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Why do libs need to control the corporations?

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Uhm... stop watching TV, it makes you stupid.



If even half of your previous sentence was true, I would agree with your sarcasm. Fox News lied to you straight up, and you drank if down like a child at a Jim Jones sermon.


Hey Sunshine, I suppose those tapes were all made up? All the reports of ACORN election fraud are false? Again, typical morally bankrupt, intelligence challenged little wussy lib living in his made up world of rainbows and unicorns decides to pop his head out of his hole long enough to make a snarky little remark before going back into hiding.

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Hey Sunshine, I suppose those tapes were all made up? All the reports of ACORN election fraud are false? Again, typical morally bankrupt, intelligence challenged little wussy lib living in his made up world of rainbows and unicorns decides to pop his head out of his hole long enough to make a snarky little remark before going back into hiding.

Does anybody care that ACORN was founded for the express purpose of organizing Welfare recipients to become politically active, so that they could demand even MORE Welfare benefits? Seriously, WTF? They can't bring themselves to go get jobs, but, they can bring themselves to organize and get free money?


Does anybody care that the ACORN founders themselves are so morally bankrupt, that they embezzled money from this organization they created, whose sole purpose is to corrupt the political process? My evidence is incontrovertable: they got arrested, and have been indicted for voter fraud in 15+ states.


The videos are embarrassing, I get it.


But, why in the hell is that more important that the ludicrous premise this organization is based on, or, the obvious, and consistent malfeasance of the people that run it? Lock them up, cut their funds permanently and never pay tax dollars to ridiculous people like this ever again. Problem solved. Time to move on to the next one.

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Does anybody care that ACORN was founded for the express purpose of organizing Welfare recipients to become politically active, so that they could demand even MORE Welfare benefits? Seriously, WTF? They can't bring themselves to go get jobs, but, they can bring themselves to organize and get free money?


Does anybody care that the ACORN founders themselves are so morally bankrupt, that they embezzled money from this organization they created, whose sole purpose is to corrupt the political process? My evidence is incontrovertable: they got arrested, and have been indicted for voter fraud in 15+ states.


The videos are embarrassing, I get it.


But, why in the hell is that more important that the ludicrous premise this organization is based on, or, the obvious, and consistent malfeasance of the people that run it? Lock them up, cut their funds permanently and never pay tax dollars to ridiculous people like this ever again. Problem solved. Time to move on to the next one.


And that Obama has had close ties with this bunch of chumps says all we need to know about our commander in chief.

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And that Obama has had close ties with this bunch of chumps says all we need to know about our commander in chief.


No, we know there isn't any evidence against them. It's all made up just to embarass the Chosen One. It is all a witch hunt by Faux News promulgated by the evil Bush and Cheney regime.

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No, we know there isn't any evidence against them. It's all made up just to embarass the Chosen One. It is all a witch hunt by Faux News promulgated by the evil Bush and Cheney regime.

I'd just like to thank the Senior Advisor who went on the Daily Show yesterday and spent about half his interview blaming the previous administration for pretty much everything. That was refreshing. :flirt:

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I'd just like to thank the Senior Advisor who went on the Daily Show yesterday and spent about half his interview blaming the previous administration for pretty much everything. That was refreshing. B-)

Will it ever end?

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