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Biden's Sunset on America speech

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Especially when former Senators Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc. don't seem to consider themselves to be part of the reason we got into a mess in the first place.

Reminds me of one of Obama's lines after picking Biden as VP. Obama said something along the lines that Biden has been bringing change for over 30 years ;)

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Especially when former Senators Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc. don't seem to consider themselves to be part of the reason we got into a mess in the first place.

While I'm new to focusing on the marketing side of politics, there's something about this that is putrid beyond the partisan stuff. Yeah, you get it. I don't like Obama. As Archie Bunker would say "Big whoop-de-doo."


But partisan stuff aside, I'm NOT tired of the "I inherited this" crap because they're liberals. I'm tired of of it because, honestly, at some point...no matter who you are or what job you were hired to do...you need to nut up and shut up. Think of the employee who constantly whines that the reason they can't do their job well is because the person they're replacing was just too incompetent for words. It's impossible to express how much I despise that type of personality....Republican, Democrat, whatever.


At some point you need to nut up and shut up, or get the hell out of the way so someone who CAN nut up can get the job done.

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You know there is something called muscle memory. You do the same task over and over and your body takes over from your mind. If BO wins a 2nd term, will they still blame the previous administration? Like Peter Sellers uncontrollably lifting his right arm in the air and yelling Mein Fuhrer?

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Joe rates pretty low on the inspiration meter.

Actually his inspirational factor matches the motivational factor of his political base very well.

He's working very hard to expand the largess of eliminating Federal income taxes to more than the 47% that currently don't pay them. That's a lot of 98.7s with very little skin in the game. Welcome to the transformation, America.

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While I'm new to focusing on the marketing side of politics, there's something about this that is putrid beyond the partisan stuff. Yeah, you get it. I don't like Obama. As Archie Bunker would say "Big whoop-de-doo."


But partisan stuff aside, I'm NOT tired of the "I inherited this" crap because they're liberals. I'm tired of of it because, honestly, at some point...no matter who you are or what job you were hired to do...you need to nut up and shut up. Think of the employee who constantly whines that the reason they can't do their job well is because the person they're replacing was just too incompetent for words. It's impossible to express how much I despise that type of personality....Republican, Democrat, whatever.


At some point you need to nut up and shut up, or get the hell out of the way so someone who CAN nut up can get the job done.

Politicians, from my perspective, always seem to blame the current problems on their predecessors and take credit for anything positive, regardless of their affiliation. It's always amazing to me how far back they'll go to lay the blame on the predecessor (decades if necessary) and how incredibly myopic they are in claiming credit.

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While I'm new to focusing on the marketing side of politics, there's something about this that is putrid beyond the partisan stuff. Yeah, you get it. I don't like Obama. As Archie Bunker would say "Big whoop-de-doo."


But partisan stuff aside, I'm NOT tired of the "I inherited this" crap because they're liberals. I'm tired of of it because, honestly, at some point...no matter who you are or what job you were hired to do...you need to nut up and shut up. Think of the employee who constantly whines that the reason they can't do their job well is because the person they're replacing was just too incompetent for words. It's impossible to express how much I despise that type of personality....Republican, Democrat, whatever.


At some point you need to nut up and shut up, or get the hell out of the way so someone who CAN nut up can get the job done.

America doesn't elect politicians to "Get the job done." They prefer things with short lived entertainment value.......Which is what caused most of the problems we have now- short lived entertainment, short term profits, etc.....

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I am telling you: it's only a matter of time before these clowns start blaming the American people, instead of coming to terms with the fact that their old ideology, and the same old mechanisms, simply don't work.


Literally, we are about 3-6 months away from Jimmy Carter's "Crisis of Confidence" speech.


Here's the simple point that neither he, and the rest of the far-left still don't understand: American's don't lack confidence in themselves, or each other. Americans don't lack confidence in our system of government, or our traditional economic policies.


Americans simply lack confidence in YOU, Jimmy(soon to be Obama), and your retarded ideology. You cannot force Americans to be economically equal, because they will never be, and what makes them unequal is inherent and unique to them. You cannot force people to treat all people the same, because, they don't produce the same. And finally, you cannot base your expectations on everybody producing the same, and making the same good choices, or bad ones, because they simply won't. This world has winners and losers, and as painful as it is to see the losers, we cannot wish them away, or implement a massive government "anti-losing" program, because neither will get real results.


No! The blame here lies with the far left, as usual. As we see with the economy, all their wonderful rhetoric produces 0 real results. They either have nothing, or, they have unicorns and rainbows, and neither has a chance at providing real results.


Wishing things weren't they way they are/spending money we don't have '= real results....but we are sure to see a lot of that, and then of course, get told it's our fault when they don't work. Perhaps if we just wished/spent a little more, we'd see something happening. :)

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