't make that list, neither does the DoE, or the rest of the foolishness. Democrats need to show us that Big Government can get back to doing 1-7 right, consistently, before I am willing to let them do anything else.


It's called a track record, and they have a piss poor one. They have embarrassed themselves by ignoring their top jobs, and somehow they have deluded themselves into thinking that things that aren't on that list are more important than the things that are.

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The facts aren't hard to find, but most of our liberal friends don't care one iota what the facts say.

They adopt some cause based on plausible logic, and when the facts fly in the face of their theory they attack the messenger. Truth hurts I guess.


If the facts aren't hard to find, you should try finding some. That link is nonsense.

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"Appleton, Wisconsin - Darrell Voeks was arrested for stealing $100,000 worth of farm pigs to pay for breast implants for his favorite stripper at a local club. He was sentenced to ten years in prison."



Must be WisconsinBillzFans fault.

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