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TV Suggestions Needed


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I concur that plasma is the only way to go, unless you will be putting it in a room where light will fall directly on the screen. That is the only drawback to a plasma, outside of slightly higher power consumption. And I also concur that Panasonic is the way to go (have a 58" Panny myself).

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I have my eye on the Panny 50" G25. I waiting for the price to fall by a coupla hundred bucks before I go for it. I hoping tv prices fall in august as most things do as kids get ready to go back to school. I love that manufacturers are pushing 3-d and leds real hard.....dropping plasma prices everyday.

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i just looked at Best Buy's website and cant believe how much prices have dropped on really good TVs.


the updated version of the TV i paid $1600 for (and was happy to do so as it is a GREAT TV), is now $999. You can get the 50" version for $1300.


definitely no need to spend anywhere close to $3000.

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